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Thread: OKC Fat & Lazy!

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  1. #1

    Cool OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Y'all need to get off your fat rears: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/...75Q3T120110627

    Personally, I exercise 3-4X a week. I do a mix of power walking, yoga, swimming, and weights. I have a family membership at the Y and own a Total Gym. I am amazed at the people who do nothing then complain about health problems - blood pressure, overweight, back pain, etc. Just make healthy eating choices and get moderate exercise.

  2. #2

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Well la te da.........

  3. Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Wow, really? Thank you for clearing all that up for me.
    Still corrupting young minds

  4. #4

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Well, it is kinda true. Go other places and come home and you will notice.

  5. Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by rondvu View Post
    Well, it is kinda true. Go other places and come home and you will notice.
    I have been other places. It's no secret that our entire country, not just this state, has a problem. It's also no secret that eating a healthier diet and being more active would help a lot of overweight people be healthier. There's no reason for someone to come in here and say, "look at me! I'm awesome and work out all the time and I'm so healthy!" Hell, I'm overweight and as healthy as could be. What do you make of that?
    Still corrupting young minds

  6. #6

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Europeans are fat--just like pigs, as are people all over, except for where starving occurs...depends on where you go when you travel.

  7. #7

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    That reminds me.... I need to pick up some ice cream on the way home

  8. #8

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    oh great, now I'm depressed again. Thanks a lot. i suppose I could go walk over to wait, snif, I smell apple pie. Seesya skinnywinny!

  9. Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by earlywinegareth View Post
    Y'all need to get off your fat rears: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/...75Q3T120110627

    Personally, I exercise 3-4X a week. I do a mix of power walking, yoga, swimming, and weights. I have a family membership at the Y and own a Total Gym. I am amazed at the people who do nothing then complain about health problems - blood pressure, overweight, back pain, etc. Just make healthy eating choices and get moderate exercise.
    No shocking news here. I must say, it's really tough sometimes to enjoy a night out when you are surrounded by obese people who couldn't care less about themselves. With so many conservatives around here, you would think this wouldn't be a problem. You know, the whole "personal responsibilty" should kick in at some point.

  10. #10
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    No shocking news here. I must say, it's really tough sometimes to enjoy a night out when you are surrounded by obese people who couldn't care less about themselves. With so many conservatives around here, you would think this wouldn't be a problem. You know, the whole "personal responsibilty" should kick in at some point.

  11. #11

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Many of the conservatives I know do assume a great deal of personal responsibility ... for going back to the buffet line.
    They have real trust issues on anyone else letting them have the newer slices of pie.

  12. #12

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Many of the conservatives I know do assume a great deal of personal responsibility ... for going back to the buffet line.
    They have real trust issues on anyone else letting them have the newer slices of pie.
    Oh STOP!!! Only the young liberals are skinny and that's because they are young. The old ones are eating up cheetoes bought with their food stamps. : )

  13. #13

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    Oh STOP!!! Only the young liberals are skinny and that's because they are young. The old ones are eating up cheetoes bought with their food stamps. : )
    I dinna say anything one way or the other about liberals. I was responding to #9, and it focused on conservs and personal responsibility.

    Oh, and cheetos? YUM!

  14. #14

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Oh, and cheetos? YUM!

  15. #15

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Brian has a point. I've never been hipchecked by some spandex clad cutie diving power walking her way to the salad bar at a Golden Corral.

  16. #16

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Brian has a point. I've never been hipchecked by some spandex clad cutie diving power walking her way to the salad bar at a Golden Corral.
    Brian had another good point:
    "Problem is, you have to go by a specific area known for people working out to see so many health conscious people - when on the flip side, go to any other public place like a WalMart, 7-11, or any of the millions of fast food places and you see hoards of the exact opposite."

    Here's the rub: Without the combination of Obesity and Spandex the "People of Walmart" site would be only half as big as it is.

    (Remember that entire section in Orwell's "1984" that had to do with Winston Smith not doing his exercises properly in front of the "Interactive Telescreen"? I guess it IS all just a mindset . . . (Or is it--insert Theremin arpeggio--the wave of The Future. The End? =)

  17. #17

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    Many of the conservatives I know do assume a great deal of personal responsibility ... for going back to the buffet line.
    They have real trust issues on anyone else letting them have the newer slices of pie.
    I see your point...most liberals are just as thin as rails...and you'll never see any of the 99% liberal welfare mamas who are...obese...or their ducks quacking behind them...

  18. #18

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by jmarkross View Post
    I see your point...most liberals are just as thin as rails...and you'll never see any of the 99% liberal welfare mamas who are...obese...or their ducks quacking behind them...

    see #17.

  19. #19

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    I saw this article earlier today and have doubts about the methods used for determing this list. It seems to be very limited in scope and much of it seems to be speculation. OKC may deserve it's ranking but I'm not sure it's true based on their criteria.

