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Thread: Re-opening of OU's Museum of Art

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  1. #1

    Default Re-opening of OU's Museum of Art

    an email just sent out to OU students/faculty/admin:

    Dedication of the Mary and Howard Lester Wing
    Fred Jones Jr. Museum of Art
    Home of the Weitzenhoffer Collection of French Impressionism
    Thursday and Friday, January 20 and 21, 2005

    Thursday, January 20
    Keynote Address, Dinner and Dedication of the Mary and Howard Lester Wing *
    Ballroom, Oklahoma Memorial Union
    6 pm-Receptions
    6:30pm-Address with dinner to follow, concluding with the ribbon cutting and tours of the Mary and Howard Lester Wing of the museum
    President Boren will introduce Philippe de Montebello, director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, for a keynote address, “Museums: Why Should We Care?”
    *Reservations required.

    Friday, January 21
    Museum Opens to the Public
    No reservations required.

    Ballroom, Oklahoma Memorial Union
    Featuring Vincent Scully, Sterling Professor Emeritus of the History of Art at Yale University.
    Luncheon participants adjourn at 12:45pm to Meacham for a lecture by Vincent Scully.
    *Reservations required

    Meacham Auditorium, Oklahoma Memorial Union
    Featuring a talk by Hugh Newell Jacobsen, F.A.I.A., an acclaimed architect, of Washington, D.C. and architect of the Mary and Howard Lester Wing, followed by the film “My Architect.”
    No reservations required

    This is a very important series of events for our campus. I am particularly excited to see Hugh Jacobsen's lecture, as well as the showing of "My Architect." Having Jacobsen on-board as the designer of the Lester Wing is astounding and speaks volumes about the validity of OU's art museum. I encourage everyone to make a visit.

    OU students may obtain reservation applications for specified events by contact the admin office of their college. I just pray our Friday arch studios will let us attend the lecture/film!


  2. #2
    Sooner&RiceGrad Guest

    Default Re: Re-opening of OU's Museum of Art

    How does this museum rank? Isn't it up there at the very top? I know they have the largest gift to a public art museum, but what else is there?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Re-opening of OU's Museum of Art

    You know, now that you ask, I can't even tell you what it's ranked. I JUST read an article about it the other day, and I know it's in the top 5, but can't remember specifics...

    The Fred Jones Museum has the new amazing impressionist collection, as well as works by Van Gogh and Monet, I believe.

    Information about the new wing:

    Information about the collections:

    As an architecture major here at OU, my roommate and I keep pretty close tabs on construction on-campus. I can usually tell what's going on with most projects, and with my contacts at Arch/Engineering Services dept. on campus, I can find out other goodies if I get really nosy, which is most of the time...

  4. #4

    Default Re: Re-opening of OU's Museum of Art

    kielaaron, you're an architecture major at OU? Well so am I! What year are you?

    About the museum, it looks like it will be pretty nice and the design is definitely out of the ordinary. Supposedly the individual "houses" that make up the addition are designed that way so the art becomes more intimate and personal with only a few works in each room.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Re-opening of OU's Museum of Art

    I'm a fourth-year... u? I'm the jerk who designed the Solar House.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Re-opening of OU's Museum of Art

    Second year. Solar house?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Re-opening of OU's Museum of Art

    Today is the official date that the museum opens to the public. My friend went yesterday to take pics of the exterior/site for a project we're working on in our studio...

    New entrance facing the west (Elm St.)

    Closer detail of the bronze-clad entry

    Some additional view of the rest of the "milk cartons"

    I'm going to see my architectural idol, Hugh Newell Jacobsen [who is the designer of the facility] this afternoon, and then going to visit the museum afterwards. I hope to have some interior shots to share this evening.

    Also very excited to watch "My Architect," playing at Meacham Auditorium this afternoon as well!

  8. Default Re: Re-opening of OU's Museum of Art

    The addition is pretty cool. Original. Thanks for the pics, kielaaron.

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