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  1. #1

    Film Exchange John Rex Elementary

    |category1=Film Row
    |project=Downtown Elementary School
    |address=Block bounded by Walker, Dewey, Sheridan, California
    |owner=OKC Public Schools
    |architect=TAP Architecture
    |sq. feet=
    |other=Tentatively planned as charter school
    Information & Latest News

    1/16/14: Frequently Asked Questions
    1/23/13: $14.2 million building permit application
    11/14/12: Application for construction fence
    10/17/12: TAP Architecture designs approved by design review board
    8/3/10: Former OKC Mayor Presents Plans for Downtown Elementary School


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  2. #2

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    I think it's great and long overdue. This will help us develop a stronger, more sustainable downtown and inner core. Did you read the ignorant comments on NewsOK? Half those people live in the suburbs or outside of OKC City limits. I'm sure they'd get vocal if we criticized their hood or rural town and told them how to develop their neck of the woods.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    People who complain are fine with brand new schools being built or old ones being improved in other neighborhoods, especially theirs. But, if it's downtown and a Humphreys proposed it, there's a certain group of people who automatically assume he's the only one who will benefit. Larry Nichols wanted a new school built downtown too, IIRC. I'm trying to remember if some of the Project 180 funds were supposed to be involved.

  4. #4
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    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Humphreys said he expected the charter school to eventually move into facilities to be constructed by the district with money from MAPS for Kids, through which voters approved an $8.8 million elementary school to be built downtown.
    Man, I wish there were some old buildings downtown we could just renovate for about $9 million for them.

    ; )

  5. #5

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    I think it's a great idea. If the plan is to get young professionals to move downtown, a charter elementary school will definitely help get them and keep them there. That Bill guy posting on NewsOK is a huge dick, too.
    Last edited by BDK; 08-03-2010 at 02:11 PM. Reason: Sloppy grammar

  6. Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by BDK View Post
    I think it's a great idea. If the plan is to get young professionals to move downtown, a charter elementary school will definitely help get them and keep them there. That Bill guy posting on NewsOK is a huge dick, too.

    If most "young professionals" are childless singles or couples, how is an elementary school going to entice them?

    If they do plan on having children, wouldn't they move to an area that offers choices in large number of bedrooms and large yards so they can raise a family? Correct me if I'm wrong, but there's no housing like that anywhere downtown.

  7. #7
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    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    If they do plan on having children, wouldn't they move to an area that offers choices in large number of bedrooms and large yards so they can raise a family?
    No doubt. Children these days need at least one large bedroom to themselves and plenty of room to graze.

  8. Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    There's a certain demographic that doesn't care about suburban living.
    Don't Edmond My Downtown

  9. Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    These comments are awesomely bad, as always... a few favorites..

    Kevin, OKC
    "Maybe MAPS for Kids DID intend to build a school downtown," (no I'm pretty sure the ballot was not worded "Maybe" lol) but I doubt there was a clause that said it would be a freebie for he and his group. (Then what would it be? They're paying for it in taxes just like you, so..ugh nevermind.) ALSO, MAPS for Kids was passed BEFORE the downturn in the economy. (So you're advocating that we stray from the ballot after the voters approved it..good idea, who needs stinkin transparency anyway) If the catchment area were predominantly for poor and middle class kids, the plan would be scrapped in favor of more economical busing. I can think of at least 4 charter schools within five miles of downtown. (Wow, the whole inner city has how many? Sheesh..) How many more do we really need? Maybe this is in truth just a Freudian thing where Humphreys feels 'inferior' to Boren at OU or Humphreys' buddy Hargis at OSU... (yeah, because charter schools and major research universities have so much in common)

    Bill, Nowhere
    "The parents of those 15 children knew or should have known the location of schools in relation to the 4 blocks of your neighborhood BEFORE they moved to you area. So don't go crying foul just yet."

    Which he said after saying: "Building the school before the housing developments ,is putting the cart before the horse. Bad idea,as funding for developments is not a sure thing in todays economy. If the economic indicators were more positive, it would still be a risky venture. Schools should be built to satisfy a real need, not feed the egos of a few investors. If housing downtown becomes a reality, the need for a few schools would be an eventuality that would need to be addressed...IMHO"

    I love how scary clueless people in Oklahoma are.

  10. #10
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    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    There's a certain demographic that doesn't care about suburban living.
    And apparently they're all elitist commie terrorists who don't know how to raise children that we're better off without.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by BDP View Post
    And apparently they're all elitist commie terrorists who don't know how to raise children that we're better off without.
    Let me guess, this downtown elementary school that we are so desperately in need of will be built somewhere on or near the downtown airpark. Anyone else smell a rat here.
    Kinda like the ole Putnam City days, we need more schools in the Putnam City area and I (Kirk H.) have the land we can build them on. lol. Come on Kirk, you can do better than that, not every citizen in OKC is as totally stupid as you might think. lol

  12. Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Bob... (sigh) the downtown airpark is not even one of the 4 or 5 sites being looked at for the new school. And the downtown airpark land is not even owned by Kirk specifically...

