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  1. Default P90x

    Anyone tried this? The infomercials are all over the place. Looks interesting.

  2. #2

    Default Re: P90x

    it works just like any other diet and excersice plan as long as you stick to it

    If you are looking at buying it, check ebay 1st - you should be able to pick it up for half or less

  3. #3

    Default Re: P90x

    A friend of mine swears by it.

  4. #4

    Default Re: P90x

    there are a few people journaling their progress on it if you search for it in the forums at bodybuilding.com

  5. #5

    Default Re: P90x

    I've heard good things about it, but have never tried it.

  6. Default Re: P90x

    Not really thinking about doing it, right now that is. I don't know why, but everytime I see it on tv, I can't turn the channel. Thought I'd see what others thought about it. From what I can tell it's legit. Only problem is, like some have said, is sticking to it. Not only that, but after 90 days, what do you have to do to keep in that kind of shape. Maybe after 90 days of doing it, a person might think there would be no way they would go back to where they were before.

  7. #7

    Default Re: P90x

    I just started P90x on Monday and it is kicking my butt! I got it on craigslist for 70 bucks since I was skeptical. I have done it everyday and I now have muscles I didn't know I have that are aching. The exercises are fairly easy to keep up with and you can take breaks if you are having trouble. The program says you should only have to do some of the discs or routines after the 90 days unless you want to do them all.

  8. #8

    Default Re: P90x

    I started it on Monday and it is kicking my butt. I am sore all over. The routines are fairly easy as long as you have the correct weight or band. After 90 days the program says to still do some of the dvds weekly and some of the other ones every once in a while to keep up your look. I like the program so far. I may post again in a few weeks and let you know how its going.

  9. Default Re: P90x

    Quote Originally Posted by davidmilford26 View Post
    I started it on Monday and it is kicking my butt. I am sore all over. The routines are fairly easy as long as you have the correct weight or band. After 90 days the program says to still do some of the dvds weekly and some of the other ones every once in a while to keep up your look. I like the program so far. I may post again in a few weeks and let you know how its going.
    Thanks for posting. Keep us informed. I'll be interested in finding out how you do with it. No pressure!!

  10. #10
    Prunepicker Guest

    Default Re: P90x

    The most important thing to do is to eat reasonably and do some

    Of course, if you need something that costs money, then by all means
    purchase this diet.

  11. #11

    Default Re: P90x

    No need to buy p90x. Just exercise and eat correctly. And STICK WITH IT. I started working out a while back because I was so boney yet so flabby, and low and behold I got in shape. Six pack even. Imagine that.

    People are always looking for a magic pill, but there is none. If there was you wouldn't be seeing all these obese people poluting the landscape.

  12. Default Re: P90x

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    No need to buy p90x. Just exercise and eat correctly. And STICK WITH IT. I started working out a while back because I was so boney yet so flabby, and low and behold I got in shape. Six pack even. Imagine that.

    People are always looking for a magic pill, but there is none. If there was you wouldn't be seeing all these obese people poluting the landscape.
    This is not a diet or magic pill, from what I can tell. This is a workout program. I'm already working out and have been for some time. I watch what I eat and the portions I eat as well. Just interested in this program, and basically wanting to get some views from people who have tried this "workout program". Just gathering some info on it, and from what I can tell it's far from a magic pill.

    Sounds like I've got some of the same problem you had. Boney, yet flabby. Worked much of it off, yet always trying to find a better way to work out.

    I do agree with you, btw.....

  13. #13

    Default Re: P90x

    Quote Originally Posted by Bostonfan View Post
    This is not a diet or magic pill, from what I can tell. This is a workout program. I'm already working out and have been for some time. I watch what I eat and the portions I eat as well. Just interested in this program, and basically wanting to get some views from people who have tried this "workout program". Just gathering some info on it, and from what I can tell it's far from a magic pill.

    Sounds like I've got some of the same problem you had. Boney, yet flabby. Worked much of it off, yet always trying to find a better way to work out.

    I do agree with you, btw.....
    I've watched the p90x infomercial, and I'm sure it works if you put in the time and effort. It's just that if you do pullups, bench, legs, and arms, then I just don't see the reason to pay so much money for something you can figure out for free. Maybe the motivation of having a video of the workouts helps? Don't know. But if you are skinny and flabby, I'd avoid cardio. Eat lots of protein and lift weights at least 3 times a week. The added muscle mass you put on should burn away the excess flab.

  14. Default Re: P90x

    Quote Originally Posted by ronronnie1 View Post
    I've watched the p90x infomercial, and I'm sure it works if you put in the time and effort. It's just that if you do pullups, bench, legs, and arms, then I just don't see the reason to pay so much money for something you can figure out for free. Maybe the motivation of having a video of the workouts helps? Don't know. But if you are skinny and flabby, I'd avoid cardio. Eat lots of protein and lift weights at least 3 times a week. The added muscle mass you put on should burn away the excess flab.
    Avoid cardio???? Everything I've ever seen and heard is to do cardio. Here's the deal, I have a gut and love handles, so to speak. Everywhere else is pretty boney. I've been running nearly everyday for quite some time now and it's really helped. Haven't done much with the weights though.

