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Thread: Supersize Me

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  1. #1
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Post Supersize Me

    Hello All,
    I wanted to tell you about this movie we watched last night.It was called Supersize me,and for those that don't know or havent heard about it,you owe it to yourself to spend a couple bucks to rent this.BTW, it won the Sundance film festival too.LOL
    Anyway I really want this thread to explode with all your opinions and thoughts after viewing this movie.It is an absolute eye opener!Its about a guy named Morgan that decides to take upon himself eating at McDonalds for 30 days straight Breakfast,Lunch,Dinner.If you say ok,well whats the Big Deal????Well all I can say is watch the movie.This is so much more than just a movie,it delves into the Obesity Crises in America.It Blows the doors off the hinges as to what are children are eating in school,Parents Listen up It isnt Pretty at all,Its MUCH worse than you think when you take in the Bigger picture of this film.This man was COMPLETELY healthy and went through So many physical,emotional changes it was unreal I never would have thought how powerful an impact this had on people.He gained SEVERAL pounds and his liver was actaully showing signs of non-functioing by the end of the experiment.I dont want to give too much away,butjust enough to get you to go out and pick it up.Those of you who have already seen it please start the thread,add your thoughts below.Great Film!!!!I will definitly think twice now before ever darkening the doorstep of any Fast food restaurants ever again.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    I've been fast food free for years (except for the occasional visit to sonic). But I haven't had a fried hamburger patty in years.

    I almost went to see this when it was at the OKC Art Museum's Theater.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    Indeed, it made me think twice about eating fast food although I already knew the effects. I am serious about working out and weight lifting so I eat alot of protein, carbs, and supplements. Weight lifters have known what works and what doesnt for years, its basic human biology.

  4. #4
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    I don't plan on seeing the movie just because it has a bias to the storyline. Movies like these are nothing more than a movement to make the american consumer not responsible for thier own actions.

    The lawyers in our society think all responsibilty lies in the hands of big corporations. Parents are mostly to blame for obesity epidemic in this country. Most Parents are more like to by a kid happy meal instead making a well rounded meal at home. Sure you have to spend a little time in the kitchen but, its better than seeing your child die at 30 because of heart disease.

  5. #5
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: Supersize Me


    Well Actually that is Specifically why I said to see it first.If you would watch it like I said you would see it does Not blame Corporate America totally Nor does it blame the person completely.The whole point is personal responsibility,The guy went into this thing knowing full well the reprocussions,he just had no idea how much he really was taking on.You would just have to see it and then participate.It will be great when we get someone that has actually seen it to respond...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    Quote Originally Posted by oklacity75
    I don't plan on seeing the movie just because it has a bias to the storyline. Movies like these are nothing more than a movement to make the american consumer not responsible for thier own actions.

    The lawyers in our society think all responsibilty lies in the hands of big corporations. Parents are mostly to blame for obesity epidemic in this country. Most Parents are more like to by a kid happy meal instead making a well rounded meal at home. Sure you have to spend a little time in the kitchen but, its better than seeing your child die at 30 because of heart disease.
    Responsibility lies somewhere in between. Corporations should be required to sell a product that is safe.

    Also, when was the last time you saw an obese person in a McDonald's commercial?

    Yes, individuals should heed the warning of this documentary, as well as what health experts have been saying since their field was first created. However, it would not be impossible for McDonald's to offer a similar product that would be MUCH healthier. For example, they might offer an alternative burger made entirely from soy. Soy burgers are excellent, and reasonably good for you. They could offer fat free mayo instead of the stuff that adds 20 grams of fat when they slather it on your burger's bun. There are some very small things that these companies could do to try and offer a safer product. I'll grant you that some have, for example, Wendy's now has several healthy alternatives to fries.

    I'm all for personal responsibility. I think if you eat McDonald's every day, and end up being some kind of grotesquely obese person as a result, that's your own damned fault, kind of like smokers that smoke a pack or more per day, then act surprised and upset when they are diagnosed with lung cancer or emphysema.

    I think to some degree, the market will regulate companies like McDonald's. Many responded to the "carb craze" (anyone remember Pizza Hut and their "Pizza Bowl"? Also, we've seen many fast food joints come out with a variety of salads that weren't available before (unfortunately, it's hard to get a good salad that doesn't have the fattiest available dressing, fried reconsituted chicken pieces, etc). In the long run, if people want to die young, that's their own business. If people want to be overweight, that's their own business. If people would rather sit on their butts than be active, that's ultimately their business.

    What's next? Penalize TV when its ratings are too high keeping folks out of the gym?

  7. #7
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    I do appreciate the recommendation and I understand your point. I'm not about to waste my time watching a propaganda film. I don't watch propaganda films, just because they never tell the actual truth. The film producer puts just enough spin on the truth to win people over to their point of view.

  8. Default Re: Supersize Me

    I don't know how much propaganda this film contains, the guys stuffs his face with fast food, gains weight, gets sick, pretty cut and dry - garbage in - garbage out kind of deal... I don't know how much of a spin they could add, the results were documented by medical professionals.

    Unless, maybe the lettuce industry funded the film and hired the producer, I don't know - granted, the guy ate a lot of fast food, much more than the average joe, but I thought it was interesting to see the results. Really makes you think about what you eat, I thought it was really informative and definitely worth a look.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  9. #9

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    I really try hard to not eat any fast food, but to be honest, being single, it is cheaper to eat out than prepare a meal myself in most cases, not to mention the time it takes to cook, eat and clean up. eating out just means more time on the treadmill and more situps.

