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Thread: Oklahoma Myths

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  1. #1

    Default Oklahoma Myths

    I just finished watching The Blair Witch Project(which by the way- was a total waste of time and was a horrible movie) and found the myth used in the movie to be quite fascinating. The movie was based on the real myth of the Bell Witch.
    I was wondering if anyone knows any scary myths that take place in Oklahoma.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    My grandma was Comanche, and she would tell us all about the "Indian ghost stories." Certain places were "more haunted," usually around large concentrations of Native American land. I loved the story of the gap. The gap is a stretch of (used to be) abandoned highway north of the Wichita Mts. It stretches from Medicine Park to west of Apache. Supposedly there's a cemetery off the road over some hills, and the highway is basically plagued with weird sh!t. A headless horesman hangs out there too. And then there is the area west of Anadarko. I miss her ghost stories. They were always so interesting.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    How nice to have those stories from your grandma. My dad was quite the ghost story teller, too.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    There's a great book called "Mysterious Oklahoma!" that you might be interested in.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by dismayed View Post
    There's a great book called "Mysterious Oklahoma!" that you might be interested in.
    I have that book! I gave it to my dad before he passed and I inherited it, back. I haven't read it but need to take a look-see.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by East Coast Okie View Post
    I have that book! I gave it to my dad before he passed and I inherited it, back. I haven't read it but need to take a look-see.
    Yeah you definitely do! There are some great chapters in there about things I have heard from family members but never really seen written down anywhere... everything from ghost stories, to "spook lights," to large wild cats roaming the prairies.

  7. Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    I remember ghost stories about Carrie's Place.

    Also, the abandoned school in Guthrie (or something like that).

    The current myth I still deal with is people outside Oklahoma think all live on farms and Indians still live in TeePees.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    My 7th grade Geography teacher (full blood Indian) use to always tell us stories of "the little people." I cant remember any story in particular but I just know they use to be very entertaining.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by icecold View Post
    My 7th grade Geography teacher (full blood Indian) use to always tell us stories of "the little people." I cant remember any story in particular but I just know they use to be very entertaining.
    Yes, I have also heard many stories of the Little People from tribes formerly from around the Great Lakes (Citizen Pottawatomie) to the Cherokee.

    The plains tribes have many stories that would scare the poo out of you and as children we reveled in them. Still do, actually.

    As far as myths, the only absurd one I heard was while attending college in another state, someone said to me, you mean you Indians can buy booze now?

    I said, uh yeah, this is 1992, not 1492 or something like that.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    (From July 2009)
    Quote Originally Posted by hagrid View Post
    Yes, I have also heard many stories of the Little People from tribes formerly from around the Great Lakes (Citizen Pottawatomie) to the Cherokee.

    The plains tribes have many stories that would scare the poo out of you and as children we reveled in them. Still do, actually.

    As far as myths, the only absurd one I heard was while attending college in another state, someone said to me, you mean you Indians can buy booze now?

    I said, uh yeah, this is 1992, not 1492 or something like that.
    Now I can't make up my mind about the veracity of the story that the reason tipis (teepees) are shaped the way they are is to ward off tornadoes.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by icecold View Post
    My 7th grade Geography teacher (full blood Indian) use to always tell us stories of "the little people." I cant remember any story in particular but I just know they use to be very entertaining.
    The little people or "nuna-pay" in Comanche - little elf-like people that hide from the world.

    According to my grandma, if you see one of these little people then you're supposed to live for a very long time. My aunt saw 2 and lived to be 90 years old lol.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by BBatesokc View Post
    The current myth I still deal with is people outside Oklahoma think all live on farms and Indians still live in TeePees.
    I actually have people tell me here on the east coast that people in Oklahoma live in underground houses and that the reason there aren't too many two story houses is because of the tornados. True story.

  13. Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I actually have people tell me here on the east coast that people in Oklahoma live in underground houses and that the reason there aren't too many two story houses is because of the tornados. True story.
    They lied to you, we have plenty of two story houses here and if a tornado's coming our way we get in our cellars/storm shelters. I don't know of anyone who lives underground...

  14. #14

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by A Minion And Proud View Post
    ... don't know of anyone who lives underground...
    Known of a few. Some weren't even hiding out.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by A Minion And Proud View Post
    They lied to you, we have plenty of two story houses here and if a tornado's coming our way we get in our cellars/storm shelters. I don't know of anyone who lives underground...
    There is a house here in Edmond that is partially underground. It's down on Covell shortly past Midwest Blvd. Really cool. It's actually built into a hill. Also, yes, we have many two story houses all over the place. Don't why they would think that.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by PennyQuilts View Post
    I actually have people tell me here on the east coast that people in Oklahoma live in underground houses and that the reason there aren't too many two story houses is because of the tornados. True story.
    Some of my friends back in Charlotte have asked me if OKC has electricity, indoor plumbing, the Internet, and if people still ride horses - no joke.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Some of my friends back in Charlotte have asked me if OKC has electricity, indoor plumbing, the Internet, and if people still ride horses - no joke.
    I had a friend in Infantry School ask me about the same. Do you guys ride horses there and have dirt floors haha,,,i thought that was funny. Kinda like me not understanding how a kid from Detriot had no idea how to swim.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Some of my friends back in Charlotte have asked me if OKC has electricity, indoor plumbing, the Internet, and if people still ride horses - no joke.
    Except for the Internet, sounds like what Oklahoma City people would ask of the people coming into town from the farm in 1950.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Some of my friends back in Charlotte have asked me if OKC has electricity, indoor plumbing, the Internet, and if people still ride horses - no joke.
    I've traveled to Charlotte three times in the last couple of years and I never get those questions. What I did hear are comments about how they see our city on a lot of Best Places to Live lists, heard about unreal housing prices and hear good things in general about Oklahoma City. Maybe these friends of yours are just a little young? I suppose we might travel in different circles. I've been there for fundraising trips and dealt with people from BofA, Duke Energy and Lowes. Nice folks in Charlotte and a great city.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Some of my friends back in Charlotte have asked me if OKC has electricity, indoor plumbing, the Internet, and if people still ride horses - no joke.
    I got pretty much the same question in Hawaii (except for the Internet since it was late 80s at the time). My guess was that they only heard anything about Oklahoma through history class or the musical.

  21. #21
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Quote Originally Posted by bchris02 View Post
    Some of my friends back in Charlotte have asked me if OKC has electricity, indoor plumbing, the Internet, and if people still ride horses - no joke.
    I have family in the Charlotte area. One of my aunts once asked me if they still have "Injuns" out there in Oklahoma? I told her yeah, all over the place and if you get attacked the best defense is to team up with other Okies and drive your cars in a circle while the passengers shoot at 'em.

    My aunt is not a clever woman.

    But, I completely understand. As a young man, when my dad told me we were moving to Oklahoma, the first things that came to mind were scenes from The Grapes of Wrath and dustbowl conditions.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    Glad she saw two. Seeing only one would have taken her from you that much earlier.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    I am always amazed how people view others in other states.
    We in Oklahoma see people from California or New York to violent or to snobbish or liberal.lol
    Where as those same people assume all Oklahomans are trailer park living,gun toting,tobacco chewing,beer bellied,bible thumping, barely educated bigots.
    I wished more entertainment TV was set aside for educational programs..

  24. #24

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    who they calling barely edchumacated? Many of us done made it through the 5th grade, and some of us gone and done it three times!

  25. #25

    Default Re: Oklahoma Myths

    My Choctaw elders have shared stories with us about "little people" as well. We call them "konikusha". The stories always scared me, lol.

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