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  1. #1

    Default Old People Hogging Jobs!

    I might ruffle some feathers with this post:

    There are too many people from the baby boom generation holding entry-level jobs. Is it just me or do other people notice that when you go to the dentist/doctor office, insurance company, etc...that entry-level jobs are vastly being manned by people over their 50's even 60's?

    I mean seriously, you're 50 years old and still a secretary!? It seems to me that many entry-level positions at companies are being held by this generation, and not making way or job opportunities for the younger work force. A lot of jobs that are currently held by this generation can easily be held by young adults fresh out of college looking for work.

    For example, at my present employer University of Oklahoma, my supervisor is over 60 years old, which that is not the problem. The problem is that he worked for for DHS for 20 years and is retired from DHS. But decided that he wanted more money, and realized if he worked for OU for 5 years, they will retire him to. He also brought another man with him who retired from DHS, and his working here just until his 5th year so OU can retire him, and he can earn and extra monthly paycheck. This stuff is absurd when you have young professionals fresh out of college looking for work but their opportunities are limited because some people just want to be greedy? I am sure this situation is not unique to my employer, but is common across the metro and state.

    Could this be the true indicator how strong Oklahoma' economy really is? So strong that people in their 50's and 60's have to join back into the work force to make extra money just to make ends meet?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    I might ruffle some feathers with this post:

    There are too many people from the baby boom generation holding entry-level jobs. Is it just me or do other people notice that when you go to the dentist/doctor office, insurance company, etc...that entry-level jobs are vastly being manned by people over their 50's even 60's?

    I mean seriously, you're 50 years old and still a secretary!? It seems to me that many entry-level positions at companies are being held by this generation, and not making way or job opportunities for the younger work force. A lot of jobs that are currently held by this generation can easily be held by young adults fresh out of college looking for work.

    For example, at my present employer University of Oklahoma, my supervisor is over 60 years old, which that is not the problem. The problem is that he worked for for DHS for 20 years and is retired from DHS. But decided that he wanted more money, and realized if he worked for OU for 5 years, they will retire him to. He also brought another man with him who retired from DHS, and his working here just until his 5th year so OU can retire him, and he can earn and extra monthly paycheck. This stuff is absurd when you have young professionals fresh out of college looking for work but their opportunities are limited because some people just want to be greedy? I am sure this situation is not unique to my employer, but is common across the metro and state.

    Could this be the true indicator how strong Oklahoma' economy really is? So strong that people in their 50's and 60's have to join back into the work force to make extra money just to make ends meet?
    Every time I see someone over 50 in an entry level job, I automatically think they were probably laid off from another job and entry level is all they can get. For every person over 50 in an entry level job, there are 10 who are unemployed because coroporations automatically put applications from those who currently unemployed in File 13.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    damn those old people loosing all they had or not able to afford to retire because of several different messed up reasons this nation has done to its citizens.. A lot of people now have to work until the day they die.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Nobody at any age wants to stay in an entry-level job.

    And hanging on to receive retirement benefits is very wise with people living longer and rising health care costs. Very few people have the opportunity to get pensions and/or extended benefits these days and it's extremely valuable.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    Nobody at any age wants to stay in an entry-level job.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Most likely these people are retired from other jobs. After my father-in-law retired he worked several minimum wage jobs just to have something to do. They don't require any specific skills or training, have flexible hours, and don't mind people who only want to work 3 or 4 hours a day - which is great for older people. Plus, these people will actually show up for work on time and won't steal from the cash register.

    Here is a little story I like:

    WAL-MART SENIOR GREETER You just have to appreciate this one.
    Young people forget that we old people had a career before we retired......

    Charley, a new retiree-greeter at Wal-Mart, just couldn't seem to get to work on time.
    Every day he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a good worker, really tidy,
    clean-shaven, sharp-minded and a real credit to the company and obviously demonstrating
    their "Older Person Friendly" policies.

    One day the boss called him into the office for a talk.

    "Charley, I have to tell you, I like your work ethic, you do a bang-up job when you finally get here;
    but your being late so often is quite bothersome."

    "Yes, I know boss, and I am working on it."

    "Well good, you are a team player. That's what I like to hear.”

    “Yes sir, I understand your concern and I’ll try harder.”

    Seeming puzzled, the manager went on to comment, “It's odd though your coming in late.
    I know you're retired from the Armed Forces. What did they say to you there if you
    showed up in the morning so late and so often?"

