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Thread: help?

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  1. #1
    jenncole Guest

    Default help?

    I do not mean to cause any trouble by posting this, I simply need some advice.

    I recently started dating a new bf (NOT sexy BricktownGuy)

    The new bf and I started having sexual relations. He has been with a few other women before me.

    He has some trouble lasting for more than 5 minutes. I have heard that using rosey more often helps a guy last longer, but John uses Rosey extensively (4-5 times a day sometimes) still he can't seem to last, what can we do? What should I be doing to help him?? or does he himself need to work on something??

  2. #2
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: help?

    Hey Jenn. No hard feelings about the post you made before....OneDivasDestiny just has certain rules for that forum that have to be followed. Since the info. in that forum can be very sensitive in nature, we have to be pretty strict on the rules! If we don't, things could really get out of hand in a hurry.

    Anyways, we still welcome you to post in any of the forums on various issues.

    Hey, for subjects like this, I invite you to send OneDivasDestiny a PM...she's always looking for good ideas in the forum she moderates.

    Since this is kind of a medical issue, I guess I'll address it here, but for sexual issues, in the future you might just send OneDivasDestiny a PM. She's really pretty easy to get along with.

    Since this is a healh forum, I'll address this from a medical perspective, not a sexual one. He's experiencing a medical phenomenon known as premature ejaculation disorder. First off, you could try to start out a little more casual. Try to calm him down, and don't rush into the act. He can also learn how to control it with experience. Don't push him to the limit.

    Actually, if that fails, there are some medical solutions. SSRI antidepressants like Paxil, Prozac, Celexa, etc. are notorious for their side effect of slowing down the sex drive. This is a bad side effect when used for normal depressed people, but it can actually be beneficial for a person with a high sex drive that has trouble with premature ejaculation. That's typically the only medical treatment we have.

    Best of luck.

    - Patrick, MS-3, OU College of Medicine

  3. #3
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Default Re: help?

    Hey Jenncole,

    This is Divas Destiny I can help and talk with you about this problem he is having.If you want to PM me I can talk with you about it.There are some things on my site that can help if you want to just go look on there.Its http://www.thpassionreaction.com I can suggest a few things even give a few things to read if you would like.Good Luck!


  4. #4
    jenncole Guest

    Default Re: help?

    I contacted you, Ms. Warren.

  5. Default Re: help?

    HEHEH@ Ms. Warren.....LOL

  6. Default Re: help?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms.Relaxationstation
    HEHEH@ Ms. Warren.....LOL
    At least she is showing respect for someone that might be older than she is. I have to respect that. I wish all younger people would learn that kind of respect... It is a wonderful gift to give.

  7. Default Re: help?

    Oh calm down Mr Anderson, I wasn't making fun of jenncole at all, I was simplying laughing at the "Ms. Warren". There is something to be said for older people showing respect also, like not trying to start a feud over such a small comment. Didn't your mother teach you that if you can't say something nice, then don't say anything at all???

  8. #8
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: help?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ms.Relaxationstation
    HEHEH@ Ms. Warren.....LOL
    Actually it is Mrs. Warren, not Ms.
    Sorry, had to throw my 2 nickels in..

  9. #9
    jenncole Guest

    Default Re: help?


    I must correct you on that.....

    I did not know her martial status... and so... to be political correct.... one shall use Ms. Please refer to the following from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.

    "Ms. is correct regardless of a woman's marital status"

    Sorry, had to throw my 2 nickels in..

  10. #10
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: help?

    Quote Originally Posted by jenncole

    I must correct you on that.....

    I did not know her martial status... and so... to be political correct.... one shall use Ms. Please refer to the following from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition.

    "Ms. is correct regardless of a woman's marital status"

    Sorry, had to throw my 2 nickels in..
    Umm... She is married so the CORRECTION is MRS. ....
    I dont care about political corrections or whatever, but dont say that I am wrong when
    Mrs. is correct as well.

  11. Default Re: help?

    Correction...Llamas do like lemonade...oh wait sorry...

  12. #12
    jenncole Guest

    Default Re: help?


    sorry, didn't mean disrespect.

    I was simplying showing some respect by using Ms.

    Either one can be used.... yours or mine.

  13. #13
    MasterWolf Guest

    Default Re: help?

    Well, thank you for showing respect and all....I am mostly just used to calling married women MRS, not MS....I try not be politically correct...

  14. Default Re: help?

    Of course we could also argue the correctness (is that a word? Will someone look it up) of DarlingDiva vs. OneDivasDestiny.

    Now what was the question again???? Ahh crap, sometimes I just like to see myself type. LOL

  15. Default Re: help?

    Another correction....Llamas eat cheese....and Ms.Relax....corectness is correct!

  16. #16

    Default Re: help?

    They also make these nerve deadener condoms called "extended pleasure".. Caution, this does not mean extended pleasure for the fella. You could drive a rusty nail through your wang after wearing one of those things. Tried 'em once 'cuz they were free. Never, never again.

    jenncole, your guy, is he blind, or has he grown hair on his palms? Just wondering, thank you.

  17. #17
    jenncole Guest

    Default Re: help?

    lol. Midtowner:

    He is not blind... and has no hair on this palms.. what makes you say that? hehe

    I am not worried....now.... we decided to call it off...cause he is headed to work in Aruba for 6 months.

    I will be back in St. Louis for a few days next week.. and then back to OKC for some business...so... things wouldn't have worked with him.. cause I travel alot.

  18. #18

    Default Re: help?

    Quote Originally Posted by jenncole
    lol. Midtowner:

    He is not blind... and has no hair on this palms.. what makes you say that? hehe

    I am not worried....now.... we decided to call it off...cause he is headed to work in Aruba for 6 months.

    I will be back in St. Louis for a few days next week.. and then back to OKC for some business...so... things wouldn't have worked with him.. cause I travel alot.
    The below linked google search was for "masturbation will make you go blind"


  19. #19
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: help?

    Last I checked, doesn't masturbation cause blindness?

  20. #20

    Default Re: help?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Last I checked, doesn't masturbation cause blindness?
    Please see above search.

    Thank you.

  21. #21
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: help?

    I know the blindness, hair palms thing is not true! I was just being humerous.

    Actually, this may sound weird, but in med school we did learn that sex/masturbation can actually make depression worse in some. Why? It releases pleasure chemicals that are in such short supply in depressed patients. So depressed patients end up expending chemicals out of a reserve that was almost completely empty to begin with.

    Based on that, I tend to wonder if some antidepressants help some people by causing impotence! lol!

  22. #22

    Default Re: help?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    I know the blindness, hair palms thing is not true! I was just being humerous.
    Sure you do. What, you think it's not true? Do you have evidence of this?

    Have there been studies done? Please link any credible medical information sources. Has the New England Journal of Medicine published any studies on this?

    Patrick, I'm just not convinced. Until you can either show sources, or relate your huge amount of first-hand experience in this field, I just cannot believe you.

    (note: I'm now parodying myself)

  23. #23
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: help?

    Does my own personal experience work? lol!

  24. #24

    Default Re: help?

    Quote Originally Posted by Patrick
    Does my own personal experience work? lol!
    I'm sure your personal experience in the field is very, very, very extensive.

  25. #25
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: help?

    Just to humor you.....

    Okay, well research is limited, so this is the closest I could find! lol!


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