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  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default Birth Control

    Okay, here's a great new topic. Say your daughter comes up to you and asks you for birth control. What would your response be? Would you tell her you're proud of her that she's trying to prevent an unwanted pregnancy? Or would tell her that she isn't old enough to be having sex?

    Just curious what your thoughts are on the issue.

  2. #2
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Birth Control

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Okay, here's a great new topic. Say your daughter comes up to you and asks you for birth control. What would your response be? Would you tell her you're proud of her that she's trying to prevent an unwanted pregnancy? Or would tell her that she isn't old enough to be having sex?

    Just curious what your thoughts are on the issue.
    I would say no, however, I seriously doubt this question would ever come up. She is very protective of her body, and has made a committment to God and herself to keep herself pure until she gets married. There are many things that could concern me about my daughter, however, fortunately, this is not one of them. We have an excellent door of communication.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Birth Control

    There are reasons other than sex for the use of BC pills/Depo, etc. Just to throw one out there, it helps to regulate a woman's cycle, and it can often make it a LOT less painful. I've known too many girls that would basically be immobilized with cramps at times until they got on BC.

  4. Default Re: Birth Control

    It would depend on her age. If she was under the age of 16, I would say no. After that, there is a high probability that she is going to have sex with or without birth control, so it is best to play it safe and let her have her have the control.

    Of course, if her mom disagreed, I would abstain from that decision.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Birth Control

    Its easy to get caught up and end up having sex, especially for younger people. Sometimes young people don't realise what they are doing or getting into whether its sex or really anything that good or bad. Its not that they meant to do any harm, its that they did it on accident or quasi-accident. Tough to explain.
    If my daughter asked for it I would have to let her since I think it will always be ultimately her decision. I think its healthier to allow girls to have access to birth control so that they don't have to take potentially more harmful measures. I would rather let my daughter have some form of birth control so that she wouldn't get a hold of a morning after pill or worse, get an abortion. btw, I'm not saying that i'm for or against abortion and yes I do know that there is controversy about whether the morning after pill is abortion or not.

  6. #6
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Birth Control

    Personally, I hope that with proper parenting and instilling morals in my children, I'll never have to face this problem.

    There are two ways to look at this issue though:
    If I don't allow her to get birth control and my daughter is quite rebellious (yes, it can happen to anyone), there's a chance for her to get pregnant.

    But, if I allow her to get birth control, it might be encouraging her to have pre-marital sex.

    Much of the time, if you raise your child right with proper morals, you shouldn't have a problem. Still, when a man and woman get together and romance takes over, sometimes it can be extremely hard for a woman to resist the temptation.

  7. Default Re: Birth Control

    I agree with hoping that her upbringing would delay this from happening; however, if it should come to this, I would schedule an appointment with the OB/GYN and let him do his "exam" and remind her that having sex for the first time is more painful that the exam itself. Then re-emphasize that childbirth is even more painful, less the pill fail for some reason.

  8. #8
    Rev. Bob Guest

    Default Re: Birth Control

    I oppose giving a minor contraception. Giving you daughter contraception will only tell her that having sex is okay. Set ground rules with your daughter.

    True story. A couple in our church came to me a few years ago with the same problem. Their 15 year old daughter wanted contraception. Ends up, the father told his daughter no, and if she came home pregnant, the guy wouldn't live to see another day. A little harsh? Yeah! I didn't suggest those comments. But, it seemed to work. Today, the daughter is 24, and married with no kids. She got married last summer.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Birth Control

    can't minors get contraceptives without parent permission anyway?

  10. #10

    Default Re: Birth Control

    Speaking as a mother of 3 ( 2 daughters) and having been a teen myself. I would have to say if she is asking, telling her no will not stop her from having sex. She has already decided to or has done it. I would feel more comfortable saying I'm so proud you came to me, this is a huge desicion, let's talk about why you feel the need. Sex is inevitable. Unfortunately parents can't control every aspect of a teens life. Yes, they will have sex in 30 min right after school if they think they can't get out at night. They will find a way. Telling them no will not stop them. Your best defense is to be open and honest. Make sure they feel like they can come to you. If my daughter came to me I would be so relieved the she felt like she could do that. I would discourage it at all costs but I would not forbid her. That would make her run as fast as she could to someone else. My daughter wears her promise ring. She is only 12 but knows what can happen if she makes the wrong choice. We've talked openly about this. Parent's don't shut the door, you may never get it opened again.

  11. #11
    Zoedith Guest

    Default Re: Birth Control

    I also agree with the upbringing of morals and I want to include self respect. Personally, I did ask for birth control when I was 16. I saw my best friend go through an unwanted pregnancy and abortion at 15. I didn't have sex for at least a year and half after I was on the BC, but I knew it might happen. I didnt want to worry about unplanned pregnancy, and I didn't want to count on the male to make the decision.

    If my daughter asked about birth control, I would make sure she knew everything necessary and support her in her decision, because I would trust that she was making the best decision with the facts presented to her.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Birth Control

    If my daughter came to me I would let her know I don't approve of what she is doing however I would make the appointment to get her in to be put on the pill and I would atleast view it as if she does choose to do it atleast she is being responsible about it.. And no that doesn't make it right but honestly ya can't be with the 24/7..

  13. #13
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: Birth Control

    Wow Patrick what a subject you have here!

    I would say IF I had a daughter Morally I would NOT like doing this but I am coming from the side of being a teen mom myself at 15,Yes I would definitly put her on it.It is a fine line between condoning the behavior and being realistic about the times we are in with kids now getting sexually active in ELEMENTARY school yes folks you heard that right and protecting both kids,the girl and the boy and their futures.Becuase I will say this,teens are very clever DO NOT underestimate them I thought I was a smart one and they ar esmrter now.They will find a way to do this if they want to be together bad enough.No amount of scolding,grounding ,taking away the car, or yelling till you are blue in the face is going to stop it.Here in comes Rebellion.Teen hormones are a very powerful thing.Just my 2 cents.


  14. #14

    Default Re: Birth Control

    AMEN Darling I agree completly I certainly remember the rebellious period when I was younger..

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