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Thread: Spreading the word about the Oklahoma Food Cooperative

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  1. Default Spreading the word about the Oklahoma Food Cooperative

    This post is at Doug's request and I'm glad to do it. Even before we moved here, we were excited about the prospect of joining the Oklahoma Food Cooperative.http://www.oklahomafood.coop/

    Basically, it is like an online farmer's market and gives you access to Oklahoma grown/produced products all year round via the Internet. You fill your shopping cart when each month's ordering period opens up and whatever is in your basket before the ordering period closes, that is what is delivered to your designated pickup location on the third Thursday of each month! There are dozens of pickup spots all over the state! It's so convenient, it's a no-brainer!

    It costs like $50 to join (one-time fee) and then you have access to all of these wonderful Oklahoma products. They have over 1,000 items and not all of them are food!

    We buy all of our beef, pork, and chicken through it (most all of it is grass-fed, natural, some organic, etc....and delicious I might add). We buy wonderful greek-style yogurt, peanut butter, baked goods, even prepared dishes that you just pop in the oven or microwave...all kinds of good stuff.

    It is a great way to help small-time producers who help our state economy.

    We have people from other cities and states (Oregon, Colorado, NH... where you would think something like this would be more common) comment on how lucky we are to have such a well-developed organization like the cooperative here.

    We would agree. We love it. Check it out and become an Oklavore like us!

    Here is another link....this one is to the PDF brochure they offer on their website http://www.oklahomafood.coop/pdf/brochure_printable.pdf

  2. #2

    Default Re: Spreading the word about the Oklahoma Food Cooperative

    Thanks for the information. I knew about the Coop but didn't know about the prepared dishes. I'm a widower and finding meals for one is difficult but after your post I went to their site and sure enough, they have meals for one. Not a lot of them but heck, anytime I don't have to cook, that's a great day.
    C. T.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Spreading the word about the Oklahoma Food Cooperative

  4. Default Re: Spreading the word about the Oklahoma Food Cooperative

    Quote Originally Posted by redrunner View Post
    I'm pretty sure this is not the same Coop, and if I am correct, a lot of this produce, while organic, does not come from Oklahoma let alone the US...which is fine... but I like eating local things best. But it looks like a good deal and could be a good option for those looking to pick up fresh stuff each week.

  5. Default Re: Spreading the word about the Oklahoma Food Cooperative

    I joined the co-op back in March and have enjoyed the things that I have purchased. I especially enjoy the spun honey, and I got some amazing patty pan squash. There really hasn't been anything that I have gotten that hasn't met or exceeded expectation.

    The pick-up process is easy, once you get the hang of it, and the online ordering is a breeze. They even take PayPal.

    You do have to get in early on those order days, though...some thing, like eggs and tomatoes, go FAST!!!
    Still corrupting young minds

  6. #6

    Default Re: Spreading the word about the Oklahoma Food Cooperative

    i think you're right celebrator. I didn't read all the way through. Your co-op seems like the real deal.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Spreading the word about the Oklahoma Food Cooperative

    I have been a member of the coop for several years now and order almost every month. I am a vegetarian but my family is not so I insist that they get all of their meat through the coop or the farmer's market.

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