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Thread: Oklahoma leads U.S. in GDP growth

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  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma leads U.S. in GDP growth


    “Oklahoma's growth in real GDP stood in stark contrast to a widespread economic downturn that saw 38 states recording declines last year.”

    My project for the week is to inform the 38 states seeing a drop how the bottomfeeding Okies play ball to get ahead.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma leads U.S. in GDP growth

    What says OKC Talk on who would be the best contact in the 38 states with GDP drop to inform them of how Oklahoma has allowed for egregious violation of Constitutional Rights of one of its citizens that has I believe been proclaimed by at least 2 prominent Oklahoma politicians as being ‘in the best interest of Oklahoma’ to have been allowed……..

    I mean, surely – if there is reality to any of that……. There couldn’t possibly be any connection between the two, right? I mean, if a **** storm of forensic accountants and investigative journalists rained upon Oklahoma to examine just what the elements of Oklahoma’s astounding success was contributed to…..they certainly wouldn’t find any ties to political favor in any form or fashion that could be related to what I believe my situation is and how it has been proclaimed to be ‘in the best interest of Oklahoma’?

    I’m not sure who to contact though……..I suppose in the least it wouldn’t hurt to contact the news media in those states – although I might assume that most are not even locally owned. I had hoped to find that perhaps there was a Chamber of Commerce at the state level, but I’m not seeing it for the few that I have checked – less Michigan. I guess the governor’s office of those states would be the obvious choice, but I’m weary of any politician doing anything but sitting on the knowledge of it.

    So, I know I can whip out a statement to send to whoever in less than an hour, but who to send it to that will have the most impact is the question……..

    ‘Word for the day’


    Have a really ****ing awesome Thanksgiving Okies………

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma leads U.S. in GDP growth

    Okies!? I need suggestions on what would be the best tact in relaying the story of how Oklahoma has profiteered from political favor gained through violation of the United States Constitution………

    I’m intending to include the angle of BRAC and stripping Oklahoma of its military assets and missions as some means to motivate the other states to have a reason to care……..


    Looks like Washington took a minor hit too…..I wonder if any Washington people would like to hear how Okies ‘play ball?’

    Are there any states that might have an axe to grind with Oklahoma that would make for the best to target efforts? 38 states is sure a lot of states to just start gathering e-mail addresses to newspapers and governor’s offices and whatnot.

    In the past I have targeted educational institutions to make contact if for no other reason than to place the knowledge of what has taken place in the hands of the educators of the young minds of tomorrow…… I’m not really sure if the payoff for that effort was quite worth it though. I don’t even know how many hours were spent gathering all of those e-mail addresses.

    What’s all this talk about ‘fracking?’


    That’s not some kind of issue that political favor in relaxation of environmental laws and regulations would play a role is it?

    Would I no longer be VIP status at Republic if I contacted Seattle about my ordeal and started picking at the ‘fracking’ sore? Baahaaaahaaa…….. if I was ever VIP at Republic you wouldn’t have known it…… outside of the cute curly haired blonde bartender they hardly ever gave me any special attention – much less was there any respect from the patrons.

    I’m sorta stalled right now just thinking about how to best approach this effort……...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma leads U.S. in GDP growth

    Take your thread hijacking somewhere else, like a thread of its own, to make clearer what your writing about. Oklahoma has a long history of doing unconstitutional things or things that were later made unconstitutional.

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