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Thread: Prostitution In OKC

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  1. #1

    Default Prostitution In OKC

    Oklahoma City is growing in population at a good steady pace, but not all growth is good, we all hear about the good things about the economy growth of Oklahoma City, but we rarely hear about the crime growth, in particular prostitution.

    It seems that the prostitution problem in Oklahoma City is getting worse, and expanding to more different parts of the city. Long has S. Robinson been the focal point for prostitution in Oklahoma City, however S. Robinson is no longer the premier track for prostitution Oklahoma City. You now have 10th and McArthur, 122nd and I-35 truck stop, but more astonishing strip clubs.

    The strip club prostitution scene has become a major animal that authorities now can't control. I don't understand how a police station can sit in between 3 strip clubs, (literally), and not enforce prostitution in those strip clubs where its the worst. As "john's" and prostitutes are being smarter, and getting off the streets and taking it inside to the strip clubs, where "john's" can simply pick up a prostitute, and leave, and then the prostitute can come back to work in the strip club. Even more, the bartenders/managers of the strip club know this goes on, but they receive a cut.

    It seems that the OKC authorities are not taking this seriously and in some fashion they are silently decriminalizing prostitution in Oklahoma City as its getting worse, not better.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    What OKC Police station sits in the middle of three strip clubs?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Valley Brook Police Department on S.E. 59th

    It goes:

    Baby Dolls - Fancy's - Valley Brook Police Department - Little Darlin's

  4. #4

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Valley Brook Police Department on S.E. 59th

    It goes:

    Baby Dolls - Fancy's - Valley Brook Police Department - Little Darlin's
    You must be naive to think that Valley Brook is not getting some kind kickback.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by G.Walker View Post
    Valley Brook Police Department on S.E. 59th

    It goes:

    Baby Dolls - Fancy's - Valley Brook Police Department - Little Darlin's
    So what do you want done? For the strip clubs to be banned? Didn't some old man by the name of Bob Anderson, who once led Oklahomans for Children and Families, accomplish that years ago? I'm quite sure he managed to get closed down all the porn shops in Oklahoma City and later claimed rape went down in Oklahoma City as a result.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    LOL....might be, but its crazy...but there are other strip clubs across the city, where its not enforced, especially in the 10th and McArthur area...

  7. #7

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    If this is such a shady and hidden buisness, how did you find out about it?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by ddavidson8 View Post
    If this is such a shady and hidden buisness, how did you find out about it?
    Personal research lol

  9. #9

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by ddavidson8 View Post
    If this is such a shady and hidden buisness, how did you find out about it?
    Valley Brook has been known for it's strip clubs for years all the way back in the 70's. My sister was a dancer at the Valley Of The Dolls when she was 16 and everybody knew the cops were getting kickbacks it has also been common practice for them to just pull over people on 59th just to give you a ticket for nothing. The fact that all those strip clubs are there nobody will believe you weren't in one so you are stuck paying whatever ticket they give you. I myself have not driven down that street in many years I know how crooked they are if I need to get to 59th & Sunnylane I will detour to 44th or something depending on where I am at the time.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Dana View Post
    Valley Brook has been known for it's strip clubs for years all the way back in the 70's. My sister was a dancer at the Valley Of The Dolls when she was 16 and everybody knew the cops were getting kickbacks it has also been common practice for them to just pull over people on 59th just to give you a ticket for nothing. The fact that all those strip clubs are there nobody will believe you weren't in one so you are stuck paying whatever ticket they give you. I myself have not driven down that street in many years I know how crooked they are if I need to get to 59th & Sunnylane I will detour to 44th or something depending on where I am at the time.
    59th and Sunnylane is OKCity
    Your thinking of 59 and EASTERN

  11. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    What they do in their personal time is their own personal business. What money they spend on is their choice. Honestly, no one can complain. Quite funny how one would complain about people paying for sex, but not complain about people having free sex.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    but not complain about people having free sex.
    I'm no expert...but I'm not sure pimps are interested in free sex.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC


  14. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    What they do in their personal time is their own personal business. What money they spend on is their choice. Honestly, no one can complain. Quite funny how one would complain about people paying for sex, but not complain about people having free sex.
    Thunder, this is why sometimes we don't know if you're for real. First, let's bring your background into this. You're a gay dude who's a crazy conservative Republican nutsy cookoo tea partier. OK, whatever floats your boat man. I support equal rights even for those who hurt that cause. And now here you go defended prostitution again and again, because now that you're a log cabineer, you're all about libertarianism...and if it weren't for your whole "schtick" you wouldn't even be in this position of defending prostitution over and over.

