Make it snow! Make it snow! Make it snow! at The Lost Ogle
Hee-larious. This video has gone viral and beyond, showing up on,,, and many more.
Make it snow! Make it snow! Make it snow! at The Lost Ogle
Hee-larious. This video has gone viral and beyond, showing up on,,, and many more.
Two points:
First: This could land Alpha Chi Omega in some pretty hot water. From how I interpret the video, the videotaper, who I'm assuming is a fellow member was ridiculing her and maybe even got her worked into that emotional frenzy. I will tell you that Alpha Chi Omega and OU have an extremely low tolerance for hazing, and under most greek organizations' hazing policies, a case could be made that this was hazing.
Second: Whether this is hazing or not, the 'friend' who took this video and put in on youtube showed very poor judgment. She is not a good friend. This is why my fraternity, just about from the time facebook started up, has always had a very strict/harsh policy about what sorts of pictures and videos could be posted online.
I'm not sure this could be considered hazing, per se. I don't think she was rushing, and other than putting a camera in her face, the other girls didn't really antagonize her. I agree that putting this video online is probably much more damaging to the sorority than the fire extinguisher incident, and the girl filming her is anything but her friend.
One thing to consider: it's obvious to me that this girl is pretty wasted. Some folks on The Lost Ogle comments claim she's a sophomore, so I doubt she's 21 yet. Big black eye for Alpha Chi.
Hazing can actually be done to initiated members. Further, I don't know the girl, but when she says "I'll do anything to be an Alpha Chi," that tells me she's a new member [that's newspeak for pledge]. I'm not up on NPC policy, in the least (and IMHO, it's convoluted as hell), but I'm pretty sure if you're not initiated, you're probationary. I honestly don't see that sort of bawling manifesting without some at least subtle hazing going on.
Hazing can be mental as well as physical. In fact, most greek organizations, in their hazing policies include anything which might cause "mental discomfort." Really. It's a dangerous world out there for fraternities and sororities if they depart from their nationally prescribed new member programs.
I go to OU and I can tell you first hand this is not as funny as it appears. This girls has suffered unimaginable humiliation, and has since deactivated her facebook account. I know from a current Alpha Chi that she has since dropped the sorority and is thinking of leaving OU. Midtowner's right. This could really land Alpha Chi in hot water, especially considering she asked them to not videotape her. I mean, seriously, who hasn't done or said something dumb when they have been drinking too much (and yeah, this girl is obviously hammered)? How cruel is of her "sisters" to videotape something when this girl is obviously not coherent and then post it on the internet for the whole world to see. FWIW this video was posted first on which I think is a total smut site that allows anonyomus users to spread smears and lies about people, but thats another story. In any event, I would just hope that people think before they take joy in people's misery, because in this day and age where everyone has a camera phone and a Youtube account, it could easily be you.
Sorry for the rant.
Ah geez.. they started on juicycampus?
I could *ALMOST* understand if this was on someone's facebook and then was downloaded and spread around -- a result they didn't intend and were too unwise in they ways of the internet to foresee.
At any rate, if you're an active member in a Greek organization, I think this a time for you to structure a comprehensive online policy -- that members will be subject to serious discipline should they post anything which might bring your organization or themselves individually into a bad light.
The lesson here is that once something is posted on the internet, you no longer have control over how it is disseminated. I'm sure AXO wants this to all go away, but that it exists in the first place is quite possibly their fault for not having the foresight to deal with this issue.
Yea it was definitely inappropriate to say the least to post the video on the internet...Obviously the girl is very distraught. I've never been in a frat or a sorority so maybe I don't understand, but don't you think she's overreacting a bit? Maybe she's drunk in the video...
I don't really see where hazing comes into play here. I don't see any evidence that they forced her to do anything, but perhaps they forced her to make this videotape. Is it true that when she says she will "sweep the floor" that that means she will perform oral sex on girls?
I've never heard this, and I'm tempted to say something inappropriate about it, so I'll just let it slide.
I think she was literally talking about sweeping the floor, since it would obviously be covered in fire extinguisher foam. When she says, "I'll do anything to be an Alpha Chi," I think she's saying she'll do anything to remain an Alpha Chi (e.g. sweeping the floor to make up for the prank).
Also, a lot of people on other sites keep quoting the line, "I can't afford Beta Phi!," but she's actually saying, "I can't afford to pay a fine!"
Well, she's acting like many of the sad drunks I've known in college. She could be drunk.
