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Thread: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

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  1. #1

    Default Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    Just got word last night that Christine Caine is going to do a two-week series at Lifechurch.tv starting the weekend after this one. She spoke at a women's conference at the OKC campus last night. I'll post more information about this series when it comes available, but in the meantime, here is a link to one of her websites:

    Equip & Empower

  2. #2

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    Hey metro, are you on staff at LifeChurch or just an active member?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    just an active member

  4. #4

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    My family has recently started attending the South OKC LifeChurch. We met with the pastor and are excited to get involved.

    We're family, metro!

  5. #5

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    Awesome! I go to NW OKC, before that OKC. I also hear behind scenes we're working on a Yukon location.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    I'll look forward to an eventual Midwest City locale.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    Yeah, I believe I heard Craig say in a video a few weeks back, that the MWC is the next one as soon as enough money is raised. I imagine it will be slightly more than the standard build out, since it is quite a bit larger than most campuses, considering it's a two story former department store.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    Just attended Lifechurch.tv at South Campus. Great message by Christine Caine about being the church. I was with her all the way till she came to a point of slandering charismatics. Talking of the man in the ditch. Many walked by the man and for various reasons kept walking. Among those who ignored the mans plight was a charismatic who told him to confess he is not in a ditch. Funny haha.

    I have been to other none charismatic churches who cannot seem to go through a service without some snide remark about charismatics. What gives? Is this being the church? I know the devil likes to divide christian against christian, but why help him.

    I was insulted again. I embrace the message given but could have done without being listed with the Pharisee etc. Yes, I am charismatic. From time to time we charismatics will attend other churches. We are all one body, doing the same work and have the same desire to win the lost. I do believe Lifechurch is fulfilling the mission of reaching the lost.

    I have passed out the Lifechurch cards and told others of a great church to attend and will continue to do that. Why the non-charismatics feel the need to insult charismatics I dont understand.

    However, I know this is not christlike. It might engender a snicker from attendees but is this christian behavior? Now I will just put this last insult aside and look at the great job being done by Lifechurch.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    It was a veryyy lighthearted joke, don't let it get to you. She's a very genuine person. If you've gone to LC.tv very long, you the pastors/speakers aren't afraid to call it like they see it and make you feel uncomfortable, but as Christine said, that's a big problem with the church, "making everyone feel comfortable". That's when churches become dead monuments, when they start acting like the worl, and not in the world, instead of being in the world, but not of it. I can say, LC.tv is definitely in the world, but not of it.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    I was at the South OKC LifeChurch on Sunday.

    I think her little joke was definitely light hearted. However, it does underscore an all too common problem that gives Biblical Christianity a bad name.

    Too many Christians have bought into the unrealistic expectations of guaranteed health and fortune in this life. I think a lot of people have been deluded and even hurt by Charismatic doctrine. Some people avoid medical care to wait for healing. Otherwise it is seen as a lack of faith. Some people send in all their money to a "ministry" because they are promised a hundred-fold increase. Some people are duped into buying houses they cannot afford or cars they cannot afford because the Bible allegedly teaches that Christians are supposed to have nice stuff.

    While health, fame and fortune can happen to anybody, it is not guaranteed to any of us in this life.

    Unfortunately, the only "Christians" who seem to get fame and fortune out of the deal are the ones selling that very ideology to others.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    When one elects to trivialize, however 'light heartedly', the beliefs of another ... like it or not, the toes, at minimum, are dipping into a puddle of the world.

    With luck, the only damaged souls will be those on the shoes, but tis a gamble, one which in part rests on how far one flings the ... humor.

    To each their own, oh wait, that's a bit of the world in itself. rut rho.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    When one elects to trivialize, however 'light heartedly', the beliefs of another ... like it or not, the toes, at minimum, are dipping into a puddle of the world.

    With luck, the only damaged souls will be those on the shoes, but tis a gamble, one which in part rests on how far one flings the ... humor.

    To each their own, oh wait, that's a bit of the world in itself. rut rho.
    What do you mean?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    Quote Originally Posted by kevinpate View Post
    When one elects to trivialize, however 'light heartedly', the beliefs of another ... like it or not, the toes, at minimum, are dipping into a puddle of the world.

    With luck, the only damaged souls will be those on the shoes, but tis a gamble, one which in part rests on how far one flings the ... humor.

    To each their own, oh wait, that's a bit of the world in itself. rut rho.
    Ehh, That's a loaded statement man.

    Craig also tells a lot of jokes about cats and he doesn't like cats. (Even though he owns some).

    I met a lady that told me she actually left the church because she owns several cats and didn't like his anti-cat message, I'm being dead serious too she wa really upset. Sometimes there are people that are too sensitive. In fact, to even get the message about Christ you need to be a little offended with yourself because we all fall short. We can't bitter about light hearted jokes because there is a little truth in every joke. The reason people even listen to comedians is to laugh at the things they do everyday. Craig has been known to make little jokes about catholics, evangelicals, mormans, and any number of organized religions including lifechurch itself.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Hillsong's Christine Caine to speak at Lifechurch.tv

    yeah this sounds like a overly sensitive person waiting for something to happen to be offended by

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