    So let me just ask you this? Do you not see a difference between personal sexual decisions and walking down a public road soliciting sex to everyone unfortunate enough to drive down? I don't want to see that. We have this idiotic "But what does it do for the children?" debate over and over, and obviously things you oppose like gay children's books aren't going to corrupt the youth, but I do think that it should be safe to go outside without there being hos and pimps everywhere you go. I think that's a basic decency we can afford families and it has nothing to do with personal responsibility.

    Even if it were an issue of personal choice for you, in allowing others to do it or yourself to john around or whatever it is that you do, it is NOT a personal choice for the unfortunate young women who get stuck turning tricks. These women have their human rights abused over and over and they would all love to get out of it if they could. Their pimps would kill them if they left. So you don't think that this is an evil system that needs to be stopped?

    And you should stop trying to avoid the personal question with your own self. Stop trying to rectify your conservative views and your sexuality. I would suggest coming to terms with the sexuality and dropping some of your conservative dogma that makes people think you haven't seen much of the world. But even if you don't, at least accept it as a contradiction, and that's okay. Nobody will think less of you. You don't have to put yourself on the same level as sex slaves in order to feel justified in calling it a "personal responsibility" issue. You just end up looking more backwards than Borat.

    Prostitution is NOT a "personal responsibility" issue. It is a human rights issue. Look at those schmucks at the Valley Brook PD (already mentioned that there's obviously some weird connection)... that's the kind of ridiculous crap that shouldn't be tolerated in any kind of free society.

  15. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Thunder, this is why sometimes we don't know if you're for real. First, let's bring your background into this. You're a gay dude who's a crazy conservative Republican nutsy cookoo tea partier. OK, whatever floats your boat man. I support equal rights even for those who hurt that cause. And now here you go defended prostitution again and again, because now that you're a log cabineer, you're all about libertarianism...and if it weren't for your whole "schtick" you wouldn't even be in this position of defending prostitution over and over.

    So let me just ask you this? Do you not see a difference between personal sexual decisions and walking down a public road soliciting sex to everyone unfortunate enough to drive down? I don't want to see that. We have this idiotic "But what does it do for the children?" debate over and over, and obviously things you oppose like gay children's books aren't going to corrupt the youth, but I do think that it should be safe to go outside without there being hos and pimps everywhere you go. I think that's a basic decency we can afford families and it has nothing to do with personal responsibility.

    Even if it were an issue of personal choice for you, in allowing others to do it or yourself to john around or whatever it is that you do, it is NOT a personal choice for the unfortunate young women who get stuck turning tricks. These women have their human rights abused over and over and they would all love to get out of it if they could. Their pimps would kill them if they left. So you don't think that this is an evil system that needs to be stopped?

    And you should stop trying to avoid the personal question with your own self. Stop trying to rectify your conservative views and your sexuality. I would suggest coming to terms with the sexuality and dropping some of your conservative dogma that makes people think you haven't seen much of the world. But even if you don't, at least accept it as a contradiction, and that's okay. Nobody will think less of you. You don't have to put yourself on the same level as sex slaves in order to feel justified in calling it a "personal responsibility" issue. You just end up looking more backwards than Borat.

    Prostitution is NOT a "personal responsibility" issue. It is a human rights issue. Look at those schmucks at the Valley Brook PD (already mentioned that there's obviously some weird connection)... that's the kind of ridiculous crap that shouldn't be tolerated in any kind of free society.
    I don't understand your post. :-(

    I'm not really involved with politics. Only time I like to root for someone is the Governor and President elections.

    I had already said that I do not like prostitution on the streets. I was saying that "prostitution" should never be a crime, especially for adults who want to do it privately, such as online and inside clubs. As long the activities is legal, then it should be fine.

    No clue why you would bring my sexuality into this...

  16. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I don't understand your post. :-(

    I'm not really involved with politics. Only time I like to root for someone is the Governor and President elections.

