Saw a piece on the Oklahoma State Dept. of Educations newest effort to discourage high school drop outs.
Found the new video on YouTube... YouTube - OK Graduation: DO IT
I had no idea 5214 Oklahoma teens drop out of HS every year.
Saw a piece on the Oklahoma State Dept. of Educations newest effort to discourage high school drop outs.
Found the new video on YouTube... YouTube - OK Graduation: DO IT
I had no idea 5214 Oklahoma teens drop out of HS every year.
Where I live, I am astonished at how many kids drop out. It is definitely on the upswing and a lot of parents seem to have no real concern about it. A common fact pattern seems to be kids don't go to class and end up being held back a year. They don't keep up and are embarassed so they don't go to class and fall behind another year. Their parents encourage them to get their GED with the idea that they will go to the community college and then on to a four year college. Rarely happens. Kids whose parents let them blow off school in 8th and 9th grade don't have enough motivation or influence on their kids to keep them going. Most of these kids just drift into low level jobs or no jobs. It is a national disgrace. And the more kids that do it, the more acceptable it becomes. I wouldn't have even considered dropping out but it is not big deal, anymore, in some areas. Tragic.
I have two teenagers 16 and 18 and neither of them graduated. I have been fighting this battle since 2005 when my son started running away. My youngest son has run away 9 times and the last time he stayed gone for six months. The strange thing is that the law is not on the parents side. I get so angry when I hear people say "it's the parent's fault". These people have no clue what they are talking about. If you happen to be one of the few people that have a kid that asserts themselves and willing to take the punishment that comes their way, you will find out just how little power you have as a parent.
You may remember last summer when there was someone stealing flags from businesses around Del City and Midwest City including a war memorial. That was my 16 year old son and his three buddies. He signed a statement taking all the credit for this and was put on a three month community service as well as other things. We had to sign a contract that if he failed to follow through on any of the requirements of this contract that charges would be filed. His last appointment with the juvenile center was September 23rd, 2008. On September 24th I got up to get him ready for school and he had run away again. I spent so much time being angry that you cannot even imagine. The only recourse is that I the parent must report him as a runaway for our protection.
The police told me to my face that if I forced him to go home against his will that I would be arrested. He was brought home by the police three weeks ago after being involved in a car accident in someone else's car and he does not even have a driver's license. He still has not learned his lesson. To keep my sanity I have told him when he came home to keep the police away from here and be respectful of the rest of the family and he can do what ever he wants. That has been my attitude since he came home.
Also, in Oklahoma you can quit school at 16 years old even without your parents permission. I have decided to let life teach him since he has no sense of direction. I cannot force him to go to school and if I do, he runs away. If he gets into trouble when he is out, it is my responsibility. If you are one of the unfortunate few that have a kid that is so stubborn that they will do what ever they are going to do then you will see what I am talking about. I think life will be rough on him when he gets older and I cannnot help him then. He only cares about being a rock star and has zero interest in actually being someone in life. My oldest is 18 now and he left school at the request of Del City High School principal. They said he will not have enough credits to graduate by the time he is too old. They signed a form to help him get a GED.
I still find myself getting defensive with people bashing Del City but I have to admit this neighborhood absolutely sucks. I cannot name a single kid that still has both parents at home. I have heard gun shots from an apartment complex at SE 29th and Bryant more than once. As much as it bothers me, I refuse to go out and buy another house at my age. My kids will be gone soon and it does not make any sense to get into a 30 year mortgage for a two year problem. I would like to retire at some point.
Anyway, I completely see your point. Del City High School just writes the students off before they even give them a shot. I nagged the principal to let me know when they were getting behind and they never would. They would never update their website until I got really ugly with them. As far as I am concerned the Mid-Del Schools are easily as impotent as any inner city school in South Central Los Angeles. My nightmares began in 2005 and never did get any better. I hope the rest of you have better results than I do.
I am glad my mom pushed me. Her hounding me had me pissed many times, but now with a diploma and college degree, I can honestly say I am glad she put on the pressure. It pays off.
Continue the Renaissance!!!
Good lord...Basically just have to show up in high school to get a diploma
Pretty much - a problem is that when that is all there is to it, there is no intrinsic reason to push yourself. They are bored out of their minds and sitting there, passive, is guaranteed to make them want to just blow it off - it is not like they will miss anything. Kids don't have a feeling that they are getting a leg up by getting an education. Except in some classes, it is so dumbed down that they don't get excited about it. I am not saying teachers should entertain the kids. I'm saying they need to be working their butts off.
And speaking as a GAL - it astonishes me how many parents of failing kids think that a "mean" teacher or one with whom the kid just doesn't "jell" makes it perfecty understandable for their kid to skip class. It is always the teacher's fault. There have been boring and crappy teachers from the beginning of time. Most of us were told it was good practice for boring and crappy bosses. These days, however, that is sufficient reason to allow your child to completely destroy his future.
A relatively new thing I've been hearing, regularly, is for young girls to say that their male teacher (typically math!) keeps looking at them funny and they don't feel "comfortable" in his class so they don't go. And the parents buy it hook line and sinker. If my girls had suggested that, chances are I would have told them to just don't stay after class, alone, and they better get their butts there before the bell rang so he isn't staring at them when they walk thhrough the door late. Guys looking at them funny (even if true although its probably not with our litigation happy society) is something they better learn to ignore or handle. Using it to get out of math is just teaching them to think their gender is a means to an end. A teacher would have to really get over the edge before I'd get too concerned. Of course if he was touching them or saying something outrageous, I'd do something that might involve a bullwhip. But when aI kid is using that as an excuse to skip class (and many don't do their homework for the alleged same reason) you'd think parents would wise up.
Yeah, I know someone who dropped out (from Chelsea), she's 26 with 2 kids and basically told me the reason she dropped out was because she didn't get along with her GYM teacher. And then she went on to mention that her friends dropped out and so she would get to spend more time with them. Funny thing is she still doesn't regret it. Not one bit. Doesn't see anything wrong.
Funny thing also is her and her husband (and kids) are now homeless and living at friend's houses because they both can't hold down a job. They rely on welfare/foodstamps/etc. Seeing a pattern.
Her sisters aren't doing much better. Only one made it through HS. She's the best so far, she's got three kids but her husband is working and they are making it, barely.
You sound worn out. Tough situation. It is really hard to get things turned around one they reach this point and the kids think they're grown. I'm sorry for you and your family.
I have to agree that high school is often dumbed down to make sure kids pass on to the next grade.
My son goes to Del City HS and he has one teacher that lets you turn in work whenever you want as long as its in by the end of the semester. Another will give out elementary school grade level extra credit assignments to make sure everyone passes and another will let you keep retaking test till you get the score you want!
This does everyone a disservice. These kids are in for a rude awakening when they go to college.
That said, I know a college professor who said she was forced to dumb down her English class because incoming Freshmen didn't know the basics of English grammar.
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