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Thread: What the hell is up with 164th????

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  1. #1

    Default What the hell is up with 164th????

    I drove down 164th twice this weekend coming out of edmond, it looks like it is newly paved and it is so rough and wavey it is unbelievable. What happened? Was this a mistake on the contractors part? Is it just typical oklahoma road paving? It was absolutely pathetic!

  2. #2

    Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    I will have to check it out but it wouldn't surprise me if it was done to keep speeds down.

  3. #3

    Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    Same thing happened in my neighborhood (which is on the south side though) There were a few cracks in the pavement, they replaced it with new....wavy concrete. The old ride was much smoother.

  4. #4

    Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    Quote Originally Posted by SkyWestOKC View Post
    Same thing happened in my neighborhood (which is on the south side though) There were a few cracks in the pavement, they replaced it with new....wavy concrete. The old ride was much smoother.
    This is asphalt and making ****ty roads to keeps speeds down is stupid...if I remember right it was especially bad between Santa Fe and Western....but dont hold me to that because I drove it only twice.

  5. Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    The road was failing - pot holes everywhere, bad patch jobs. City has it scheduled for widening and resurfacing, but couldn't wait until the road was engineered and ready for bidding. So the city did the repaving job you're enjoying so much to keep it open until the widening job can begin.

  6. #6

    Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    The road was failing - pot holes everywhere, bad patch jobs. City has it scheduled for widening and resurfacing, but couldn't wait until the road was engineered and ready for bidding. So the city did the repaving job you're enjoying so much to keep it open until the widening job can begin.
    lol well its terrible, the road is a joke...

  7. #7

    Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    ditto, its a joke how bad that road is. i saw it for the first time a few weeks back and im surprised the people who live around there arent up in arms over it.

  8. #8

    Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    The road was failing - pot holes everywhere, bad patch jobs. City has it scheduled for widening and resurfacing, but couldn't wait until the road was engineered and ready for bidding. So the city did the repaving job you're enjoying so much to keep it open until the widening job can begin.
    Finally asked OKC about some roads out around 150th-164th/Western-May and got a few answers. Here's what they had to say about 164th between Penn and Western:

    "This is an ODOT managed project which is scheduled to begin 2/1/10"

  9. Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    There is an argument to be made that those who live out on the city's fringe are in one way or another accepting that city services, infrastructure, isn't at the same level is in more established, older areas.

  10. Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    There is an argument to be made that those who live out on the city's fringe are in one way or another accepting that city services, infrastructure, isn't at the same level is in more established, older areas.
    I wish. But the reality is as soon as you get tract housing appearing en masse people expect an area to become the Northwest Expressway overnight.

  11. #11

    Default Re: What the hell is up with 164th????

    I know some people that live nearby that say it is like the road created in the movie "cars" if you have seen it - yeah it is pretty bad - that road has been terrible for years, and the traffic just keeps increasing on it. I believe they've done work on it multiple times, but it just needs to go down to dirt and start over. Personally I think it would almost be better as a gravel road than it is now.

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