    I had already said that I do not like prostitution on the streets. I was saying that "prostitution" should never be a crime, especially for adults who want to do it privately, such as online and inside clubs. As long the activities is legal, then it should be fine.

    No clue why you would bring my sexuality into this...
    Because I think you have a warped view of sex (when mommies and daddies love each other very much). I think most of society has a standard which must be upheld. "No sex slaves and human rights violations" doesn't seem too strict to me.

    I am just pointing out what everyone on here thinks about you, Thunder...and that is that you can't be for real. You can't really believe the arguments you always try and make.

  17. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Because I think you have a warped view of sex (when mommies and daddies love each other very much). I think most of society has a standard which must be upheld. "No sex slaves and human rights violations" doesn't seem too strict to me.

    I am just pointing out what everyone on here thinks about you, Thunder...and that is that you can't be for real. You can't really believe the arguments you always try and make.
    No, that is what you think. It is your own opinion. I still don't understand what you are talking about. Warped view of sex? You will need to cut the trolling crap and get serious here.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Because I think you have a warped view of sex (when mommies and daddies love each other very much). I think most of society has a standard which must be upheld. "No sex slaves and human rights violations" doesn't seem too strict to me.

    I am just pointing out what everyone on here thinks about you, Thunder...and that is that you can't be for real. You can't really believe the arguments you always try and make.
    I don't have trouble believing Thunder is for real. Just because he doesn't look at the world from the same viewpoints as you doesn't make him less real. But then I guess you feel that you are more real than Thunder.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    I don't understand your post. :-(

    I'm not really involved with politics. Only time I like to root for someone is the Governor and President elections.

    I had already said that I do not like prostitution on the streets. I was saying that "prostitution" should never be a crime, especially for adults who want to do it privately, such as online and inside clubs. As long the activities is legal, then it should be fine.

    No clue why you would bring my sexuality into this...
    THUNDER you are right this crime is nuts and stupid and to think they charge people with it

  20. #20

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Ah an OKCTalk prostitution thread.


    1) Thunder will defend prostitution.
    2) Brian Bates will explain yet again how it is anything but a victimless crime.

    It might not be such a big deal if it didn't involve people who were almost uniformly molested as children and molded into sex workers who really have no place in the world past the age of thirty or so, who are almost inevitably going to end up strung out on meth or some other drug and dead at a very young age. Sometimes, it is the state's business to protect the stupid from themselves.

  21. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Ah an OKCTalk prostitution thread.


    1) Thunder will defend prostitution.
    2) Brian Bates will explain yet again how it is anything but a victimless crime.

    It might not be such a big deal if it didn't involve people who were almost uniformly molested as children and molded into sex workers who really have no place in the world past the age of thirty or so, who are almost inevitably going to end up strung out on meth or some other drug and dead at a very young age. Sometimes, it is the state's business to protect the stupid from themselves.
    It is simply the same as being paid for services such as mowing lawns. Let them do what they want. Most police does it anyway. Ya think they only sit around and eat donuts? :-)

  22. #22

    Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Ah an OKCTalk prostitution thread.


    1) Thunder will defend prostitution.
    2) Brian Bates will explain yet again how it is anything but a victimless crime.

    It might not be such a big deal if it didn't involve people who were almost uniformly molested as children and molded into sex workers who really have no place in the world past the age of thirty or so, who are almost inevitably going to end up strung out on meth or some other drug and dead at a very young age. Sometimes, it is the state's business to protect the stupid from themselves.

    Oh sure... just take the fun out of my Saturday afternoon activity

  23. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Can we tax it and move on? :-P

  24. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by venture79 View Post
    Can we tax it and move on? :-P
    If that happens, then kids mowing lawns will have to be taxed....garage sales to be taxed....sales on Craigslist to be taxed....poor people on the streets to be taxed on their donations...and the list goes on and on.

  25. Default Re: Prostitution In OKC

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    If that happens, then kids mowing lawns will have to be taxed....garage sales to be taxed....sales on Craigslist to be taxed....poor people on the streets to be taxed on their donations...and the list goes on and on.
    Hmmmmmmm, those things are already taxed. Kids mowing a couple of lawns is of no concern (probably doesn't even meet minimum income requirements) but garage sales and online sales have been taxed and even enforced for a while now.

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