    The old man looked down at the floor, then smiled. He chuckled quietly, then said with a grin,
    "They usually saluted and said, ‘Good morning, Admiral, can I get your coffee, sir?"

  7. #7

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    [QUOTE=Just the facts;459824]Most likely these people are retired from other jobs. After my father-in-law retired he worked several minimum wage jobs just to have something to do. They don't require any specific skills or training, have flexible hours, and don't mind people who only want to work 3 or 4 hours a day - which is great for older people. Plus, these people will actually show up for work on time and won't steal from the cash register.

    Don't hang me from the yardarm, but. . . IF you're working "just to have something to do", there are a multitude of agencies/groups/associations that desparately need dedicated volunteers. And, believe me pls, you will have a more meaningful experience and reap far more than the monetary rewards a minimum wage job will provide.

  8. Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    If you are on retirement from the state and you decide to go get another job your retirement should be either cut off completely or scaled back dramatically. not fair to the taxpayer.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    If you are on retirement from the state and you decide to go get another job your retirement should be either cut off completely or scaled back dramatically. not fair to the taxpayer.
    Are you talking about SS or retirement?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    This is due to a combination of factors, really: lack of long-term retirement planning, changes in the structure of retirement (e.g., corporations no longer providing a once-expected pension), and, as Pete noted, increased life expectancy and health care. It's encouraging that theses folks still show gumption and want to work for their livelihood, rather than to rely on the state or charity. And worthy cook, we have to honor the contracts we made with workers regarding retirement. It would be unfair to pull the rug out from under them once they hit retirement.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    I don't think I understand why someone should give up an earned retirement simply because they choose to work at another place. In my forty-five years of working I could have earned several retirements from private companies. Of course, none would be a lot of money if I simply worked till I was vested, but I would need them all to survive in my retirement years.
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by worthy cook View Post
    If you are on retirement from the state and you decide to go get another job your retirement should be either cut off completely or scaled back dramatically. not fair to the taxpayer.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    yeah but a lot of younger people like to live off the state, at my job a young man close to my age in the mid 20s told me that he only wants to work so many hours or he will lose his food stamps and extra money he gets from the state!!! There is alot of young people out there that can work, but they do not want to, so i wouldnt blame the elderly workers for taking the younger workers jobs!!! Trust me i see and hear it at my job every day

  13. #13

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    I think the mandatory age for "retirement" in this clip is about 30.

    I think it would be interesting to hear the song the OP is singing in about 40 years.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    If we're talking about increasing the age at which one can collect social security, this is going to continue to be an issue. And I think we should increase the age. I would say, however, that people 62 and older who are working are also putting more money into the economy than they would were they only drawing social security. They therefore help with job creation for younger people. And, if you're not drawing social security, people who are older need jobs just as much as the younger. They too need to feed their families, even if it is only a spouse and pets.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    So . . . How about, instead of "Goobacks" . . . "Graybacks"?
    (You might want to turn down the volume.
    Or turn it up . . . If you are Oooooold. =)

    I suppose that a big question here might be how many people in jobs like DHS and/or OU can the public teat nourish before it runs dry.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Well, the young generation may have to work until they die since Social Security will probably not be around. At my work, we had "forced retirements", but no money to hire new employees. Now each person has more work and less pay.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    What IS an entry-level job at a doctor or dentist or physical therapy office? Does one rise up through the ranks? I just don't understand that at all.

    Women my age grew up with segregated help-wanted ads. Nurse, teacher, secretary, and the good old "Gal Friday - energetic and attractive." Engineers and doctors and dentists and insurance folk were men. By the time the possibilities were opened to these women most of them had families and responsibilities. Besides, not everyone wants to be doctor/dentist/engineer. I was a most excellent secretary for 40 years and of great beneft to my employers. I resent your implications.

    I definitely agree that many older folk are working at anything they can find. When you go to McDonald's and see a 70-year old woman working the evening shift do we say "Get out of there and make room for young people?" Maybe they would rather be at home resting their weary bodies but they are alone and need extra income?

    If you put in the years with the state and you earn your retirement it is yours. You did the work. What the heck business is it of Joe Taxpayer if you get another job? Are retired people relegated to the back porch forever?

    I just don't understand why everyone is so hyped up about living longer. It seems all it brings you is blame. "Greedy Geezers" and the dreadful Fox headline "OK, old folks, start your whining!" The old folks are the "Greatest Generation" twice a year when we drag them out of the nursing home and parade them. The rest of the year they are Greedy Geezers stealing money. I read the other day that 95% of women over 80 are alone and Social Security is their only source of income. They must be terrified.