  10. #10
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    I actually saw the movie a few months back. I don't eat out much anyways, so it really wasn't a big deal for me. It just proved a point that we all know is true: fast food isn't good for you.

    In a way, the movie is slanted against fast food chains, McDonald's especially. Sure, the movie does state facts. But, they're facts that mostly make the fast food industry look bad. For example, they mainly paint McDonald's out as a greedy company that could care less about people's health, and doesn't try in any way whatsoever to improve the health of their product, or to increase the health of their food. For example, the movie states that McDonalds could offer a more healthy alternative side, instead of French Fries. That is true, but would people really choose the more healthy alternative? Also, they make fun of the way McDonalds tries to encourage people to Supersize their meals. And they claim McDonald's portions, especially their soft drinks, are too large. As if, McDonalds is making people fat! The movie sort of claimed that the FDA was trying to cover all of this up!

    In the end, it's a person's choice. No one is making the person eat the fast food. It's simply an addiction to some, no different than alcohol, cigarettes, exercise (ypu, somepeople are addicted to exercise), porn, etc. I find nothing wrong with fast food if it's eaten in moderation. I eat out fast food maybe once or twice a month. There's nothing wrong with that.

    Still, I think it was a great movie, and I learned a lot from it.

  11. #11
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    I really try hard to not eat any fast food, but to be honest, being single, it is cheaper to eat out than prepare a meal myself in most cases, not to mention the time it takes to cook, eat and clean up. eating out just means more time on the treadmill and more situps.

    I completely agree I save money by doing just that. When I go to Mcdonalds's (or any fast food outlet for that matter) I spend anywhere from $5-$8. That same amount of money will cover 2-3 meals to cook at home. My George Foreman grill can cook a better burger over Mcdonald's any day. Not mention I cook it with fat free meat so I know its healthy.

  12. Default Re: Supersize Me

    I wateched most of this movie last night and early this morning. I really got bored. It was really baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

  13. #13
    Jay Guest

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    Quote Originally Posted by mranderson
    I wateched most of this movie last night and early this morning. I really got bored. It was really baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

    I kind of figured it would be long and boring. I just don't like movies that are trying to make a political statement. Fast Food companies are just like any other company. There doing what needs to be done to make money and to keep the consumers happy. This leads to high prices on company stock and a happy stockholder.

    Does America really need a documentary telling you that fast food especially McDonalds is bad for your body. Doctors have been screaming this message for years. If you haven't heard that message you have been living under a rock.

    The whole purpose of this film was to attack McDonalds. It makes you wonder if these people where ex-employees or disgruntled customers. If it is an honest critique of McDonald’s its not going to have an adverse affect on their business. Most people are going to have the opinion of "Tell me something I don't know". The rest which is the wishy-washy 10 percentile will just go to another fast food outlet. They won't start eating healthy just because of this film. In the end the wishy-washy crowd will return as regular customers.

  14. Default Re: Supersize Me

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I actually saw the movie a few months back. I don't eat out much anyways, so it really wasn't a big deal for me. It just proved a point that we all know is true: fast food isn't good for you.

    In a way, the movie is slanted against fast food chains, McDonald's especially. Sure, the movie does state facts. But, they're facts that mostly make the fast food industry look bad. For example, they mainly paint McDonald's out as a greedy company that could care less about people's health, and doesn't try in any way whatsoever to improve the health of their product, or to increase the health of their food. For example, the movie states that McDonalds could offer a more healthy alternative side, instead of French Fries. That is true, but would people really choose the more healthy alternative? Also, they make fun of the way McDonalds tries to encourage people to Supersize their meals. And they claim McDonald's portions, especially their soft drinks, are too large. As if, McDonalds is making people fat! The movie sort of claimed that the FDA was trying to cover all of this up!
    What? McDonalds doesn't care about us? You mean the Happy meal isn't supposed to make us HAPPY????? LOL

    OMG, this film was unreal. I liked it , an eye opener, and since I'm in the process of losing weight, it just took one more temptation (french fries) off my list.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Supersize Me


    I don't plan on seeing the movie just because it has a bias to the storyline. Movies like these are nothing more than a movement to make the american consumer not responsible for thier own actions.

    The lawyers in our society think all responsibilty lies in the hands of big corporations.
    I think this statement itself its biased. Isnt making a statement without having the knowledge contradictory? You must be thinking of Michael Moores films which are definetely biased, just because a movie is independent or a documentary does not mean it is biased. As a student of culture and an open minded person, you owe it to yourself to educate yourself about what the movie is really about, doing so, you will find many of the points you make are actually in the movie.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    Quote Originally Posted by metro
    I think this statement itself its biased. Isnt making a statement without having the knowledge contradictory? You must be thinking of Michael Moores films which are definetely biased, just because a movie is independent or a documentary does not mean it is biased. As a student of culture and an open minded person, you owe it to yourself to educate yourself about what the movie is really about, doing so, you will find many of the points you make are actually in the movie.
    You only owe it to yourself if you find the information it deals with to be interesting.

    There are a lot of movies out there, I hardly see why I "owe it to myself" do see one versus another.

    Of course, everyone owes it to themselves to see the Lord of the Rings Trilogy. I think we can all agree on that.

  17. #17
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Supersize Me

    I'd say if you look at the overall theme of the movie, it's slanted against McDonalds, but the facts are the facts are the facts. I don't think anyone can argue that the fast food industry has created a generation of overweight Americans, and they're fueling it with an agressive advertising campaign and food additives that encourage food consumption.

    The medical results presented in the test are real, there's no disputing that.

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