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  1. #1

    Default Kokc

    Has anybody look on KOKC's website, and see that the morning show people are now gone, now they are going to air a new morning news program called Americas Morning News starting Monday, I do smell a change of a format coming, i think I heard a rumor that they may go Business talk.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Kokc

    Oh boy oh boy... more subpar national syndicated talk.

    I really wish there was a local morning news/talk show.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Kokc

    I suprised KOKC has stayed around as long as it has. They have never pulled more than a 1 point share in the Arbitron Ratings.

    Honestly, I think they would get more listener if they switched back to playing the old standards from the 40 like they did in the 80's. There are plenty of nursing homes in okc so why not format a station that fits that audience.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Kokc

    Quote Originally Posted by oneforone View Post
    I suprised KOKC has stayed around as long as it has. They have never pulled more than a 1 point share in the Arbitron Ratings.

    Honestly, I think they would get more listener if they switched back to playing the old standards from the 40 like they did in the 80's. There are plenty of nursing homes in okc so why not format a station that fits that audience.
    Hoo boy...you didn't step on any toes with that comment did you....................................

  5. #5

    Default Re: Kokc

    Just looked on their website and now the Dave Ramsey show is now on the station from 1 to 4, I like to listen to him sometimes, now I believe that KOKC is getting better.

  6. Default Re: Kokc

    parkman, do you really believe a station that gets rid of most of its local programing is improved in any way with syndication, even if it's Ramsey?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Kokc

    As a huge fan of Dave Ramsey, I am glad they switched formats. I thought 1340 made a big mistake when they switched from news talk to sports talk.

    I wouldn't mind a mix of local and national radio, but I have yet to hear any local programming in OKC that was really worth listening to (I did enjoy Mike McCarville when he was on the air). If someone could come up with a show that was at least slightly as entertaining as the national shows then stations like KOKC might consider more local programming. If Mark Shannon is the best they can do, then syndicated shows are they way to go.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Kokc

    Quote Originally Posted by bluepickle View Post
    As a huge fan of Dave Ramsey, I am glad they switched formats. I thought 1340 made a big mistake when they switched from news talk to sports talk.

    I wouldn't mind a mix of local and national radio, but I have yet to hear any local programming in OKC that was really worth listening to (I did enjoy Mike McCarville when he was on the air). If someone could come up with a show that was at least slightly as entertaining as the national shows then stations like KOKC might consider more local programming. If Mark Shannon is the best they can do, then syndicated shows are they way to go.
    I agree with you about Shannon. I think he is a nasty piece of work!

  9. Default Re: Kokc

    Here's what you get with the new syndicated morning "news" programming at KOKC, which replaced its live local news coverage:
    From THE STATE:

    National media blitzed Gov. Mark Sanford’s staff, offering big ratings and, possibly, a sympathetic venue in an effort to land the first interview with the governor after his six-day trip to Argentina.
    “If you all want to speak on this publicly, you’re welcome to Washington Times Radio,” wrote staffer Joseph Deoudes to Sanford spokesman Joel Sawyer on June 23. “You know that you will be on friendly ground here!”

    Read the entire story at Media jostled for access to Sanford - Local / Metro - The State.

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