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Thread: 9.11.2001

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  1. Default 9.11.2001

    Today is the day. 9th year anniversary. The time we all were glued to TVs watching, waiting, panicking, and crying. Lives lost. Many more hurt. Last words were said.

    Pause for a moment, pray for those families and friends. Pray for the lives lost. Pray for the country to have the strength to get through this day. Go out and show the love and niceness to fellow neighbors and citizens of this great country.

    Twin Towers and the surrounding buildings.

    The Pentagon.

    Open field in Pennsylvania where our fellow heroic passengers prevented another tragedy at the cost of their own lives.

    The passengers on all 4 planes.

    This day is for them. -----{--@

  2. #2

    Default Re: 9.11.2001

    Today, 9/11/10, at the Payne County Veterans' Memorial at Boomer Lake Park in Stillwater, noticed was a bunch of red roses laying in front of the memorial's podium as pictured below. Within the roses contained a written message folded in a sheet of paper. It read:

    O Heavenly Father,

    Nine years ago the country that I love lost so much in New York City and that field in Pennsylvania. I pray that you comfort the families of those who lost loved ones that day. I ask that you protect my brothers and sisters who continue to fight our enemies. Please guide our leaders with your infinite wisdom as you did our fore fathers. I pray that our mighty nation maintains favor in your eyes and that you continue to bless us with your mercy, wisdom and love.

    I finally pray that you care for the souls who lost their lives that day. May they rest eternally and be at peace in your divine grace. Amen

  3. Default Re: 9.11.2001

    We're the only two to care, Bunty, and thanks for sharing!

  4. #4

    Default Re: 9.11.2001

    I'll never forget. Lost a close friend in NYC.

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