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Thread: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

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  1. #1

    Default Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Saying that while attending the game she got knocked up by A-Rod.

    YouTube - Letterman on Sarah Palin's Daughter

    Time for that Bozo to go the way of Dan Rather. Wasn't the Left all a-roar over the Don Imus thing? They seem fairly quiet on this topic.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    I care little for, or about, Palin. However, her kiddo's, any politico's minor kiddos for that matter, ought to be off limits.

  3. Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    "We were, as we often do, making jokes about people in the news and we made some jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughter, the 18-year-old girl, who is — her name is Bristol, that’s right, and so, then, now they’re upset with me,"

    Letterman said. "These are not jokes made about her 14-year-old daughter. I would never, never make jokes about raping or having sex of any description with a 14-year-old girl. I mean, look at my record. It has never happened. I don’t think it’s funny. I would never think it was funny. I wouldn’t put it in a joke…"
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    I do agree that politicians' children (those under 18) should be offlimits from the media and jokes. No matter what side of the aisle you're on, whether you're joking about Republican children or Democrat children.

    All of those are particularly vicious.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Letterman is an idiot at best. I never did see why anyone would waste more than 30 seconds watching his stupid show.

    Who cares what he say? Screw him (with an F).

  6. Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Ohhh Booo Hooo. The only thing wrong with the line was that it wasn't that funny. Don't blame comedians for throwing darts at family members. Palin knew she was dragging her whole family into the spotlight.

    I do get a chuckle though out of the people who try to play Dave off as a buffoon, yet that 'buffoon' has done more with his life than anyone on this board.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    yet that 'buffoon' has done more with his life than anyone on this board.
    Yes he's become the biggest wiseazz on the planet! If only we had more idiots who respect that talent.

  8. Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    I think you're just sore that, that 'wiseazz' is loved by millions and makes as much every year and you simply don't get it. Personally, I don't watch him. Not that I don't like him, but I'm not into late night talk shows and interviews with people I have no personal interest in.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    What I "Get" is that it's beneath decent people to stoop to the level Mr Wiseazz does to keep his moldy old career going. I also "get" that Ppl who have fun by, or in this case, earn their living by the expense of others are the worst. When the remarks are about a sexual relationship between a grown man and a 14 yr old girl, the line has been crossed and the wiseazz needs to bow out.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Kids should be off limits. Even if her mother was a terrorist, it isn't the child's fault.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    We all know he was talking about the older one who got knocked up...Would have been best to make that more clear in the joke but let's all get realistic here

    Bad joke and he apologized for it...Problem solved imo

  12. #12

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Speaking as someone who got pregnant at 16, I am sure his comments and the hateful comments made by the public hurt her more than many of you can fathom. She is a human being and a young one. She was in a situation that was extremely difficult and she has done it out in the public at a time in her life that is very sensitive. It doesn't say much good about Letterman. He is a grown man - he has been around long enough to be able to recognize that what he said was really mean.

    She messed up. She is paying the price. For a grown man to make her the brunt of a rude joke to entertain the haters, is disgusting.

    And using Palin's alleged failings as an excuse to attack a young woman is morally bankrupt. Some women are so horrible they pimp out their own daughters - Johns who take advantage of the daughter on the basis that the mother is a horrible person is scummy. If Palin were a bad mom, it would be all the more appropriate for the rest of us to cut the kid some slack - not use it as an excuse to publically lynch her. This isn't about freedom of speech - it is about human decency.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    I like Letterman, however his comments were in poor taste.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    David Letterman is proof that brothers and sisters should not sleep together. Only incest could create a man that is so stupid and so annoying

  15. Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    When the remarks are about a sexual relationship between a grown man and a 14 yr old girl
    Get your head out of your ass - he wasn't talking about the 14-year old.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Quote Originally Posted by BailJumper View Post
    Get your head out of your ass - he wasn't talking about the 14-year old.
    He said "one awkward moment at the game, in the 7th inning, her daughter was knocked up by Alex Rodriguez".
    FYI, Sarah Palin was at the game with her 14 yr old daughter. Not her older daughter.
    It's plain to see who's head is up who's ass tho maybe yours is actually up Lettermans ass. No respectable person should be taking his side in this matter.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    It doesn't really matter if it was the 14 year old or the 18 year old other than that it makes Letterman out to be scumier than he seemed to be at the onset. What a weasle. To try to excuse the comment as if the 18 year old was open season is on par with John Edwards excusing his affair because at the time his wife was in remission. So a fourteen year old is off limits but an eighteen year old who has been trying to make amends for past mistakes is open season? Way to encourage someone to turn their life around, buddy. What's next - are you going to go out and personally attack all the teen moms out there as sluts? Or is it just that her mom is a conservative and the daughter preaches abstinance, a birth control hated by the left?

