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Thread: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

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  1. #1

    Default Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    What has happened to civil discussion in Oklahoma City? Why can we not discuss issues without wanting to harm each other? Why do we let "Nuts", destroy what America is based upon? Civil disussion, where Right to free speech was meant build, not tear down. Mark Shannon ktok radio, again has threatened our Mayor with bodily harm. On air, mr. Mark Shannon stated. about Mick Cornett, "I just want to pistol whip him". His last show, he wanted to burn the mayors house. Wow!! Lets see, Pistol whip, or burn his house?? are not threats illegall?? and the police UNION supports him???
    Last edited by Martin; 12-08-2009 at 06:43 AM. Reason: removed intentional mispelling... grow up

  2. #2

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by OkcMetal View Post
    What has happened to civil discussion in Oklahoma City? Why can we not discuss issues without wanting to harm each other? Why do we let "Nuts", destroy what America is based upon? Civil disussion, where Right to free speech was meant build, not tear down. Markkk Shannon ktok radio, again has threatened our Mayor with bodily harm. On air, mr. Markkk Shannon stated. about Mick Cornett, "I just want to pistol whip him". His last show, he wanted to burn the mayors house. Wow!! Lets see, Pistol whip, or burn his house?? are not threats illegall?? and the police UNION supports him???
    He could be arrested for this. That's what he's hoping will happen, then he can act like the angry white martyr for the wingnut cause. This is the same kind of stuff Beck does, although Beck falls short of advocating assassination.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    He could be arrested for this.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    The guy is a complete hack and his website is garbage. Let's not give him any free publicity.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    It sounds like Mark Shannon's cheese has slipped of his cracker..........Pretty sad.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    It sounds like Mark Shannon's cheese has slipped of his cracker..........Pretty sad.
    Or more likely, he's gotten word that his crusade against MAPS is going to fail tomorrow, and he's lashing out. He probably hopes some nutjob is listening and will carry out his violent fantasy.

    What credibility does KTOK have left? What a joke that they employ this guy.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    It sounds like Mark Shannon's cheese has slipped of his cracker..........Pretty sad.
    That happened a long, long time ago...

  8. #8

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by progressiveboy View Post
    It sounds like Mark Shannon's cheese has slipped of his cracker..........Pretty sad.
    one of many reasons why my stereo dial has always been set to KATT and never KJ103. I set it to the KATT and ripped the knob off and have been happy ever since.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by evh5150 View Post
    one of many reasons why my stereo dial has always been set to KATT and never KJ103. I set it to the KATT and ripped the knob off and have been happy ever since.
    KATT? really?

    You'd think that the average KATT listener has the ability to hook up an MP3 player or XM/Sirius player and bypass all the corporate-hand-fed music you're limited to with KATT

  10. #10

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    In addition to the threats against Mayor Cornett, on todays show, he had Porter Davis on and was talking about Sundays flashpoint, on which Davis was a guest, Mark asked him how he could just set there and take it from ex Mayor Humphreys, if it was him, he said he would have reached across the table and BITCH slapped him.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    In addition to the threats against Mayor Cornett, on todays show, he had Porter Davis on and was talking about Sundays flashpoint, on which Davis was a guest, Mark asked him how he could just set there and take it from ex Mayor Humphreys, if it was him, he said he would have reached across the table and BITCH slapped him.
    Did anyone see the debate? Was it very one-sided? Did Humphreys clean his clock?

  12. #12

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by soonerguru View Post
    Did anyone see the debate? Was it very one-sided? Did Humphreys clean his clock?
    Yes I saw it and NOrick and Humphreys cleaned his plow.
    I think the best though was when Kirk called him out as a Y2K move to the woods the end is near survialist and he Davis, was totally flustered with that.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor


    But here’s the best part of Shannon’s post, where he attacks Frank Keating for supporting MAPS because he doesn’t even live in OKC:

    “[Frank Keating] didn’t even have a real residence in Oklahoma City. When Cathy ran for Congress, where did she run? In TULSA, where Frank Keating did keep his residency. Why on EARTH would we take advice on MAPS from FRANK KEATING a resident of Washington DC and TULSA?”

    Yes, why would we listen to someone who doesn’t even live in Oklahoma City, Mark? Oh wait, that’s right: Mark Shannon lives in Edmond. Oops.