    So, in your book, does our esteemed former mayor even get to breath in air without you people "smelling a rat"?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Bob... (sigh) the downtown airpark is not even one of the 4 or 5 sites being looked at for the new school. And the downtown airpark land is not even owned by Kirk specifically...

    So, in your book, does our esteemed former mayor even get to breath in air without you people "smelling a rat"?
    He's bored and has no life, he's just trying to invent some type of conspiricy that's not there.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Shall we wait and see where the proposed site is before doing any sniffing? The airpark is across the river from downtown, remember. I seem to remember prior to the MAPS 3 vote people here stating that the Convention Center would be built at the airpark as well, which was obviously not true.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    Shall we wait and see where the proposed site is before doing any sniffing? The airpark is across the river from downtown, remember. I seem to remember prior to the MAPS 3 vote people here stating that the Convention Center would be built at the airpark as well, which was obviously not true.

    I may be getting the cart ahead of the horse here. We will just have to wait and see.
    I can assure you that their are plans in place by these people do to do something with the downtown airpark, something so big it was smart to buy this land and sit on it. There is no problem with land speculation. The problem lies when you have insider information and influence to what that property is to become prior to purchasing it. But we will just have to wait and see.

    I guess some of you were in diapers or in elementary school or wearing blinders when he used his influence on the PC school board to try to get schools built on land that he owned. HMM, thats the rat I am speaking of. Lets just see if history repeats itself.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by BOBTHEBUILDER View Post
    I may be getting the cart ahead of the horse here. We will just have to wait and see.
    I can assure you that their are plans in place by these people do to do something with the downtown airpark, something so big it was smart to buy this land and sit on it. There is no problem with land speculation. The problem lies when you have insider information and influence to what that property is to become prior to purchasing it. But we will just have to wait and see.

    I guess some of you were in diapers or in elementary school or wearing blinders when he used his influence on the PC school board to try to get schools built on land that he owned. HMM, thats the rat I am speaking of. Lets just see if history repeats itself.
    Yes, there's plans for this property, was in the papers right after they closed on the property.
    FYI, that's why developers buy property.

  17. Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    For those who actually want to see what will be built on that site, before formulating some cockomany conspiracy theories, here's a good place to start: http://www.humphreysco.com/#/projects/the-waterfront/

    Who did Kirk Humphreys even piss off? Are people still upset that we had a mayor more than just ideologically committed to downtown rhetoric?

  18. #18

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    For those who actually want to see what will be built on that site, before formulating some cockomany conspiracy theories, here's a good place to start: http://www.humphreysco.com/#/projects/the-waterfront/

    Who did Kirk Humphreys even piss off? Are people still upset that we had a mayor more than just ideologically committed to downtown rhetoric?
    Here are the guys that held political office just to name a couple who are going to profit from this Riverfront project thats been in place for years, Ron Norick, ex mayor, Kirk Humphreys ex mayor, and that is just the tip of the list.

  19. Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by BOBTHEBUILDER View Post
    Here are the guys that held political office just to name a couple who are going to profit from this Riverfront project thats been in place for years, Ron Norick, ex mayor, Kirk Humphreys ex mayor, and that is just the tip of the list.
    Wow, I'm actually at a loss. I've said this before in another thread, but I'll say it again. There really is no point in arguing with you..your views are so off base, so ludicrous, and so firmly held that there is no point in even telling you why you're wrong.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    Wow, I'm actually at a loss. I've said this before in another thread, but I'll say it again. There really is no point in arguing with you..your views are so off base, so ludicrous, and so firmly held that there is no point in even telling you why you're wrong.
    Time will tell.....
    Lets just say, its years and years of observing the same behavior with different players.
    And yes the views I have are firmly held, so dont waste your time, I know better, I have seen it first hand.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by BOBTHEBUILDER View Post
    Here are the guys that held political office just to name a couple who are going to profit from this Riverfront project thats been in place for years, Ron Norick, ex mayor, Kirk Humphreys ex mayor, and that is just the tip of the list.
    How will Ron Norick profit from this ?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    For anyone who doubts the need for another downtown elementary school, look at the numbers for Wilson (PDF). Wilson is overflowing, and the capacity problems have gotten much worse the last few years as more people have moved downtown. Their class sizes are huge for an elementary school. Even after all the renovations are complete, it will still only have a 346 student capacity.

    While we're on the subject of Wilson, it's worth pointing out that a non-profit named Wilson Arts, Inc. was formed to help support the school. Wilson Arts, Inc. raised over $684,000 through a capital campaign to supplement the MAPS renovations, particularly those concerning the fine arts classrooms. Kirk Humphreys and Dannie Bea Hightower were the co-chairs of this organization's board of directors.

