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Thread: Poor little darling

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  1. #1

    Default Poor little darling

    Missing Girl's Mom Charged With Human Trafficking - ABC News

    Have you guys been following the story of the little five year old whose mother is charged with selling her into prostitution? FIVE! They don't know where the little girl is, poor little thing.

    Apparently, the father had been raising her but decided it would be the right thing to let her mother have her. A month later, the child was sold.

    The mother didn't even prostitute her out where she could keep an eye on her and make sure she was relatively safe (how sick am I that this even crosses my mind????). She actually turned her over to have god knows what done to her, even killed.

    Make you wonder how many kids this has happened to. If the mother hadn't turned her in as missing (falsifying a police report - the idiot), we'd never know. That mother ought to never see the light of day, again.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Poor little darling

    She is gonna get treated real nice in prison

  3. #3

    Default Re: Poor little darling

    simply disgusting...it hurts to even think that things like this happen, and yet they do everyday all over the world. why are people so twisted?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Poor little darling

    They found her little body discarded on the side of a road. Who could do that to a child?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Poor little darling

    I can not fathom how one does a child like this.
    I see in my grandsons eyes wonder, trust,love.
    I detest the lack of respect for human life.
    One of my regrets is taking life, in even war.
    I pray her little life will not be in vain, that we as an individuals, a nation will be more respectful of it.
    I hope the mother is torture in this life and any other way she can be.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Poor little darling

    Absolute pure fucing evil.

  7. #7
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: Poor little darling

    I've been trying to keep up with it. Fox has been very good as far as up to
    the minute reports go.

    At any rate, this is about as low as human beings can go. The last I heard,
    her 'egg donor' tried to sell her for prostitution purposes. I don't know if
    anyone took her up on it and completed the act.

    When she was found dead, my heart sank. This is perversion to the max.
    The 'egg donor' should have "child abuser" tattooed across her head and
    given a life sentence in a community cell.

    THAT would be justice.

    I'm sick.

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