  20. #20

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    With most cities obesity ratings withing 5% of the national highs and almost all within 10%, none of the cities should feel very comfortable with the health trends they have with weight. Smoking is not much better either nationally.

  21. #21

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by earlywinegareth View Post
    Y'all need to get off your fat rears: http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/...75Q3T120110627

    Personally, I exercise 3-4X a week. I do a mix of power walking, yoga, swimming, and weights. I have a family membership at the Y and own a Total Gym. I am amazed at the people who do nothing then complain about health problems - blood pressure, overweight, back pain, etc. Just make healthy eating choices and get moderate exercise.
    Well, I can't quibble with the sentiment because its true. But how old are you, 25???? For some reason, once you get, say, 35, all that yoga and swimming and - god forbid - power walking drops way down the list of priorities for most of us. I'm not saying that's a good idea, but I AM saying it is a lot easier when you are younger and interested in actually moving.

    When I was a kid, I used to think the worst thing in the world would be to be in a wheelchair. These days, it is sounding like a nice excuse to not feel guilty about being a potted plant. : )

  22. #22

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    For some reason, once you get, say, 35, all that yoga and swimming and - god forbid - power walking drops way down the list of priorities for most of us. I'm not saying that's a good idea, but I AM saying it is a lot easier when you are younger and interested in actually moving.
    This might be exactly the reason we are getting fatter and fatter. Fitness and health should not move down the priority list because you have kids. In fact, it should move up, because we need to be teaching our kids the importance of eating right and exercise.

    My grandma is 86 years old and still runs marathons. She and I did one in March, and, as usual, people stopped us along the way to take pictures with her. They ask her what her secret is. She just winks at them and says 'move it or lose it.' She didn't start running until she was in her 50s and thought she was getting a bit hefty.

    It is a stark contrast to my other grandmother, who is 8 years younger and hasn't been able to walk or care for herself for 5 years. I know there are a lot of variables in play, but it makes you think.

    And Jzyehoshua, you are right--this city is modeled for people who don't like to exercise. It is getting much better, and I can't wait to see the progress in the years ahead. The park space is dismal. Trails are limited. There's virtually no way to bicycle to or from anywhere. And, nothing to do with the city, but gyms here are lackluster as well. Granted, I know I came here from a college town, but I toured 6 gyms before signing a membership and saw nothing comparable to my old gym. I really wanted to join the Y, but the weekend hours--7AM to 5PM Saturday, and 1PM to 5PM Sunday--were a major dealbreaker to me. But it's all about supply and demand, so I understand...

  23. #23

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Quote Originally Posted by JayhawkTransplant View Post
    This might be exactly the reason we are getting fatter and fatter. Fitness and health should not move down the priority list because you have kids. In fact, it should move up, because we need to be teaching our kids the importance of eating right and exercise.

    My grandma is 86 years old and still runs marathons. She and I did one in March, and, as usual, people stopped us along the way to take pictures with her. They ask her what her secret is. She just winks at them and says 'move it or lose it.' She didn't start running until she was in her 50s and thought she was getting a bit hefty.

    It is a stark contrast to my other grandmother, who is 8 years younger and hasn't been able to walk or care for herself for 5 years. I know there are a lot of variables in play, but it makes you think.

    And Jzyehoshua, you are right--this city is modeled for people who don't like to exercise. It is getting much better, and I can't wait to see the progress in the years ahead. The park space is dismal. Trails are limited. There's virtually no way to bicycle to or from anywhere. And, nothing to do with the city, but gyms here are lackluster as well. Granted, I know I came here from a college town, but I toured 6 gyms before signing a membership and saw nothing comparable to my old gym. I really wanted to join the Y, but the weekend hours--7AM to 5PM Saturday, and 1PM to 5PM Sunday--were a major dealbreaker to me. But it's all about supply and demand, so I understand...
    This should change for OKC residents with LA Fitness and Planet Fitness entering the market. Also keep in mind, Gold's Gym has entered the OKC market so it appears there is a vast improvement already in gyms represented! The problem lies in even if they had trails going throughout the city and a gym on every corner, many people in OKC would still find fault with OKC. When I lived in OKC constant complainers but they could not offer solutions to make the city better.

  24. #24

    Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Ooooh, great! I hope they have extended hours.

    I hate to be one of those complainers; I was just trying to mention some things that I think would help encourage people (apparently those under 25) to get out and be active without feeling like they were exercising. It's normally my policy to say something positive with my critiques, so I will say that I LOVE running downtown. It's easy to keep change paths and maintain your speed when a light is red, and I feel safe. It's pretty well-lit, and there's dog poop bags in key locations...

  25. Default Re: OKC Fat & Lazy!

    Personal responsibilty of conservatives. Got to love it!!

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