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Thread: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

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  1. #1

    Default Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    They're about ready to ban synthetic marijuana in Kansas. It's sold under the K2 brand name. Would you support banning it in Oklahoma, too?

    Here's reviews from actual users of this stuff:

    Product review: Will K2 synthetic marijuana get you high? - Kansas City News - Plog

  2. #2

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Dorothy {deep inhale}: mmmm, I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto

    Toto: .oO(last time I take this ditz to midget wrasslin')Oo.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Can it harm you in some way?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    probably not. I would expect to hear some wingnuts line up in the near future about it being a gateway substance, and swear they must protect the children and outlaw it.

    Truthfully, a duffle bag of K2 and a F-150 bed full of near beer would probably liven up a lot of folks I know. Yeah, I really am that dull ... now anyways.

  5. Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    omg where can i get this at?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    What's the herb, khat?

  7. Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Quote Originally Posted by LIL_WAYNE_2012_PREZIDENT View Post
    omg where can i get this at?
    I have plenty of it. Want to buy some? I have a distributor selling me this at low prices, in turn I sell to make a profit. Discount for you.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    That was a funny article. I'm like the guy who quit because of paranoia over adult responsibilities, lol.

    I think most folks give weed up easily. As to the synthetic stuff, sounds like a waste of money, and who knows what's in it. Doesn't sound wort the 5 minute high. Probably a waste of time to outlaw it, as consumers will likely stop buying it after trying it once, kinda like salvia.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    I think it's supposed to be synthetic marijuana mixed in with herbs of some kind.

    It's probably just a matter of time before some Oklahoma kid tries K2 and ends up seriously ill in the hospital from it, probably due to an allergic reaction or epileptic fit. The parents will complain about it to their legislators and they will ban it. The legislators won't care if banning K2 will make it more attractive to kids. The legislators just hope to get some good out of their ban by winning reelection.

  10. #10

  11. #11

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    The artical mentioned head shops. I didn't know head shops were legal in Oklahoma.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    There's one at Air Depot and Adair - seems to stay busy, although I've never been in there. Ziggyz is name, I believe.

    Back in the day, I was a regular customer at the one on 23rd street - can't remember name, but considering why I frequented the place, that's understandable!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauri101 View Post
    There's one at Air Depot and Adair - seems to stay busy, although I've never been in there. Ziggyz is name, I believe.

    Back in the day, I was a regular customer at the one on 23rd street - can't remember name, but considering why I frequented the place, that's understandable!
    Mother's Rock Shop/Art D'cor?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    Mother's Rock Shop/Art D'cor?
    That would be the one! Thanks Skyrick. Spent hours hanging there in early 70's.

    Thunder - Ziggyz calls itself a "novelty store". Friends who have been in there call it a "head shop". Novelty store probably passes the initial sniff test for law enforcement.

  15. Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauri101 View Post
    That would be the one! Thanks Skyrick. Spent hours hanging there in early 70's.

    Thunder - Ziggyz calls itself a "novelty store". Friends who have been in there call it a "head shop". Novelty store probably passes the initial sniff test for law enforcement.
    So, it is a sex store like Chrsti's Toy Box?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Quote Originally Posted by skyrick View Post
    Mother's Rock Shop/Art D'cor?
    Rick, more percisely, when it was on Paseo and owned by Scott Fulton, it was Mother's Rock Shop. When Richard and Linda Cochran bought it and moved it to 23rd they change the name to Mother's Art D'cor. Richard died suddenly back in the late 70s or early 80s. I have lost track of both Linda and Scott. Anyone know what happened to either of them? I know, OFF TOPIC, sorry. BTW D'cor was far more than just a head shop.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Quote Originally Posted by USG '60 View Post
    Rick, more percisely, when it was on Paseo and owned by Scott Fulton, it was Mother's Rock Shop. When Richard and Linda Cochran bought it and moved it to 23rd they change the name to Mother's Art D'cor. Richard died suddenly back in the late 70s or early 80s. I have lost track of both Linda and Scott. Anyone know what happened to either of them? I know, OFF TOPIC, sorry. BTW D'cor was far more than just a head shop.
    I knew it changed names, wasn't sure when. I lived two blocks from Paseo and would go to Mother's and flip through literally every album there. God there were some great album covers back then. I also remember they sold San Francisco concert posters. I bought a cool psychedelic one for The 13th Floor Elevators (Texas band, some say the very 1st psychedelic band) & Quicksilver Messenger Service, (the most underrated SF band, John Cippolina was amazing) at The Avalon Ballroom for $1.25. Man, that thing would be worth a couple of grand now. Reprints are going for a couple hundred on Bay; I don't think I would have ever sold it though.

    I just took a minute and found that actual poster here:
    Family Dog No. 28 | Psychedelic Art Exchange
    Very cool site.

    Edit: Sorry, that was WAY OT, except that the music and posters were really cool with that "other" MJ, i.e. not the synthetic kind.

  18. Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    What kind of a store is Ziggyz?

  19. #19

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Wait! so there was synthetic weed that people are raving about and before I even get to read about it it's illegal here... Really makes you wonder about our law makers, just the fact they let booze be legal and this stuff isnt really makes me question every thing about them. It's not hard to see theyre so many possibilities with this area of recreation that we could benefit from. Seriously that alone tells me theyre some idiots in our govt.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Idiots in our govt? Forsooth and gadzooks.

  21. Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Does synthetic pot have the same medicinal qualities as the real thing?

  22. #22

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    I smoked some of the "black magic" which is just like k-2. Pretty much you get high for about 30 minutes and then go back to normal. If you wanna waste your money, feel free.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Could care less for the stuff now, but the POSSIBILITIES are E N D L E S . . . heh

  24. #24

    Default Re: Synthetic Marijuana Under Review

    Can't wait to smoke some synthetic weed, get my synthetic buzz, get the synthetic munchies and snack on some synthetic grub.

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