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  1. #2

    Default Re: Patriot Riders Video

    Thanks for posting.

  2. Default Re: Patriot Riders Video

    Its an emotional video. I just sat there in total silence without knowing what was said and it still got to me.

  3. #4

    Default Re: Patriot Riders Video

    I attended the funeral of Lt Leehan yesterday as a member of the PGR. I usually do a write up on the mission for a motorcycle group I belong to, this is what I wrote.

    The services for 1st Lt Damon T. Leehan went well but lasted longer than anybody expected. The estimated number of people attending was about 1500. The PGR got there early and set up the flags and formed an honor line when Damon's casket was taken from the hearse and into the church. We then formed a dual line at the front and rear entrance to the church and opened the doors for mourners as they arrived and as they left. When Lt Leehan's casket was brought out of the church another honor line was formed and proper salutes were given while being loaded back into the hearse by the Army honor guard.

    We then mounted up for the 20 mile ride to the cemetery. The procession was lead by 18 Police motorcycles and two highway patrol cars, plus two news helicopters that hovered at the Church and followed us all the way to the cemetery but had the decency to leave as the gravesite services started. The Highway Patrol shut down southbound I35. I would estimate the number of PGR bikes to be around 150. It was a good turnout for a weekday. I was impressed with the way the LEO speed ahead of the procession and blocked every entrance ramp to the interstate until we passed. The services at the cemetery went well and had the full military honors with the 21 gun salute and taps.

    Thank you 1st Lt Damon T. Leehan for your service and sacrifice for our country, you will not be forgotten.

    Services for Oklahoma Army National Guard 1st Lt. Damon Leehan will be at 10 a.m. Thursday at Henderson Hills Baptist Church in Edmond.
    Burial will be in Resthaven Memory Gardens in Oklahoma City.

    “Anyone that wants to come is welcome. The graveside will be open to everyone as well,” said Leehan's sister-in-law, Tiffany Nance.

    Leehan, 30, was killed Aug. 14 when a homemade bomb struck the vehicle in which he was riding, the Department of Defense reported. He served as a platoon leader with Company A, 1st Battalion, 179 Infantry Regiment, 45th Infantry Brigade Combat Team based in Edmond, military officials said.
    Leehan is survived by his wife, Audrey Leehan, 29, and two children, Emma, 4, and Ethan, 1, Nance said. The Leehans were expecting to celebrate their sixth wedding anniversary Sept. 17.


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