Dunno. Tough to second guess CPS based on a news story which may or may not include important information. But damn.
Horrible story.
Why would those dogs do that? I'm serious. I wonder - where they hungry? Puppies? Fighting dogs? The story didn't say that other parts of him had been mutiliated so maybe they just focused on this and didn't mention other damage.
The mother must have been horrified and that poor baby...
I help out with Samoyed rescue which sometimes involves going to the pound to see whether a dog is samoyed or not. Lots and lots of sweet pits everytime I go. Makes me sick. They are the dog of choice for many of the very people that shouldn't have a dog, period. If you are too rough with a dog, don't feed it properly, leave it to play with babies while you sleep off a night of partying, bad things are going to happen. I am not saying they aren't a bit risky, but I AM saying that most of them are just fine if you take proper care of them and are responsible. I know of some people who are into pit dog rescue and their dogs are adorable. Would I leave one with a child? No, I would not. But I wouldn't leave a child alone with a samoyed, either and there is probably no gentler dog on the planet.
You read a lot about pits running in packs and attacking people. They shouldn't be running out loose and people who let them run in packs, probably are making plenty of other mistakes.
Personally, I don't think I would have a pit if I had a baby in the house. That being said, most of them are just fine and would do very well with adults who aren't going to encourage their aggression and will keep them responsibly confined and cared for. I am absolutely not for wholesale slaughter to these dogs. But people need to be sensible with them and, unfortunately, many of the people drawn to them aren't.
Continue the Renaissance!!!
Over react how? If there is a chance the child was neglected (he was after all left unattended and dogs were able to access him and maul a portion of him) then CPS did everything they should have by taking over temporary custody of the baby. An investigation will be done and the baby returned if no neglect or abuse is found.
Midtowner is correct...it is tough to secong guess CPS based on a news article.
I recall sometime back in the 60's I think it was. News stories, print and TV, were coming out warning parents not to let their pet cats near newborn babies because the cats might suck the breath out of the newborns and suffocate the babies. If CPS had knowledge of that happening today, would they step in and remove a baby from a home where this might have happened?
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