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Thread: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

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  1. #1

    Default Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    Come show some love and respect for downtown OKC's historic buildings on Monday, May 3 at 12:30 PM by giving a building a BIG HUG! First 200 people get a free KeepDowntownUrban t-shirt.

    Location: NW corner of Robinson and Robert S. Kerr.

    SandRidge Energy wants to bulldoze several structures, including 3 historic buildings (one served as our state capitol from 1913 to 1917) so that we can all have a better view of their tower. They also want to keep a large portion of the demolition area open and park-like.

    Successful downtowns share three elements (1) density; (2) vigorous mixed uses (office, retail, dining, entertainment, etc.) and (3) continuity (something from every era). The SandRidge project is the flip side of all of these.

    The City planning staff recommended denial of demolition for three historic buildings and said that the plan would "suburbanize" downtown. The Downtown Design Review Committee, under some pressure, voted to approve it. Preservation Oklahoma, siding with City staff, has filed an appeal to the Board of Adjustment. That appeal will be heard May 20 at 1:30 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    Quote Originally Posted by SuzHat View Post

    Come show some love and respect for downtown OKC's historic buildings on Monday, May 3 at 12:30 PM by giving a building a BIG HUG! First 200 people get a free KeepDowntownUrban t-shirt.

    Location: NW corner of Robinson and Robert S. Kerr.

    SandRidge Energy wants to bulldoze several structures, including 3 historic buildings (one served as our state capitol from 1913 to 1917) so that we can all have a better view of their tower. They also want to keep a large portion of the demolition area open and park-like.

    Successful downtowns share three elements (1) density; (2) vigorous mixed uses (office, retail, dining, entertainment, etc.) and (3) continuity (something from every era). The SandRidge project is the flip side of all of these.

    The City planning staff recommended denial of demolition for three historic buildings and said that the plan would "suburbanize" downtown. The Downtown Design Review Committee, under some pressure, voted to approve it. Preservation Oklahoma, siding with City staff, has filed an appeal to the Board of Adjustment. That appeal will be heard May 20 at 1:30 PM.
    This sounds like a wonderful symbolic event. Unfortunately, those of us who don't work downtown aren't likely to be able to attend. Good luck, anyway.

  3. Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    They're smart. They're using the downtown lunch traffic to promote the event. I could have been there since I had AP testing at the nice church north of Midtown next to Heritage Hills, but I forgot. Damn.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    We had about 40 that showed up, saw Doug Dawg there and got my t-shirt. I don't think we "got" any lunch traffic, but at least it was a good idea in theory and lots of spectators, including the conventioners from the National Main Street Association convention. I will try and post a flyer that was passed out at the event soon.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    Yes please pass any info along that will keep the momentum going. I would really like to help stop the destruction. Hopefully a compromise can be worked out with Sandridge that will make everyone happy!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

  7. #7

    Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    Also I forgot to mention, KOCO5 and FOX 25 were there, there we're a couple print reporters and a couple other video cameras (not sure if they were TV or not) for any of you that want to tune into the news tonight.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    What time do they demo those buildings?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    There will be no demolition until hearing at the Next Board of Adjustment meeting.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    Quote Originally Posted by MIKELS129 View Post
    There will be no demolition until hearing at the Next Board of Adjustment meeting.
    Which is when?

  11. Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    May 20th.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Big HUG for historic bldgs. 5/03/10 @12:30

    Well, they can get rid of that parking garage in the middle of Kerr park. That park is already there and does get used in nice weather. Sure would like to the Farmers Market back there sometime too. Fixing up Kerr/couch park to be nicer and greener would be good. But I don't think we need any more in-downtown park then that.

    That parking garage, from what I understand, can't be fixed. They were down to one car elevator and couldn't get parts to fix the rest. It will be interesting to see how they go about disconnecting it from the City Place building from that skywalk on the 14th floor.

    A nice green small park right there would also be nice for the people who might want to live in the condos (apartments?) at the top of the City Place building. But all that new park they want to make doesn't seem necessary to me. Definetly not worth losing historic buildings.

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