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Thread: Yukon Devil Worshipers

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  1. #1

    Default Yukon Devil Worshipers

    When I was growing up in the western Oklahoma City area there was an urban legend that devil worshipers used to meet on some land west of Yukon. The turn off Route 66 to get to this area was where a bar called the Shanty was. The building is still there but no bar is open because of a fire a few years ago. Some friends from high school went out there once and claimed they saw burned animals. Anyone remember this story?

    Bigray in Ok

  2. #2

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Not acquainted with that particular story. However, I'd find it a tad surprising if folks in near on every county in this state couldn't point to a similar legend. Some are likely fact based. Some are likely pure legend.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    I remember going down that road and seeing dead animals hanging from trees back in like 1982 or 83. Very weird. I've never been back there since.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER44EVER View Post
    I remember going down that road and seeing dead animals hanging from trees back in like 1982 or 83. Very weird. I've never been back there since.
    Reminds me of a story - Back in Northern Virginia, a guy who worked with my husband came from Oklahoma and was a hunter. Mind you, the guy is a professional - an engineer with a responsible position. He lived in a nice neighborhood. He took his son out deer hunting and they brought back their kill, slung it up on the basketball court IN THE FRONT YARD to do whatever it is that hunters do. Don't ask me what that is because I don't know. The neighbors went wild over it. Thought it was going to damage their children, etc. The engineer was completely taken aback and didn't "get" what the fuss was about because he had been doing that all his life. He is an engineer, after all, so human emotion sometimes is confusing to him. (I kid, I love the engineers. Well, okay actually, I love them but am not kidding). He and my husband fussed amongst themselves over the neighbors being ignorant and I just stood there with my mouth open that he would do such a thing.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Generally speaking, upset neighbors are way easier to deal with than momma if one takes their critter carcass inside to skin it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    If you only knew. My father-in-law was attempting to impress one of his renters (divorced of course) and on a Freezing Sunday night he voluntered he and myself to clean some ducks for this woman....My mother-in-law was not happy about that...But she really got excited when he decided to clean them inside the house.... ducks (once dead) put out a realllllllllyyyyyyy bad gas odor......He quit cleaning ducks for other women......and the doghouse was quite comfortable for him for a few days. Me, I just told my wife your dad made me do it....

  7. #7

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    At first I thought this was the mascot of the new HS in Yukon. I only remember hearing about the devil worshiper in Spencer during the 70's and 80's. We even had a thread going at one time discussing the fact and fiction of the location. Maybe the devil worshipers now practice out of a store front in a strip mall somewhere, who knows. Or if you read the political thread, Sally Kern had something to do with their disappearance. (joking)

  8. #8

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    See post below.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    There were a couple of places they met over the years between Yukon and Piedmont that I knew of.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    They used to meet up on Sara Road n. of NW Expressway. A friend and I once saw them dancing around a fire in a field one night. There used to be a tiny sign at the very top of a telephone pole on NW Expresswy that said something like satan rules. Creepy!

  11. #11

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Isn't Yukon a portal to hell?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Quote Originally Posted by papaOU View Post
    Isn't Yukon a portal to hell?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    When I was in jr. high and high school you would follow NW 50 west past council where the old Tri-City Ballparks were and go north on the dirt road. We called it 5 mile road and supposedly they would meet out there. I never saw them but did see where some fires had been made. I am sure it is nothing but Urban Legend but made for a great story back then!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Quote Originally Posted by capt_john_97 View Post
    When I was in jr. high and high school you would follow NW 50 west past council where the old Tri-City Ballparks were and go north on the dirt road. We called it 5 mile road and supposedly they would meet out there. I never saw them but did see where some fires had been made. I am sure it is nothing but Urban Legend but made for a great story back then!
    And who can forget the supposed hauntings at the guthrie general hospital and the witch that supposedly lived at kitchen lake.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    I know of the old children's home in Guthrie but not the general hospital unless they are one in the same. Kitchen lake....hmmmm is that the one with the smokestack or something like that?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Yes the childrens home is differnent then the guthrie hospital. I think the childrens home is privately owned now and the guthrie hospital has been boarded up and trespassers will be given a citation from the guthrie pd.

    O the supposed witch at kitchen lake does have a smokestack nearby btw

  17. #17

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    kitchen lake is a very evil place...

  18. #18

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Don't know the place. Never thought of a place as evil. People in a place though, yeah, that's way possible.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    I remember their being some goth kids in high school but not many, I expect this was overprotective parents worrying about the other kids their child might be around.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Resourceful researchers may want to explore the devil worshipping group that held meetings in the utility tunnels under the sidewalks on the main OU campus in the early 1960's...still a little known affair...they robbed churches for iconic religious items and were trying to raise the dead...so they say...

  21. #21

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    I never knew about that on the OU campus hmmmm interesting

  22. #22

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Quote Originally Posted by capt_john_97 View Post
    I never knew about that on the OU campus hmmmm interesting
    I believe the primary egress for the tunnels was near the Student Union Building...some might remember those big iron plates that were located every so often on the sidewalks to allow entry into those formidable tunnels (one could easily stand up and travel about) which had wiring etc. in them--perhaps steam too in those days. It was in The Norman Transcript--but mysteriously "heshed-up" by local authorities and remained alive only in whispers and hearsay at the time. I remember the story was that Peter Lorre--who had recently passed away--was one of the targets for resurrection. Norman has many secrets, many, many secrets.

    I recall seeing the movie Blue Velvet when it came out...and thinking--"Hey! That is where I grew up!"...that being Norman...

  23. #23

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    I remember the tunnels and even used them at one time. found our own storage room that became a sort of party room that was under the towers. I never heard about devil worshippers though

  24. #24

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    I was in school at OU in the 60's. I never went in the tunnels but my fraternity had some rites that some might have misconstrued if they had been seen, especially during initiations. Things are easily misunderstood and exagerated so I take those stories with a grain of salt.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Yukon Devil Worshipers

    Quote Originally Posted by ljbab728 View Post
    I was in school at OU in the 60's. I never went in the tunnels but my fraternity had some rites that some might have misconstrued if they had been seen, especially during initiations. Things are easily misunderstood and exagerated so I take those stories with a grain of salt.
    It was front page news in the Norman Transcript--for anyone who wants to research. Also...I went to school with one of the students that was arrested. Did not know him personally. An older OU student--oddly who was wheelchair-bound--was arrested as the "ring-leader" (Norman has always been a "ring" town) and he was salted away into Griffin Memorial State Hospital, and as far as I know--never heard from again. That it happened--it indisputable fact. Talk with Normaniacs who have been there a long time. It is no secret whatsoever. Around 1962 (?)--when it happened. They were all charged with stealing religious articles from St. John's Episcopal Church to use, ostensibly, in their nefarious deeds. You must have been a DEKE to have had that sort of initiation....

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