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Thread: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

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  1. Default Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    I heard Golds gym is buying Aspen and Closing the Edmond Location.

    I think the Penn Square one is a private franchise though.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Althetic

    Do you mind my asking where this news came from? I am a member at the Aspen Athletic in Edmond and don't want to be forced to go elsewhere.

  3. Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Althetic

    a member of the edmond location he talked to someone who works their. They said golds bought them and the location isnt profitable.
    When golds closed on broadway they posted signs and they had to provide contract members a location at least five miles away. If I recall correctly.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Althetic

    Going to Aspen this evening. I'll ask the assistant mgr. and report back. Thanks.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Althetic

    yeah, let me know what you find out. i'm a member there also... can't imagine how it isn't profitable - it's always busy and i see new members being signed up constantly.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    Why would anyone continue to pay what once was an absorbent franchise fee to carry the Gold's brand? Muscle head gyms are not profitable where family fitness centers are. Most friends of mine that had Gold's franchises simply changed the name to Platinum or some other innocuous name and stuck the difference in their pockets.

  7. Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    My wife and I go to the Northside Y. They have child watch, we wouldn't be able to go to a gym that didn't have it and our son likes it their.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    Reply I received today:

    Aspen is NOT closing. There is a good possibility that Gold's is buying the locations In Edmond and the Rockwell club. We will know by the end of the month if the deal goes through. That said, Gold's will be opening 2 new locations in OKC. One at Quail Springs mall and the other on NW expressway. Gold's will be infusing additional capital along with the club enhancement fees to make improvements to the equipment at Edmond. The club will remain open. Thanks again for the email. More information will be made available once we are able to pass it along.

    Best regards,
    Mark Holmes
    District Operations Manager
    Aspen Athletic Clubs

  9. Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    Remain open, for how long?

    What if members who are in contracts don't want to pay there 49 dollar a year club enhancement fee.

    *What is a Club Enhancement Fee?

    Investments in brand new equipment, wellness technologies and upgrades to the health club environment itself above and beyond the ordinary."

    * Annual Club Enhancement Fee is $49.00 drafted once per year per member in one of the summer months.

    Enjoy your ANNUAL club enhancement fee


  10. #10

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    Quote Originally Posted by ExtremistPullup View Post
    Remain open, for how long?

    What if members who are in contracts don't want to pay there 49 dollar a year club enhancement fee.

    *What is a Club Enhancement Fee?

    Investments in brand new equipment, wellness technologies and upgrades to the health club environment itself above and beyond the ordinary."

    * Annual Club Enhancement Fee is $49.00 drafted once per year per member in one of the summer months.

    Enjoy your ANNUAL club enhancement fee

    You're right in asking those questions...I was working for Gold's in Fort Smith Ark when they decided to close a satellite gym....they left members in limbo with very little warning...It was embarrassing and not professional. The attorney general of Arkansas even got involved.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    Getting ready to join another gym. Gold's isn't worth the money.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    When I was a member of Aspen a few years ago there was a $20 annual club enhancement fee. I left after my 2 year commitment was up when I noticed the club was never enhanced. I don't think Gold's will have difficulty attracting members because of the name recognition they have even with a $49 annual enhancement fee.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    They opening gyms at the old Circuit City on NW Expressway and Portland and at the Old Sportsman's Warehouse on Memorial which appears to be the one that will have all the extras.

    Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	779

  14. #14

    Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic


    This shows the Danforth Aspen location as part of Gold's Gym.

  15. Default Re: Golds Gym buy's Aspen Athletic

    even though I have a Y membership I have my garage as a backup

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