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Thread: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

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  1. #1
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    I like coffee.

    Coffee is indefinitely more than a beverage that awakens one from his
    slumber. When prepared properly, it can befit the flavorful and refined
    qualities of an aged wine or whiskey. The purpose for drinking coffee
    is to enjoy the intoxicating aroma and taste of which nothing else can

    Favorite bean? Peruvian Organic from Coffee Dan's in OKC!

    Favorite brewing method? French press with 3 tablespoons of coffee
    per large cup. Approx. 10oz. 4 minutes and no longer. Start the
    time when the water is poured!

    Favorite water temperature? 93.3 Celsius (200 Farenheit).

    Favorite grind? 4 notches to the left of Medium using a
    Cuisinart burr grinder.

    Favorite emergency cup? McDonald's (27 cents) and pretty good!

    Next favorite? Starbucks Cafe Americano. Make sure there's
    enough espresso before driving off!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    The Keurig coffee maker has been the best invention for me. It takes the guess work out of making coffee. I'm a one cup of coffee person who doesn't need anything more than 8oz. in the morning. Still waiting for Dunkin' Donuts to release their K-cups.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

  4. #4
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brett View Post
    The Keurig coffee maker has been the best invention for me. It takes
    the guess work out of making coffee. I'm a one cup of coffee person
    who doesn't need anything more than 8oz. in the morning. Still waiting
    for Dunkin' Donuts to release their K-cups.
    Keurig is a good maker. Very neat and clean! We've thought about
    getting one. There's an insert for adding your own coffee but that
    defeats the purpose of not having a cleanup.

  5. Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brett View Post
    The Keurig coffee maker has been the best invention for me. It takes the guess work out of making coffee. I'm a one cup of coffee person who doesn't need anything more than 8oz. in the morning. Still waiting for Dunkin' Donuts to release their K-cups.
    Love my Keurig. Dunkin Donuts K cups are now available at their stores. The Dunkin Dark is hard to beat.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Thanks for the tip Bostonfan! I went out and picked up a box of Dunkin' Donuts K-cups this weekend.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Interestingly enough (to me, anyway), I can't stand the taste of coffee, but it is absolutely one of my favorite smells! I love the smell of coffee beans, coffee beans being roasted, coffee beans being ground, and coffee brewing. Once coffe is cold, though, it really doesn't smell good anymore.

    I remember in the late 60s and early 70s driving up to Edmond past the Cains plant, mmmmmm!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    I am not a coffee lover but I drank it for years. I have started drinking tea more lately, but you mentioned the Cains plant and I used to buy products from them and it was great to go into their plant. The aroma was great. I also remember as a child going to scout meetings and walking by a Cains panel truck and it always smelled so good. If it tasted that good, I would give up beer! Well, that might be a stretch, but, you get my point.
    C. T.
    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    Interestingly enough (to me, anyway), I can't stand the taste of coffee, but it is absolutely one of my favorite smells! I love the smell of coffee beans, coffee beans being roasted, coffee beans being ground, and coffee brewing. Once coffe is cold, though, it really doesn't smell good anymore.

    I remember in the late 60s and early 70s driving up to Edmond past the Cains plant, mmmmmm!

  9. #9
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    I remember in the late 60s and early 70s driving up to Edmond past the
    Cains plant, mmmmmm!
    That brings back memories. The Purina and Cain's plants provided some
    great smells. Loved the Purina.

  10. #10
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    The last time I was at Coffee Dan's the prices were $8.50 per pound on
    the average. There were some that were more. I'm telling you his
    Peruvian Organic is out of this world at @ $9.50 lb. Donut coffee and
    Millstone is a waste of funds at these prices.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    I mentioned it on the Coffee Slingers thread, but they just moved an industrial roaster into our building and are doing test batches now. Elemental also does their own roasting/grinding.

    It smells great in here!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    It took me years to acquire a taste for coffee but now I love the stuff!

    My real introduction to decent coffee was when I got a Keurig. The only problem with the Keurig is cost and a K-cup makes too little coffee for one setting.

    I then bought a cheap drip machine and got a burr grinder. After a while I bought a French Press but found I like the coffee from the drip machine just as much and it's a lot easier.