I'm just picking up subtle hints as to the hazing. Because of the sort of stigma which has been placed on fraternities and sororities due to hazing, many organizations have promulgated highly expansive definitions which include things like the 'creation of physical or mental discomfort.' I'm talking about "Alpha Chi hates me," the fact that someone, whom I would assume is an initiate has no problem providing light and a video camera so she can humiliate the new member, etc. I think that some sort of hazing is occurring might be implied from that scene, at least enough to warrant an investigation by their National.
Sweeping the floor has nothing to do with oral sex. That's just a way of saying that she'll perform manual labor duties around the house in lieu of fines.
speaking of snow angels, did anyone see that football player in the New England game yesterday make one after his touchdown? I don't watch NFL but was at a restaurant eating yesterday and saw it on their tv. Pretty funny. He got a penalty for "unsportsmanlike conduct."
It was funny. I didn't know he was penalized for it.
Yea, that was oklahoma city's own Wes Welker doing the snow angel. I didnt think you could get penalized for that kind of celebration. Unless they considered snow as a prop, which you arent supposed to use in a celebration.
The N.o F.un L.eague has really cracked down on the celebrations in the end zone. I think it's ridiculous but they aren't quite as bad as the NCAA.
I'm usually not a fan of end-zone dances and the like, but this seems harmless. Celebrating a touchdown is not unsportsmanlike. Gloating and taunting the other team is.
Yea i thought it was pretty funny. Did you guys see after the jets game, where a player was walking off the field and the fans were pelting him with snowballs, so in retaliation he picked up a chunk of snow the size of a large pumpkin and heaves it onto some guy?? Pretty funny as well....
Back to the subject at hand. I think this is terrible. The poor girl is ruined at OU. I live in Norman, go to school there, live with two frat boys, and have come to the conclusion that my kids will never be in the greek system. I see time and time again where these so called brothers and sisters stab each other in the back, spread rumors about each other, sleep with their boyfriends/girlfriends etc etc....where is the camaraderie and friendship??
1. That happens to everyone, Greek or not. Just depends on the type of person with which one surrounds him or herself.
2. I was Greek at OU and never experienced what you're talking about, so bear in mind that maybe your roommates just suck. The Greek population at OU is huge, so to assume everyone's the same is pretty ridiculous on your part.
You will not be able to control whether or not your kids join the greek system. Parental objections are pretty common during Rush. They are seldom a determining factor though. If you are thinking about yanking your kid's tuition because he decides to rush, then you're just being an overprotective, overbearing jackass. Don't be that person.
I didn't go to OU, but I am a member of a fraternity. My experience was and still is (I'm an active alumnus) great. Were there some negative experiences? Sure. But I'd put my fraternal experience as being on par or better than any academic regimen as far as preparing me for the real world.
I was part of a frat at OU, got into some trouble a few years ago but everythign is OK now.
But there are always people in each house that just suck. there is no way around it. same for sororities as well. I was hesitant to do greek at first but I am glad I did it. Have a great group of friends even after graduating.
As for this girl, the best thing going for her is that it is christmas break now and people will be over it once school resumes. She got filmed being a drunk ass and said some dumb things. Her friends should feel bad. But this could have been wayyyyyyyyy worse. If some of the things I said or did after a night of drinking were ever posted up my parents would probably disown me.
first of all i never said the whole greek population was like that, but i see it all the time. it's a very common theme.
After being in school all this time, I really don't know how I feel about the greek system at OU. I will say that I find a lot of the younger members now total asswipes. Maybe the greek system has had some bad classes as of late, but some of the guys from certain houses are absolutely horrible. I can't stand sitting by a group of them at a football game or in a library. Its like these guys wake up and say, "hey how fratty can I be today?" and proceed to act like total d-bags the rest of the day. And some of the girls in the sororities are no better.
On the other hand, as I've gotten older, I've been able to get to know a lot of frat guys one on one and they are really okay people. I do think there is a general "mellowing out" of people in the houses once they get older, and I agree with a previous poster that some houses are just awful and make the whole system look bad. I've been very involved with OU and with it I have a very close group of friends that I see nearly everyday. I know a lot of people don't get that opportunity to have such a network, and there's really nothing else to provide this except the greek system. I think it would be unfair to deny someone this just because there's a bad handful that weasel their way into the system.
From looking at the Alpha chi website the girl who videotaped this isnt a member of alpha chi so it seems as though she was just a really bad "friend".
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