Originally Posted by
Millie Dear, it has nothing to do with being elitist or snobbish. The reason is that when you spend your money at a chain restaurant, that money - less a portion for wages and operations - goes out of state. When you try to make a point to support your local restaurants, virtually every penny stays in-state and in-city and circulates through our local economy multiple times. There was a recent thread that I can't find that quoted a study that showed how many times it's estimated locally spent dollars circulate through the local economy. It amazes me that people get so worked up and excited over yet another fast food chain when this city is already known as the fast-food capital of the country per-capita. Its also known as one of the fattest cities in the country.....there may be a connection!
So, open your mind and get off your own high-horse and understand there may actually be some logic behind people's comments that you haven't thought about.
While I'm happy a new business is moving in and will employ a few people,