    I love a good conspiracy theory, but let's not act as if Kirk Humphreys doesn't have a history of supporting this particular cause.

  23. Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by Eep View Post
    For anyone who doubts the need for another downtown elementary school, look at the numbers for Wilson (PDF). Wilson is overflowing, and the capacity problems have gotten much worse the last few years as more people have moved downtown. Their class sizes are huge for an elementary school. Even after all the renovations are complete, it will still only have a 346 student capacity.

    While we're on the subject of Wilson, it's worth pointing out that a non-profit named Wilson Arts, Inc. was formed to help support the school. Wilson Arts, Inc. raised over $684,000 through a capital campaign to supplement the MAPS renovations, particularly those concerning the fine arts classrooms. Kirk Humphreys and Dannie Bea Hightower were the co-chairs of this organization's board of directors.

    I love a good conspiracy theory, but let's not act as if Kirk Humphreys doesn't have a history of supporting this particular cause.
    THANK YOU. My point exactly. It's a teachable lesson that Kirk soured his reputation with one weird deal, but it is ridiculous for people who have done squat for OKC to lambaste someone who has for a long time been committed to community and education, both downtown, and city-wide.

    This isn't the Kirk Humphreys Elementary School. He is just lending a hand to help the downtowners behind this to get the ball rolling and navigate the process.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Quote Originally Posted by Eep View Post
    For anyone who doubts the need for another downtown elementary school, look at the numbers for Wilson (PDF). Wilson is overflowing, and the capacity problems have gotten much worse the last few years as more people have moved downtown. Their class sizes are huge for an elementary school. Even after all the renovations are complete, it will still only have a 346 student capacity.

    While we're on the subject of Wilson, it's worth pointing out that a non-profit named Wilson Arts, Inc. was formed to help support the school. Wilson Arts, Inc. raised over $684,000 through a capital campaign to supplement the MAPS renovations, particularly those concerning the fine arts classrooms. Kirk Humphreys and Dannie Bea Hightower were the co-chairs of this organization's board of directors.

    I love a good conspiracy theory, but let's not act as if Kirk Humphreys doesn't have a history of supporting this particular cause.
    But what about OTHER okc public elementary schools in the area that are not at capacity? the last thing OKCPS needs to do is build a new school...

    Some other OKCPS schools nearby (probably about the same distance from downtown as Wilson)

    *Dunbar Elementary address: 1432 NE 7th Street
    Westwood Elementary address is 1701 Exchange Avenue
    Moon Academy grades K-8 address 1901 Northeast 13th Street

    From NewsOK:

    The city school board voted to close Dunbar Elementary, 1432 NE Seventh, this year in the face of an enrollment of 176 students and the potential savings of $300,000 a year.

    Students from Dunbar Elementary will be split between two schools. Those who live north of NE 10 Street will attend Parks Elementary School and students who live south of NE 10 Street will attend Edwards Elementary. The district will offer transportation to both schools from the old Dunbar, 1432 NE Seventh St

    Again, OKCPS does not need to build any more new schools. They can't even maintain the ones they do have. I'm trying to say this in the nicest way possible, as I was OKCPS-educated from K-12.
    Last edited by okyeah; 08-10-2010 at 02:02 AM. Reason: *

  25. Default Re: Kirk Humphreys proposing downtown elementary school

    Well, you may actually be right, on second thought. After I clicked "post quick reply" I instantly regretted coming down on you for being skeptical. It is good that people be skeptical and I'm not going to defend Kirk on the specific allegations from the past that you mention, although I would almost always otherwise normally defend him, because he's a good guy. He's not nearly as influential or as rich as people like to accuse him of being, either...to be honest. Compared to everyone else on the Chamber Board he's one of the most regular joes you'll find.

    I guess I'm full of contradictions these days, out one side of my mouth defending the movers and shakers downtown, and out the other side of my mouth lambasting them and accusing them of corruption when it comes to urban development and handling of MAPS 3 which has been bad so far. And I was one of MAPS 3's staunchest supporters, too.

    I guess if I need to unload on the powers that be, why not everyone. I still don't sense anything wrong with the urban school, and I honestly don't see the importance of Kirk in this at all besides the fact that he has always been a big believer in downtown, someone who truly understands urbanism I think, someone who has riled up the anti-downtown people, someone who has pissed off the people who need OKC to keep sprawling for their bottom line, and he's also always been a huge proponent of the inner city schools. This is not Kirk Humphreys Elementary. The esteemed former mayor is just someone who is familiar with the power structure, MAPS for Kids (it was his initiative), and OCPS..now he's volunteering to help downtowners get the ball rolling on what will be a huge boost for the downtown community.

    This is all about creating a real community downtown, and why deny that? Why deny downtowners the ability to have a real community that is meaningful and family-friendly when it exists everywhere else in OKC. Is it because people are worried about competition now? I don't get it, why be so anti-downtown? Why be against anywhere that is trying to develop into a real community?

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