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Thread: New format

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  1. #1

    Default New format

    I like a lot of the new format for OKCTALK and the placement of threads even if it will take a little getting used to. I really do wish, however, we could have kept some subthreads here for the various areas. It isn't easy to tell from looking at the titles what area is being discussed. I have to look through every thread to see if it pertains to a suburban area that I'm interested in.

  2. #2

    Default Re: New format

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I like a lot of the new format for OKCTALK and the placement of threads even if it will take a little getting used to. I really do wish, however, we could have kept some subthreads here for the various areas. It isn't easy to tell from looking at the titles what area is being discussed. I have to look through every thread to see if it pertains to a suburban area that I'm interested in.
    I agree with you...I like the new format, but I miss not being able to quickly zone in on discussions about my section of the city. eh....maybe I'll get used to it, though. I'm certainly willing to give it a shot...not like I really have any choice in the matter. LOL

  3. Default Re: New format

    The answer is simple. Be more specific and succinct when you title your threads. And I would recommend adopting a system of naming threads with the name of the suburb or the urban district first. Examples...

    Yukon: Mayors race up for grabs
    Norman: ______ _____ loft project in Campus Corner (or maybe Norman: Campus Corner: _____)
    Bricktown: Thread about parking complaints
    Western Avenue: Fmr Bruno's to be renovated into Urban Outfitters (I wish)

    And so on. If thread starters buy into it, organization and navigation will be a breeze. I hate it when people start threads like, "Something I just thought of..." I could care less what people just thought. I mean, I might, but I'm still not going to waste a click there when I could waste a click on a hot girl or something that makes more sense LOL (& jk). Some people are real dolts when they start threads. Not to go all metro...

  4. #4

    Default Re: New format

    The problem was that we had a half dozen little sub-forums that got almost zero traffic. Also, every single little community wanted it's own forum.

    And as Spartan said, once we get things in order we will re-name and consolidate lots of threads then be more vigilant about how they are posted/titled.

    We can always go back to the old way but let's give this a try for a while.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New format

    Pete, I think it will work if posters will do as Spartan suggested and be a little more informative in the titles for each thread. I know it was started before the change but a thread called "Neighborhood Walmart" could be about any area.

  6. #6

    Default Re: New format

    Wasn't sure I liked it for a few minutes, then I found my little Mid/Del subset and I quit jonesing.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New format

    Am willing to live with it and get adjusted but in the mean time, I used to be able to go to one forum and found everything I was interested in (didn't know the other forums existed). Now those have been divided into at least 5 different forums now which is inconvenient but doable. Tried the new posts idea but that threw in so many things i wasn't at all interested in (but didn't know until I looked in the thread)....

  8. #8

    Default Re: New format

    Quote Originally Posted by Larry OKC View Post
    Am willing to live with it and get adjusted but in the mean time, I used to be able to go to one forum and found everything I was interested in (didn't know the other forums existed). Now those have been divided into at least 5 different forums now which is inconvenient but doable. Tried the new posts idea but that threw in so many things i wasn't at all interested in (but didn't know until I looked in the thread)....
    I agree, Larry. I have to jump around a lot more than I used to.

  9. #9

    Default Re: New format

    im to scared to say anything bad about the changes , i might get deleted or end up

  10. Default Re: New format

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I like a lot of the new format for OKCTALK and the placement of threads even if it will take a little getting used to. I really do wish, however, we could have kept some subthreads here for the various areas. It isn't easy to tell from looking at the titles what area is being discussed. I have to look through every thread to see if it pertains to a suburban area that I'm interested in.
    I'm waiting on rcjunkie to tell you to just go to another damn forum if you don't like it! This is not the place to discuss!!

  11. #11

    Default Re: New format

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    I'm waiting on rcjunkie to tell you to just go to another damn forum if you don't like it! This is not the place to discuss!!
    Haven't had time to write, I've been to busy listening to Al and Trabor on the Sports Animal.

  12. Default Re: New format

    Pete, I just don't get some of these changes. Was the old set up causing extra work or database problems? If not, were people complaining? Seriously, why force someone who only wants to read about Edmond, Midwest City and Moore to try to figure out which posts are in Yukon, Mustang and Norman? And how are we to figure out what areas some of these threads are related to? I think the world of you, you do incredible service to OKC by hosting this site. But please, please, put the suburban forums back as they were. All of this makes no sense.

