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Thread: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

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  1. #1

    Default MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    I just heard the most amazing thing from a Target cashier. I was bemoaning the fact that the MWC Target didn't have a full grocery/Super Target set up to save time and hassle.

    She told me that the original plan was the Target store on 29th would be a Super Target, but Midwest City stated that they had a 99 year agreement with Crest to not allow any grocery stores within so many miles of Crest.

    Isn't this illegal per the Sherman Act or other case law? Is this even true?
    Anyone have any idea? Nothing on Google so far.

  2. Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Lauri, whoever this cashier is...exposing secrets!

    What is the cashier's name? I gotta have a talk with this person!

  3. #3

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Thunder - I could tell you but then I'd have to knock you in the head and bury you in the Sahara desert.

    Besides, I don't want the Harroz family sending any Lebanese mafia after the poor woman. She's been there since the store opened and is one of the best cashiers.

  4. #4

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    I SOOO wish that Target had a proper grocery section.

  5. Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    You gave more than enough clues! Female. There since store opened.

    I used to work at the store for a year, remember? :-P

    I could try to find out if anyone at Crest know anything about this rumored agreement.

  6. Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Wasn't Albertson's a full grocery?

  7. #7

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Bostonfan - yes it was, but that Albertson's opened long before the Crest on Douglas. According to the Target cashier, the approximate start of this alleged agreement was when the Douglas Blvd Crest opended - circa 1984.

    I've heard of other exclusion agreements before - 7-11 and other convenience stores, K-Mart/Wal-Mart, etc. I've just never heard of a government entity (City of MWC) making an agreement like this. It smacks of a monopoly and violation of free trade.

    Plus - if you are like me and have zero respect for the Harroz "family values" - it's damn inconvenient. That, however, would be a different thread.

    Thunder - I knew you'd be the first responder on this one, my friend -
    Last edited by Lauri101; 06-26-2009 at 01:49 PM. Reason: keyboard malfunctioned

  8. Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauri101 View Post
    Bostonfan - yes it was, but that Albertson's opened long before the Crest on Douglas. According to the Target cashier, the approximate start of this alleged agreement was when the Douglas Blvd Crest opended - circa 1984.

    I've heard of other exclusion agreements before - 7-11 and other convenience stores, K-Mart/Wal-Mart, etc. I've just never heard of a government entity (City of MWC) making an agreement like this. It smacks of a monopoly and violation of free trade.

    Plus - if you are like me and have zero respect for the Harroz "family values" - it's damn inconvenient. That, however, would be a different thread.

    Thunder - I knew you'd be the first responder on this one, my friend -
    Believe me, I would much rather never walk inside a Crest store (or WalMart) ever again...........but where else would I go? I would much rather go to Target, but they simply don't have a good selection.

  9. #9

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    What about Williams/ Albertson's and Buy for Less at 15th and Post? Doesn't that violet the sacred agreement??

  10. Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    I don't think there's a grain of anything to that. There's no way they can refuse to allow a business to build. Remember, Wal-Mart wanted to to turn the old site into a Super Center but MWC denied it because the parking lot wouldn't have met the space number requirement for the square footage of the building (meaning they didn't want people parking out to Reno or in the Albertsons lot to go to wally world).

    Besides that, Aldi was built even closer to a Crest than Wally World have been/was.

    It's just cashier talking out their rear. I've been told by many people that they feel the Target Super Centers have less "stuff" when they add food. I'll take more stuff over food...even though I haven't met an Archer Farms product I haven't liked.

  11. #11

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Also the MWC Walmart is closer to the Douglas Crest store than the "Super Target" would have been

  12. #12

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Yes, Albertsons opened around 1996 and the former Food Lion at the same intersection opened around 1992. While not new construction, there was also a grocery store that opened some time after Wal-Mart moved out of their store (now Westlake Ace and others) at Reno and Air Depot in the early 1990s. I think it was named Max Saver Foods or something like that.

    I would guess that the store in Town Center is not a Super Target because:

    A) The Town Center developers wanted to fit in as many retailers as possible and did not let Target lease enough land to build a Super Target. They average 174,000 sqft according to their website so if you cut out Marshalls, you might be able to fit it in. I would also argue that a grocery store does not fit in well with such developments because food cannot be stored in your car unlike other merchandise while you shop at the neighboring stores.


    B) Target saw the market share size of Wal-Mart and Crest and decided there would be little left for them. Just remember back when Albertsons pulled out of the market, they could not sell the store on Reno and they had to sell the store on 15th to Williams who also pulled out after a few years because they could not compete with Wal-Mart and Crest.

  13. #13

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Quote Originally Posted by db411 View Post
    Yes, Albertsons opened around 1996 and the former Food Lion at the same intersection opened around 1992. While not new construction, there was also a grocery store that opened some time after Wal-Mart moved out of their store (now Westlake Ace and others) at Reno and Air Depot in the early 1990s. I think it was named Max Saver Foods or something like that.
    Max Saver Foods was Homeland's attempt to open a one stop upscale full service store similar to Pratts on 240 and Walker back when Pratt's was a major player in the grocery market. It only lasted a year or so. The entrance to the store is where Aaron Rent's and Party Galaxy are now.

  14. #14

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    The whole story doesn't make sense - that's why I asked here.
    Whether she's "talking out her rear" as Bowbermwc so eloquently put it or just misinformed - who knows?

    I go to the Del City Homeland for the weekly shopping and to WalMart or Sam's for the stock-up trips. If I go to Walmart, I go at 5 AM or so - the only folks in there are usually stockers.

    Might have to weave around boxes, but not around basketfuls of mewling, ill-behaved children or their equally ill-mannered parents.

  15. #15

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauri101 View Post
    I just heard the most amazing thing from a Target cashier. I was bemoaning the fact that the MWC Target didn't have a full grocery/Super Target set up to save time and hassle.

    She told me that the original plan was the Target store on 29th would be a Super Target, but Midwest City stated that they had a 99 year agreement with Crest to not allow any grocery stores within so many miles of Crest.

    Isn't this illegal per the Sherman Act or other case law? Is this even true?
    Anyone have any idea? Nothing on Google so far.
    a 99 year agreement? wow. what was the incentives for MWC for accepting this?

  16. #16

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lauri101 View Post
    Isn't this illegal per the Sherman Act or other case law? Is this even true?
    Anyone have any idea? Nothing on Google so far.
    Wal-Mart needs to be protected under the Sherman Act?

    Thanks for the lulz.

  17. #17

    Default Re: MWC and Exclusive deal with Crest?

    Quote Originally Posted by Midtowner View Post
    Wal-Mart needs to be protected under the Sherman Act?

    Thanks for the lulz.
    Probably not - I'm no attorney (thank goodness) and was trying to recall anti-monopoly laws! Pardon the "blonde" moment

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