    America is rapidly becoming a very ugly place. More and more I hope I don't grow old here. And no, I don't mean I want to move.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Sorry for any typos. I am quite annoyed and my fingers get away from me. Beebleberries.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    I mean seriously, you're 50 years old and still a secretary!? It seems to me that many entry-level positions at companies are being held by this generation, and not making way or job opportunities for the younger work force. A lot of jobs that are currently held by this generation can easily be held by young adults fresh out of college looking for work.
    You went to college so you could get an entry-level, non-degree job? Seriously?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Quote Originally Posted by TaoMaas View Post
    You went to college so you could get an entry-level, non-degree job? Seriously?
    That certainly isn't the goal, but it can be the reality of the situation. In my field, employers are posting for entry-level, minimum wage type positions and want college degrees, training, several years of experience etc etc etc. Not talking rocket science or brain surgery either.

    On the other hand "entry-level" isn't intended to be made as a life long career position. Especially if you are in between employers, you have to start off at the bottom again just to get hired. When I was employed and unavailable for interviews (was only back in OKC on the weekends), I had all sorts of interest. Once I severed employment and was available, hardly any interest at all. Was unemployed for several months. Fianally got on through a temp agency and was hired by a place that I had interviewed applied to twice and interviewed once (was told I was over qualified and I would be bored). Ended up staying there just over 10 years. That has been my experience (your mileage may vary).

  21. Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    I have heard/seen the sweetheart deals that the firefighters, teachers, police, state workers, ect get when they retire and it's almost mindboggling. As a taxpayer, it is a slap in the face when they have this great deal going for them and like the OP said go for for another state agency for the minimum time period just to get MORE money. I'm not sitting here saying it's going to make you a milionaire but I was taught at a young age to set aside money whenever I got to go into savings so I don't have to depend on SS (which will be gone by the time i reach that age) or a monthly check just to get by when I reach that age.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Sometimes planning for retirement does not work. Hubz and I had 401ks, not big ones as we never rose up through the ranks to become engineers, but we had them. Unfortunately, when I had the colossal nerve to survive Stage 4 breast cancer in 1991my health insurance was cancelled and I could not buy another policy for love nor money. When osteoradionecrosis took over my life in 1996 we had to cash the 401ks in to raise SOME of the money it took to fix me. Even then it took 2 horrible horrible years before we could afford to pay. When the oral surgeon said I might lose my jaws anyway but "Not to worry! They can be replaced!" I said "You might as well shoot me now. I can't afford to replace my jaws." Life has many twists and turns and things are not always as they appear.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    The days of retiring and walking away from employment is becoming a thing of the past. Most older Americans are working entry level jobs because it's something to do. I will probably be the same way when I retire. The art of being a workhorse is in my bloodline. Both of my Grandfathers worked until they were forced into retirement because health conditions. Even after forced retirements, both have taken on odd jobs and temp jobs just to get out of the house. I always heard "It's not about the money, it's about staying busy to keep out of trouble."

  24. #24

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Could this be the true indicator how strong Oklahoma' economy really is? So strong that people in their 50's and 60's have to join back into the work force to make extra money just to make ends meet?
    I didn't know being in my 50's counted as being an old person. Unless you're a complete idiot and forgot the past few years we had something called an economic crisis and many good hard working people lost the money in their retirement and now will be forced to work long past the age they planned on retiring. I'm sorry if this has forced them into an entry level job making minimum wage upsets your goal of getting an entry level job.....
    Last edited by Roadhawg; 08-17-2011 at 01:25 PM. Reason: Took out calling him a jackass

  25. #25

    Default Re: Old People Hogging Jobs!

    Not to mention hundreds of my friends/work acquaintances that lost their jobs in the 2006-2007 period before the economy problems. Cut by the new owners of Hertz without regard to age and a lot of them were in there fifties. I actually don't have a lot of friends that want to work after retiring. I have been retired since 2004 and I enjoy my freedom, whether it's traveling or just hanging out.
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by Roadhawg View Post
    I didn't know being in my 50's counted as being an old person. Unless you're a complete idiot and forgot the past few years we had something called an economic crisis and many good hard working people lost the money in their retirement and now will be forced to work long past the age they planned on retiring. I'm sorry if this has forced them into an entry level job making minimum wage upsets your goal of getting an entry level job.....

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