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Thread: Poor Planning

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  1. Default Poor Planning

    If anyone lives in the area on SE 44th between Sunnylane and Sooner, you'll know what I am talking about. The past week or two, the guys spent the time doing patches (and that is tearing up the cement where its bad and pouring in the new) all along the lanes. It looked so horrible and wondered why did they not just repave all the lanes completely.

    Then the last couple of days, they suddenly tore everything out and did the complete repaving the entire 2 lanes and right now they are doing the other 2 lanes.

    So, why the waste of time and taxpayers' money for patches job only to tear them all up for a complete repavement?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Poor Planning

    seems like typical OkDOT shenannigans. I gave up on wondering what OkDOT does after it took them 3 months to resurface 5 miles of I-40 (2 week job at most)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Poor Planning

    the areas they repaired where sections of the road that had base failure. They took it out and re compacted that section and after establishing a new base than filled them back level to the existing road.

    After that work was done than they milled the entire section to the same height so the road would be smooth.

    The milling's they took from the old road are recycled back to the plant and go out again as new road.

    I know this cause I stopped and asked the construction foreman............really helpful guy and glad some one asked.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Poor Planning

    Quote Originally Posted by PHXguyinOKC View Post
    seems like typical OkDOT shenannigans. I gave up on wondering what OkDOT does after it took them 3 months to resurface 5 miles of I-40 (2 week job at most)
    This is a City street, ODOT would not have been involved with this project.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Poor Planning

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    This is a City street, ODOT would not have been involved with this project.
    Actually...your wrong on this count............It was a federal road stimulis project and ODOT had jurisdiction over it from design to bid letting to construction overview.............

  6. #6

    Default Re: Poor Planning

    It's certainly conceivable there was waste in the project, but to be fair, it's also possible they realized the same thing you did and went ahead and repaved it. Ever try to fix something in your house and realize after you get into the project that you might as well just replace the whole thing? Even professionals often come to these conclusions after they break into a project - plus, they can't leave a hole in the pavement, they have to patch it until the full scale repair can be done.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Poor Planning

    it amazes me how people who know nothing about a topic are so willing to criticize with half-witted theories about government waste.....

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