Re: U. S. Grant
They assigned the "reform model" and will cut and replace about 50% of their staff, which may or may not include the principal. This allows them to be able to receive $2 million in Federal funding.
They will not close and open as a charter. I don't think OKCPS wants any more charters at this time...
It's sad that a school has come to that, and it's not the first in the country to fall victim to the many factors that can cause a school to fail. Gran's failure is's not just the video game playing kids, the gang members, the teachers, the administrators, or the's so many things. Reforming the school isn't the only thing that needs to be done. But, there are things that we can't do, like force parents to be better, or run off the gangs entirely, for example, that would help.
Still corrupting young minds