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Thread: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

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  1. #1

    Default Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Want to help the YES for MAPS campaign at the Thunder game tonight??? You have to be downtown between 5-5:30. Volunteering should last around a couple hours. If you're interested, send me a PM or reply to this thread. You get tickets to tonights game!

    This thread is for people that want to Volunteer for tonights game. If you have a problem or a bone to pick with me about MAPS, start another thread!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Is is really so hard to find people to volunteer that you need to bribe them with Thunder tickets?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    Is is really so hard to find people to volunteer that you need to bribe them with Thunder tickets?
    Your just mad because you volunteered and all you got was a T-Shirt

  4. #4

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by rcjunkie View Post
    Your just mad because you volunteered and all you got was a T-Shirt
    Hey, enjoy the free tickets from cheaspeake while they support a bunch of over paid basketball players. Yes , I know where the tickets are coming from because they have hundreds of them that they constantly have to give away for free to keep up the support.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by Golfer View Post
    Hey, enjoy the free tickets from cheaspeake while they support a bunch of over paid basketball players. Yes , I know where the tickets are coming from because they have hundreds of them that they constantly have to give away for free to keep up the support.
    Don't need the free ticket, I have season tickets.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    Is is really so hard to find people to volunteer that you need to bribe them with Thunder tickets?
    Jealous? The Thunder's ownership know how important this vote is to the city and to their own franchise. They're free to do what they want with their tickets. Since you'd be ideologically opposed to the sort of things which brought us the Thunder in the first place, I don't see why you'd think this gift of appreciation for hardworking volunteers [and it ain't easy standing out in the cold for a couple hours] is of much value whatsoever.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    Is is really so hard to find people to volunteer that you need to bribe them with Thunder tickets?
    I guess you can't read!!!!!

    This thread is for people that want to Volunteer for tonights game. If you have a problem or a bone to pick with me about MAPS, start another thread!

  8. #8

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by GQofOklahoma View Post
    I guess you can't read!!!!!

    This thread is for people that want to Volunteer for tonights game. If you have a problem or a bone to pick with me about MAPS, start another thread!
    All I did was ask a question.

    Last time I checked, Pete Brzycki was the owner of this forum, not GQofOklahoma.

    If I've broken some rule by asking you a simple question in an open thread, I'm sure the Mods will contact me and make me aware of my misconduct.

  9. Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by purplemonkeythief View Post
    All I did was ask a question.

    Last time I checked, Pete Brzycki was the owner of this forum, not GQofOklahoma.

    If I've broken some rule by asking you a simple question in an open thread, I'm sure the Mods will contact me and make me aware of my misconduct.
    Actually, the mods have very plainly been following a kings-X policy on enforcing forum rules during this discussion, if one can call it that. So I doubt you'll be getting a PM from a mod.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Every professional team has corporations that purchase and then give away tickets. Oklahoma City actually has far fewer of them purchased than many cities. We also give away less than many of the other NBA teams.

    NBA basketball is one of the best things that's come from MAPS. It's great to see people of all ages and economic groups coming together to support their team. We've got a great bunch of guys on the team that play hard every game and love the fans here in Oklahoma City.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Steven Hunt, haven't you gotten yourself banned here again yet? Were you raised by wolves and never taught manners? I'll be enjoying the game tonight, and I love all the Ford Center upgrades. Thanks for all you support!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by Blazerfan11 View Post
    Maybe Jeff Bezdek can go hold up some signs.
    This thread is for people that want to Volunteer for tonights game. If you have a problem or a bone to pick with me about MAPS, start another thread!

  13. Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by betts
    Steven Hunt, haven't you gotten yourself banned here again yet? Were you raised by wolves and never taught manners? I'll be enjoying the game tonight, and I love all the Ford Center upgrades. Thanks for all you support!
    Thanks for the reminder, Betts, about people to add to the ignore list ... I'll be getting to the game a little after 6 and am coming with one of the reasonable vote-No people ... I'll look for you outside, if you're still there.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Loudenback View Post
    Thanks for the reminder, Betts, about people to add to the ignore list ... I'll be getting to the game a little after 6 and am coming with one of the reasonable vote-No people ... I'll look for you outside, if you're still there.
    I was there, but didn't see you. I was at one of the lesser entrances. The Ford Center crowd is definitely full of yes voters. I only talked to 3 people voting "no". Of course, they know they wouldn't be watching NBA basketball if it weren't for MAPS.

    Great game, by the way. Golden State was short handed, especially after Corey Magette got the two T's, but a W is a W. The crowd was really into it, I thought, considering Golden State isn't one of the premier teams.

  15. Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    Quote Originally Posted by betts View Post
    I was there, but didn't see you. I was at one of the lesser entrances. The Ford Center crowd is definitely full of yes voters. I only talked to 3 people voting "no". Of course, they know they wouldn't be watching NBA basketball if it weren't for MAPS.

    Great game, by the way. Golden State was short handed, especially after Corey Magette got the two T's, but a W is a W. The crowd was really into it, I thought, considering Golden State isn't one of the premier teams.
    We didn't arrive until around 6:30 or so but it was great having my fire union friend drop me off by the Ford Center and go park and then come back an pick me up by the hotel on the east side. He had on his notThisMaps t-shirt, but it was underneath his outer shirt. I got both him and me an XX-Large YesMaps t-shirt ... this way, when he later changes his mind, years from now he'll be able to say that he voted yes! I said this to him tongue-in-cheek, people, so don't get your feathers up. We had a great time at the game. I dozed off a little in the 2nd half ... just don't have much stamina right now. I told him that you were/are cool, Betts, and I'm sorry that an opportunity was not present to introduced the two of you. We came back to my house, had a toddy, and I told him to pray about his vote tomorrow and that I was sure that he would do the right thing. (If you know me, you know that I am not a religious person and that I was kidding ... or was I?).

    We had a fine time together. Great guy.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    i have noticed htat the yes people ARENT listening. DID we say that we are against all MAPS NO just this one. No i didnt get just a t shirt i got a sense of accomlishment that i tried to provide the citizens witht he truth and keep them form the OKC MOB. i got the heart and interactions with the city. I dont need to get on tv and LIE about the most trusted set of people in okc. the FD>

  17. #17

    Default Re: Volunteer for MAPS at Tonights game???

    All I know is that the NTM's crowd on this board has been incredibly rude. Admittedly, the Yes crowd had gotten around to responding in kind but it was unbelievable how really, really obnoxious, hateful and rude the first noers were when they first came in. They were obnoxious when they didn't need to be and although I kind of want to support them, I am so put off by their attitude that they've made it hard. Even the regular political posters who get pretty hot don't generally behave how the no-ers have. Speaking from this person, who wants to support them, they lost most of their credibility. They came across as screaming, childish, meanspirited bullies.

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