  13. #13

    Default Re: New format

    I second that on the suburbs, but if it is to much to keep it going, its understandable.. it will just take time getting use to, and hopefully people post the towns name instead of .. brand new store going in, and thats it lol

  14. #14

    Default Re: New format

    The issue was that the suburban boards were hardly used.

    Here's the thing with message boards: they only work if people actually post. So, if you fragment posting across a bunch of rarely-used forums, then no one bothers with them. Which is exactly what was happening with the ones we consolidated.

    The idea is to build critical mass... To get more people in one place and get them posting. Too much of that and things start to break down (ala the old Metro Talk board that has since been sub-divided) but there is little point in forums that only get less than a post per day. The few people that go just sit back and wait for others to post, but no one does so you don't get any flow of information / opinion.

    As I said on another thread, if people liked these sub-forums so much they should have been using them. They all averaged less than one post per day and it was common to go a week or more without any posting at all.

    We started with 47 (!!) forums when I bought this site and are now down to 13. The point is to keep discussion consolidated until such a time it earns a category of its own. That simply hasn't happened with these various suburbs -- at least to date.

    Still, I may reinstate a few of them. But it sure would be nice if people actually posted.

  15. #15

    Default Re: New format

    I probably won't visit the site as much due to the new format. Sorry. It's just that I don't care about other communities besides my own. I used to have a shortcut in my favorites to the Norman page and wouldn't have to invest much time and still comment on some things I was interested in. Now I would have to spend way too much time filtering through the new suburb page. It's just too inconvenient.

  16. #16

    Default Re: New format

    I also find it a little strange to have this thread and a separate thread for suburban development. If we're going to discuss a suburban area, wouldn't it make more sense to have all of that in one area? I understand that there are different headings for development and civic issues both often those things are very intertwined and could easily be in either category.

  17. Default Re: New format

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I also find it a little strange to have this thread and a separate thread for suburban development. If we're going to discuss a suburban area, wouldn't it make more sense to have all of that in one area? I understand that there are different headings for development and civic issues both often those things are very intertwined and could easily be in either category.
    Looks like this is really bothering you. I can't imagine how someone can get depressed about a discussion forum.

  18. #18

    Default Re: New format

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    Looks like this is really bothering you. I can't imagine how someone can get depressed about a discussion forum.
    About like the fact that someone paid money to see Glen Beck bothers you, rather childish isn't it.

  19. #19

    Default Re: New format

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    Looks like this is really bothering you. I can't imagine how someone can get depressed about a discussion forum.
    LOL. Your jab isn't working Bostonfan. Bounced right off.

  20. #20

    Default Re: New format


    While I can understand what you are saying about some parts being underutilized (as I said somewhere I don't think I even knew there were other forums other than the OKCTalk one I had bookmarked). Not clear on how the reorganization helps with that though??

  21. #21

    Default Re: New format

    I also find it a little strange to have this thread and a separate thread for suburban development. If we're going to discuss a suburban area, wouldn't it make more sense to have all of that in one area?
    It's Suburban OKC Development; as opposed to Urban Development.

    Anyway, I hear you guys and will probably restore the Norman, Moore, Edmond, Mid-Del and Yukon/Mustang forums. It will take a while though as I have to sort through all the threads to move them.

    I do appreciate the feedback! Really am just trying to make the site better and more usable for everyone.

  22. #22

    Default Re: New format

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    It's Suburban OKC Development; as opposed to Urban Development.

    Anyway, I hear you guys and will probably restore the Norman, Moore, Edmond, Mid-Del and Yukon/Mustang forums. It will take a while though as I have to sort through all the threads to move them.

    I do appreciate the feedback! Really am just trying to make the site better and more usable for everyone.
    Thanks, Pete. We know how much work this is for you and how hard you try to please everyone (which will never happen, of course).

  23. Default Re: New format

    Yea Pete!

  24. #24

    Default Re: New format

    Thank you Pete for restoring the communities. I'm liking the new format for the most part (though I do wish the Pet section had been left) but I'm of the same mind as the others, don't really want to sort through posts for other communities that don't concern me at all. I appreciate your hard work on the site, and appreciate you letting us voice our opinion about the changes

  25. #25

    Default Re: New format

    Much obliged Pete. I'll try to pay more attention to my surroundings and add more Norman content.

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