    I haven't tried any really expensive coffees but my favorite so far is Green Mountain's Breakfast Blend. Our daily coffee is 8 O'Clock Coffees 100% Columbian. Pretty good, cheap and easy to find whole beans!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Blue Bottle is amazing. Here's a great vid from them and a must see for coffee snobs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N8QcZYA670

  14. #14
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Quote Originally Posted by chuck johnson View Post
    Blue Bottle is amazing. Here's a great vid from them and a must see
    for coffee snobs: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8N8QcZYA670
    Yes! A good video. I buy my coffee from Coffee Dan's in OKC.

  15. #15
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    We have a Keurig and love it. We waste far less coffee now. It makes pretty good tea too. I'm no coffee snob though. Any ole cup o' joe will do for me.

  16. #16
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Bought some Churchill coffee at Homeland because it was an emergency.
    It's okay. Colombian medium roast.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    My buddys at deer camp make fun of me becuase I bring a French Press and a bag of Espresso. But I get my caffeine intake in a smaller volume than they do and do not have to climb down out of my deer stand to piss.

  18. #18
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Quote Originally Posted by jstaylor62 View Post
    My buddys at deer camp make fun of me becuase I bring a French
    Press and a bag of Espresso. But I get my caffeine intake in a smaller
    volume than they do and do not have to climb down out of my deer
    stand to piss.
    Great story!

  19. #19

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Don't consider myself a coffee snob yet...Although we do enjoy a good cup of coffee. We recently bought a coffee grinder and started buying whole beans and grinding them each time we make a pot. We make at least one pot each morning, sometimes two. We usually buy our beans at "Bean Juice" in Edmond.

    Haven't graduated to a burr grinder, or a French Press yet. Using a blade grinder, and a drip maker......but still what a vast difference from the ground coffee available at the grocery stores.

  20. #20
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Quote Originally Posted by phinzup View Post
    Haven't graduated to a burr grinder, or a French Press yet.
    I have a Cusinart burr grinder ($45-ish) and it's just fair. It produces
    too much powder and it shows in the French Press. Hopefully some
    research will find a better one.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    I worked for the City of OKC for 28 plus years, coffee breaks/coffee were mandatory. LOL

  22. #22

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Favorite bean - Kona
    Next favorite bean - Maragogype
    Daily bean - Kenya (due to cost and availability)
    Local roaster - Roasters Exchange - 1530 W. Main
    Favorite method - French Press
    Next favorite method - Mr. Coffee
    Grinder - Mr. Coffee cheapie
    One Tablespoon beans per 8 oz. cup
    Grind - brew - pour into my 40-year-old stainless steel Stanley Thermos - tastes fresh-brewed all day.

  23. #23
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    Favorite bean - Kona
    Next favorite bean - Maragogype
    Daily bean - Kenya (due to cost and availability)
    Local roaster - Roasters Exchange - 1530 W. Main
    Favorite method - French Press
    Next favorite method - Mr. Coffee
    Grinder - Mr. Coffee cheapie
    One Tablespoon beans per 8 oz. cup
    Grind - brew - pour into my 40-year-old stainless steel Stanley Thermos
    - tastes fresh-brewed all day.
    Great! Kona is hard to beat. A friend was in Hawaii last week and is
    going to bring some Kona to us!

    Roasters Exchange is Coffee Dan's! It's the best!

    I haven't tried Maragogype. How does it compare to Kona, or does

  24. #24

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    PP, sorry to drop the thread. Maragogype is sometimes called "Elephant Bean". It's a really large variety from Mexico and is hard to find. Mellow, fruity undertones, etc. Gevalia sometimes runs a limited special on it.

  25. #25
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Any Coffee Snobs Aboard?

    Quote Originally Posted by RealJimbo View Post
    PP, sorry to drop the thread. Maragogype is sometimes called
    "Elephant Bean". It's a really large variety from Mexico and is hard to
    find. Mellow, fruity undertones, etc. Gevalia sometimes runs a limited
    special on it.
    Sounds very good and will look into it. I've not known Gevalia to
    have fresh beans.

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