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Thread: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

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  1. #1

    Default Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    Are these two one in the same?

    I keep hearing the name Core to Shore, and it has awesome potential to make south of downtown look extremely awesome, but isn't that what Maps 3 is for?

    Did I vote for Maps 3, or did I vote for Core to Shore? If I voted for Maps 3 and they aren't the same, when do I get to vote for Core to Shore?


  2. #2

    Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    While I could be wrong I believe "Core to Shore" is the overall plan: moving I40 south, central park, river upgrade, Ford Center upgrades, etc. MAPS 3 is city tax money used to build a new park, mass transit, etc. A lot of the funding for I40 came from the Federal and State governments where MAPS 3 is funded by OKC. "Core to Shore" is the big picture and my understanding is everything has already been voted on and passed. I'm sure others will have more details.

    Edit: go to OKC.gov and it should tell you everything you need to know.

  3. Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    Did I vote for Maps 3, or did I vote for Core to Shore?
    We may never know.

  4. Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    Are these two one in the same?

    I keep hearing the name Core to Shore, and it has awesome potential to make south of downtown look extremely awesome, but isn't that what Maps 3 is for?

    Did I vote for Maps 3, or did I vote for Core to Shore? If I voted for Maps 3 and they aren't the same, when do I get to vote for Core to Shore?

    Megax11, Core To Shore is a comprehensive long-term plan for development of the area shown in the map below:

    MAPS 3 involves a piece of this development but also includes projects not located in the Core-To-Shore area, eg fairgrounds improvements, trails, senior centers.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    MAPS III was a funding mechanism for part of Core to Shore. C2S would exist if MAPS III didn't pass but it would probably have never progress past some PowerPoint slides and pretty maps.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    So MAPS goes toward making the entirety of C2S?

    Do you guys think we will end up having everything we see in those pics?

  7. Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    So MAPS goes toward making the entirety of C2S?

    Do you guys think we will end up having everything we see in those pics?

  8. Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    So MAPS goes toward making the entirety of C2S?

    Do you guys think we will end up having everything we see in those pics?
    There were pictures of Bricktown made before MAPS that showed some incredible things. People might have asked the same question back then. Looking back, the answer is no, but we have many of those things, and we have many more things that we never would have imagined when those drawings and models were made. Who knows what C2S will become.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    So MAPS goes toward making the entirety of C2S?

    Do you guys think we will end up having everything we see in those pics?
    MAPS is only the money to build the park and a few other things like the transit center and the convention center. The rest will be up to private development. MAPS III and C2S are just hooks to try and get private development, they aren't the end all be all, they are the beginning.

  10. Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by megax11 View Post
    So MAPS goes toward making the entirety of C2S?

    Do you guys think we will end up having everything we see in those pics?
    No, and it will just detract from the enormous potential that exists in areas of downtown that currently exist, unlike C2S.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Core to Shore and Maps 3.

    Quote Originally Posted by Spartan View Post
    No, and it will just detract from the enormous potential that exists in areas of downtown that currently exist, unlike C2S.
    Spartan, this has been argued many times here in OKCTALK. Of course, nothing ever turns out exactly like original proposals in a project of this magnitude. Some things work and some don't. That doesn't mean you just scrap the whole idea. You are obviously still of the mind that downtown is better off with the slum areas between the river and what you think will be a sparkling central area if C2S was never developed.

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