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Thread: Shields Bridge is OPEN

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  1. #1

    Default Shields Bridge is OPEN

    The Shields bridge is back open again, I noticed while driving on it that there is now an approachway opening in the side of the bridge just north of the railroad tracks where there used to be concrete wall. Does anyone know why this is there are they going to put in a road leading down to the junkyards from the Shields bridge or whats going on with this?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Shields Bridge is OPEN

    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby821 View Post
    The Shields bridge is back open again, I noticed while driving on it that there is now an approachway opening in the side of the bridge just north of the railroad tracks where there used to be concrete wall. Does anyone know why this is there are they going to put in a road leading down to the junkyards from the Shields bridge or whats going on with this?
    The new I-40 is most likely going to be in the path of that road.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Shields Bridge is OPEN

    Yes, but isnt it going to go under the shields bridge?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Shields Bridge is OPEN

    If you go to 40forward.com and click the link for the photo gallery, the aerial photo of Shields was on March 4th showing all of the Northbound sections finished. You're telling me the Southbound side is done too? And the whole project is finished with flowing traffic on both sides? That's pretty impressive! That's a lot of spans put in on that Southbound side in a 2 week period...

  5. #5

    Default Re: Shields Bridge is OPEN

    Quote Originally Posted by OKCisOK4me View Post
    If you go to 40forward.com and click the link for the photo gallery, the aerial photo of Shields was on March 4th showing all of the Northbound sections finished. You're telling me the Southbound side is done too? And the whole project is finished with flowing traffic on both sides? That's pretty impressive! That's a lot of spans put in on that Southbound side in a 2 week period...
    No, no, no... The Oklahoma DOT is not that good! They have only the northbound side done and two lanes in each direction open on the northbound side. They are still working on the southbound side. BTW, it has been open for about two weeks...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Shields Bridge is OPEN

    Quote Originally Posted by Insider View Post
    No, no, no... The Oklahoma DOT is not that good! They have only the northbound side done and two lanes in each direction open on the northbound side. They are still working on the southbound side. BTW, it has been open for about two weeks...
    That's what I figured. Like I said, according to those pics on that page, there's no frickin way they'd have the Southbound done that fast. Not even TexDOT can do that!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Shields Bridge is OPEN

    that's what i thought... but, hey... open is open, amiright?


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