    Is there video of the Humphreys/Norrick v Shannon/Davis debate? I'd love to see it. Surely someone recorded it.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by Redskin 70 View Post
    Yes I saw it and NOrick and Humphreys cleaned his plow.
    I think the best though was when Kirk called him out as a Y2K move to the woods the end is near survialist and he Davis, was totally flustered with that.
    As long as they were going back that far, Davis should have asked Hump why he's not still affiliated with the PC school board. You're right, that would have been hilarious.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Mark Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    This conversation reminds me of the pilot episode of WKRP.

    The boycott of WKRP turns out to be 5 of the lamest people in the world.

    Everybody just needs to calm down. Mark has always been known as the worlds biggest smart ass. If you listen to his show for more than five minutes you quickly realize he is just doing comedy. Just like your hero Jon Stewart does on Comedy Central.

    As a previous poster mentioned he has Cancer and his condition has the potential of killing him. If you have ever known anybody who was on the road to dying you know that most are very bold and they don't sugar coat anything. They speak their mind and they usually do not take a second to phrase things in a PC manner. Mark making this statement does not mean he would actuallly do it. It is kind of a parent saying to their kid "Stop doing that or I am going to beat the daylights out of you." Do they actually mean they are going to beat their kid to a pulp? No. It doesnt.

    Now.... pull your undies out of your crack and either laugh it off or let if go.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    He needs help. Seriously.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Yeah, this guy is an psychological accident waiting to happen. I'm amazed they let a nut like him have a radio show.......but Glenn Beck has a television show so what do I know.

  18. Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Then perhaps some calls into Mr. Shannon's sponsors might change his tact some. Start taking food out of his mouth and he may quickly stop being such an irritant. Post some sponsor names since I never listen to him. I dont know who they may be.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Quote Originally Posted by mugofbeer View Post
    Then perhaps some calls into Mr. Shannon's sponsors might change his tact some. Start taking food out of his mouth and he may quickly stop being such an irritant. Post some sponsor names since I never listen to him. I dont know who they may be.
    This will work. Anyone know who's buying his show? Perhaps Ackerman McQueen could be of assistance with this. I'm sure they have access to who's buying all of the time. If anyone has the info, please just PM it to me in private *and you can retain your confidentiality.

    Actually, I would just hand off the info because I honestly don't care enough about the creep to take the lead. But I guarantee you a politely written letter to the sponsor letting them know of the threats of violence to the mayor is all it will take to get the ads pulled. No sponsor would want to go anywhere near this.

    UPDATE: The same strategy could be applied to KTOK in general. That would actually be more effective at getting him off the air. If sponsors pull ads from his show, KTOK will just shift other spots to fill the gaps. This is what FOX did when the otherwise effective boycott against Glenn Beck took place earlier this year. I think some 50 or more major advertisers canceled their placements on his show.

    But FOX just kept shifting advertisers (mainly the Sell Your Gold variety, LOL) to his show, whether or not they bought his show specifically.

    That's why, to make this more effective, the sponsors should be asked to just pull their advertising entirely from the station. That would probably get someone's attention in upper management.

  20. Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I would not be averse to contacting the sponsors at all. That will have a much faster effect than trying to complain to Clear Channel. Hell, they like shock jocks. They don't like unhappy sponsors. If all it is are the "sell your gold" folks then you'll just have to not listen to him.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Geez, you all sound like a knitting circle. Ever heard of satire? Oh!, and once again someone with an opposing opinion to you guys and look at you go. Remember he is dying and can't whip a cold, let alone Mayor Mick! Go ahead and start the boycott. I don't really think everybody is going to agree with you. I want to see your vast network shut down KTOK. Are you all Liberals or do you prefer Progressive?

  22. Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    The problem is that if someone is on the radio touting acts of violence against another person, satire or not, you never know when there will be some unbalanced listener who will take that advice. There have been too many bombings, too many school massacres, too many abortion doctors murdered and too many jews/gays/blacks/whites etc beaten up because someone thought it would be funny.

    Geez, Mikemarsh, anyone on here would think I was a lot further to the right than I am. I am simply not in agreement with anyone touting a violent act simply because they disgree with MAPS.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    I can't imagine that Mike Marsh would view as satire someone joking about pistol-whipping a cop on radio to hundreds if not thousands of listeners, with at least 30 percent being mentally unbalanced. Or maybe he would think it funny to joke about burning the police chief's house down, as MarKKK joked about the mayor.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Tonight Shannon did an impersonation of a black preacher. It was really classy. Bigger markets wouldn't put up with it.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Markkk Shannon wants to pistol whip the Mayor

    Soonerguru, how dare you accuse me of being affiliated the police!

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