    Whatever he said, it was inappropriate and the language he used was demeaning.

    Palin is calling for him to apologize to "women" for what he said. Speaking as a woman, I don't want an apology. People make stupid comments all the time and that one was really one of them. It wasn't funny and it was distasteful - even nasty. I'm not amused and I think less of Letterman for it. He ought to be falling all over himself in embarassment that he said such a thing. I think we can see where his head is at. But he doesn't owe ME an apology. But I won't be watching his show since he is really being class-less about it.

    It is one thing to make jokes about people in general. It is another thing to make a joke about an individual, either the fourteen year old or the eighteen year old. That was below the belt.

    While I don't deserve an apology, he sure should apologize to the kid - whomever he targeted. If Imus was big enough to admit that he said something mean to those female players - and he did - it wouldn't hurt Letterman to say that it was stupid and shouldn't have been said. And sincerely apologize. He was too busy being defensive to appear honestly contrite. It seemed to be more about making excuses and minimizing his exposure. He should have manned up, bowed his head and said I sincerely apologize. That would have been the end of it. He didn't show that class.

    Letterman, without provocation, made this young woman (or young girl, depending on whether you believe Letterman or not) a subject of contempt by reducing her to something sexual and slutty at that. Too bad the feminists out there don't see fit to stand up for the dignity of this young female. I guess political party trumps all that. Now, they are just another special interest group that has lost sight of what inspired them in the first place. That is the kind of person he is. And that is what the feminist movement has turned into. If Bristol wasn't out touting a disfavored political position, i.e., abstenance, there is a chance that some of the feminists would show some class but like I said, politics trumps all that. Maybe some will quit being whores for the liberal left and speak up. We'll see.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Letterman was wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy out of line with thst one. I am sure he would not have any kind words for Palin if she has said anything like that about his son.

    Each and everyone in here would have been just as upset as Palin had it been one of our children.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    And yet some righties defended Rush Limbaugh when, on his TV show, he called Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog".

    Letterman didn't have his facts straight. He assumed (I expect it was one of his dozen writers who made the assumption) that the once pregnant 18-year-old had attended the ball game. Bad FACT checking.

    Why hasn't anyone jumped on Letterman for inserting Alex Rodriquez into the joke? The joke makes it seem for 1) that A-Rod is loose with his zipper and that 2) A-Rod would be attracted to a Palin.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    I agree, calling her the White House Dog is terrible. It shouldn't have happened. It was rude and beneath what an adult should say about a young person.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    I think NBC affiliate in okc should hear how unproductive it would be for their advertisers, if "dave" stays on the air here,btw how the hell is poker entertainment.
    time for new dvds i guess..

  22. #22

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Quote Originally Posted by Stan Silliman View Post
    And yet some righties defended Rush Limbaugh when, on his TV show, he called Chelsea Clinton "the White House dog".

    Letterman didn't have his facts straight. He assumed (I expect it was one of his dozen writers who made the assumption) that the once pregnant 18-year-old had attended the ball game. Bad FACT checking.

    Why hasn't anyone jumped on Letterman for inserting Alex Rodriquez into the joke? The joke makes it seem for 1) that A-Rod is loose with his zipper and that 2) A-Rod would be attracted to a Palin.
    Well, it is pretty well known about A-Rod being rather amorous...but he is a divorced person now.

    I just love all the mock outrage over some jokes. The mother put the family in the public realm, if she had just stayed as Governor of Alaska the jokes probably wouldn't have ever been thought up. They have also chosen to stay in the public realm doing talk shows and other public things since the election. When I first heard about it I assumed that all the talk was about Bristol because she has made herself into a person who is in the public realm and of age. If you continue to seek the spotlight, you have to deal with the price of being in the spotlight, part of that is jokes on late night television and uncomplimentary articles in the media.
    I mean, let's talk about "poor Lindsay Lohan" and all the mean things they say about her

    Quote Originally Posted by gmwise View Post
    I think NBC affiliate in okc should hear how unproductive it would be for their advertisers, if "dave" stays on the air here,btw how the hell is poker entertainment.
    time for new dvds i guess..
    I don't think NBC would really care since The Late Show is on CBS.....talk about "fact checking".

  23. #23

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Someone could menton Lettermans out of wedlock offspring as well but that doesn't get brought up beacuse he's a Leftie Lib. Liberals are pros at the double standard thing.

  24. #24

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    Sarah Palin should be kissing Letterman's butt for bringing her back into the news, and Letterman should apologize for THAT.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Letterman on Palin's 14 yr old Daughter

    I don't think NBC would really care since The Late Show is on CBS.....talk about "fact checking".[/QUOTE]

    LOL well hell thats fer damn sure...oh hell they're all the same lol

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