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I would say that statement is pretty accurate, certainly not the the original criminal which precipitated this case even though his mother seems to think so. Some people just won't accept what their children really are.
Sure he may have "gone off" but after awhile you get sick and tired of dealing with the scum that criminals like this are. I still find it ridiculous that one bullet is OK but multiple bullets are not, talk about splitting hairs. Talk to any police officer, paramedic/fireman about dealing with an injured patient and many times persons with multiple gunshot wounds can still fight. My cousin was working at a hospital emergency room in Sacramento while she was in nursing school, they brought in an obvious gang shooting victim and he had 22 entry wounds and was still alive, he and had to be restrained to be attend to. Someone who has served in combat has probably seen similar feats of those who have been injured and I could see why they wouldn't stop until they thought they were sure the other person was dead. That is not murder, that is the "kill or be killed" survival mentality.
Anytime YOUR property is threatened it erodes a bit of your "self" as well as I have found out with my home being burglarized twice in the past year. They are not only stealing "things" they are stealing away a bit of the victim as well. Every time I come home I am wary of the door being left open like it was that day and I would have no qualms about sending the perpetrator out of MY HOME in a body bag. The thought that a criminal is a victim in these type of cases is absurd at best.
To me if someone makes the conscious decision to commit a crime of this nature, then they by their action they consent to the possible outcomes which could be arrest or death. I weep for no one (including this kid) who makes that choice to PUT THEIR OWN LIVES AT RISK in the commission of a crime. That is part of the price they pay for the wrong decision. If Antwun hadn't of committed the crime, he would still be alive...that is what seems to get lost.