    Don't get me wrong, not trying to say you're making things up, I've just never heard to avoid cardio.

  15. #16

    Default Re: P90x

    P90x is a great workout system. My workouts are similar. It's design is made to shed fat & tone you up. You won't get strong or necessarily big on the system but not everyone wants that. There is a cardio aspect to the P90x system so that's a plus. I believe it is a great system for someone who doesn't have access to a gym or who doesn't know how to put a workout together.
    Once you have adapted or get bored with the P90x system, look into German Volume Training, Meltdown and Complexes. These workout methods are even more challenging.
    The most important thing, as stated previously, it's what you stuff down your throat. I hate to say the word "diet" but prefer "lifestyle change".
    As long as you feel the workout and you feel better about yourself, I say keep at it. Good luck!

  16. #17

    Default Re: P90x

    I wasn't looking for a "magic pill". I travel every week for my job. I tried the gyms at hotels, but most of the time they only have treadmills. P90X is working so far and they give you the opportunity to get lean or big, its up to you (size of weights, reps, etc..). I think its a great product for people who don't know what or how to really workout. The workouts themselves are simple, push-ups, pull-ups and cardio work. Its perfect for those who don't like the gym and its cheaper, I got mine on craigslist for 50$ and got the pdf calendar and nutrition plan on ebay for 8$. Gym was costing me 40$ a month. That's a bargain in my book. Sorry if the program offends anyone, but i love it so far, and so far I can feel it working everyday. I also feel muscles working i didn't know i had.


  17. Default Re: P90x

    Quote Originally Posted by davidmilford26 View Post
    I wasn't looking for a "magic pill". I travel every week for my job. I tried the gyms at hotels, but most of the time they only have treadmills. P90X is working so far and they give you the opportunity to get lean or big, its up to you (size of weights, reps, etc..). I think its a great product for people who don't know what or how to really workout. The workouts themselves are simple, push-ups, pull-ups and cardio work. Its perfect for those who don't like the gym and its cheaper, I got mine on craigslist for 50$ and got the pdf calendar and nutrition plan on ebay for 8$. Gym was costing me 40$ a month. That's a bargain in my book. Sorry if the program offends anyone, but i love it so far, and so far I can feel it working everyday. I also feel muscles working i didn't know i had.

    Sounds good, keep us informed. Good luck!

  18. #19

    Default Re: P90x

    Curious if you have an update on your results after using P90x? I'm thinking about ordering it for myself & my husband.

  19. Default Re: P90x

    But if you are skinny and flabby, I'd avoid cardio
    I think he means thin and not toned maybe? Is flabby the right word?

    I agree, I've always heard to do cardio but if you are trying to build muscle mass and get toned, maybe more arm/legs reps ..

    You can't spot reduce so if you have a gut, diet and cardio is the only thing that will work.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  20. Default Re: P90x

    Quote Originally Posted by Karried View Post
    I think he means thin and not toned maybe? Is flabby the right word?

    I agree, I've always heard to do cardio but if you are trying to build muscle mass and get toned, maybe more arm/legs reps ..

    You can't spot reduce so if you have a gut, diet and cardio is the only thing that will work.
    It's like doing crunches with a gut. Abs might get tighter, but you won't be able to see them beneath the fat.

    I'm still at that point. Trying to burn the fat off the tummy. Also, with good diet and cardio, I'm sure lifting would really help. Just not really into the weights like some. That's why this program has my interest.

  21. #22

    Default Re: P90x

    I see people all the time doing ab exercises in attempt to "spot reduce". It can't be done. You burn fat from head to toe. Your abs will get stronger but you will never see them under the superficial fatty layer. If you are carrying extra weight in your midsection, performing ab exercises can make you appear more fat due to the hypertrophy of your underlying abdominals. Lose the weight first or at least meet them half way before starting ab concentrations.

    It is possible to lose weight without doing cardio but it helps. I recommend lifting at a high intensity. This doesn't mean you have to lift heavy weight. This is the basis of Lactic Acid training which is great at stripping off fat, but it's not for the faint at heart. I've seen many "meat heads" lose their lunch training in this style. It can be a humbling experience.

    RonRonnie1 has a point though. If you put on muscle, losing the flab becomes a lot easier. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your BMR & circulating GH in your system.

  22. #23

    Default Re: P90x

    Great points everyone, but fitness is pretty individual. Everyone's different. I'm one of the few people that actually needs to gain weight, yet I have a problem with body fat. Here's what I do pretty much every year.

    During the cold months I lift weights to build muscle. Then when it gets warm outside, I run for maybe a month to rid myself of the flab. I just can't eat enough food to put on weight, so I concentrate on weight lifting and avoid cardio (and I'm a cardio addict.)

    Bottom line: Everyone's different, and what works for one person won't necessarily work for another. However I believe that weight lifting will pretty much benefit anyone.

  23. #24

    Default Re: P90x

    P90X will work. This is better, faster and free. If you can survive:

    What is CrossFit?

  24. #25

    Default Re: P90x

    So what is the basic premise of P90X? From what I have seen on TV it seems like a bunch of circuit training?

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