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Thread: Where are all the former news anchors?

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  1. #1
    Keith Guest

    Default Where are all the former news anchors?

    I was just wondering what has happened to some of the former news anchors and reporters from Ch4, Ch5, and Ch9? From an earlier post. Mr.Anderson made the comment that Cherokee Ballard had left. I had no idea. Channel 9 did a special segment a couple of months ago that basically let us know where some of their former anchors and reporters were working now.

    There seems to be so many new reporters coming to OKC. Usually when a new reporter comes in, it means another reporter has left.

  2. Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Cherokee said she left because she had reached her goals. She will still be available for special reports (the reason she was on the air on election night). She is also going to teach journalism at OU.

    I just hope and pray she is alright. I have met her and have always liked her. She was really nice to me.

  3. Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    KWTV reporters' new gigs, as far as I know: Tony Clark is with CNN, Mitch Jelniker is in Denver, Patti Saurez is pursuing an acting career, Chris Harrison makes a living telling somebody there's one more rose left (on top of hosting "Designer's Challenge"), Mike Carpenter is spokesperson for CityVue20, and Jennifer Reynolds hosts Oklahoma Today.

    KOCO reporters' new gigs, as far as I know: Gerry Bonds and ??? host OETA news, and we all know what Mick Cornett's new role is.

    KFOR reporters' new gigs: with the exception of former state tourism head Jane Jayroe, they're all still there

    Now here's a question: what was the story behind Ann Holloran's departure?
    Continue the Renaissance

  4. Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    A lot of the former anchors move stations or go into the private sector. Jessica Brown from KFOR is spokes woman for the OSBI, Don Sherry (KOCO) is still with ONG, and several have moved to CNN.

    Of course, we need not forget the ones who just changed stations or had some legal problems.

  5. #5
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?


    "And where is Carrie Zamora?"

    That's a good question. I've wondered where she's been as well! I thought she was a really good anchor for channel 5. I'll email channel 5 and ask!

  6. #6
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Yeah, every night now at the beginning of Channel 5's newscast, they've been continuing to say that Carrie is off for the night, so it sounds as if she'll be back. Hopefully she doesn't have a serious illness like cancer or anything.....I remember when Cherokee Ballard dealt with that. I haven't done it yet, but I'll go ahead and email channel 5 and ask where she is. I'll let you guys know what I find out.

  7. #7
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    By the way...where does Fox 25 get all of their weather people from. Seems like the only regular Iknow is Chuck Bell, but they always seem to have new people on there on weekends and such.

  8. #8
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    I wonder what Jerry Adams is up to now that he has had a run in with the law and had legal problems? Also, Randy Renner (who got caught by an undercover officer at Trosper Park...looking for love in the wrong place ), Jack Bowen, who got into some deep doo doo by stalking a girlfriend who didn't want him .

    Brady Brus (from Ch.9) is now doing weather on KSBI ch.52. Hey, floater.....I understand that Ann Halloran had her contract terminated because she was just not fitting in with the rest of the anchors. She didn't have the charisma that the producers were looking for. Nothing was ever said on TV about it. All of a sudden, she is just gone. I believe I read the story about her in the TV guide.

    Jennifer Eve is now doing some local commercials and also hosting a Saturday morning gardening show on TV. I must agree about Ch. 25's weather people. It seems like I see a new one everytime I tune in.

  9. Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Actually, Brady Brus OWNS KSBI along with his sister Brenda Bennett. Randy Renner does news on KOMA and OETA.

    About fired anchors, etc. Their departure is rarely boradcast. Plus, KOKH uses Sinlcair Broadcasting's "News Central" for weather and sports from their studio, I think in Conneticutt (sp). All but one sports person and meteorlogist are localed there. Chuck Bell, I think is still local. They should have kept the woman and 86'ed him.

  10. Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    That's interesting about Jack Bowen. I heard he was a real standup guy. I heard that he did his best to tolerate a co-anchor who constantly cussed off-broadcast. But, who among us is perfect?
    Continue the Renaissance

  11. #11
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Actually Fox 25 News is a mixture of national and local. All of the weather is local. I learned today that the people they often have on weekends and at other times to fill in are interns from the National Weather Service in Norman. Chuck Bell is the staff meterologist and heads all that up! He is from here and lives with his male partner in Glenbrook!
    Andrew Speno and Brooke Osburne are from here and they cover local news, but Morris Jones and the News Central gang are national!

    Mr. Anderson, I personally wish Fox 25 News would've kept Megan Glaros!

  12. #12
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Here's the reply I got from channel 5:

    "Unfortunately, as a matter of policy, we can't discuss personnel
    matters (we're bound by the same confidentiality rules of any other business).
    I hope we'll have Carrie back on the air real soon...


    Jonathan Shelley
    Asst. News Director"

    Sorry I couldn't get the details. I might try to go around this and email Kevin Sims.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Miss Z has severe stage fright that keeps her from appearing on air. With the ADA in force, KOCO can't fire her and she can't work. So....there you have it.

  14. #14
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Are you sure about that? She acted pretty calm to me! In all seriousness, I hope nothing major is wrong with her. It must be a personal issue though.

  15. Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Granted it sounds far fetched, however, a lot of people who appear before cameras and live audiences DO suffer from "stage freight." Barbra Streisand is among them. She is being treated with a drug called Tenorman. I was on it for hypertension. When I was placed on it, my doctor told me about Barbra and her treatment.

    I presume, as time goes by, Patrick, you will be able to confirm that.

    Is Carrie sidelined due to "stage freight?" Hard to say.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Stage "FREIGHT"?

  17. Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Ann Halloran departed News 9 because of personality conflicts. As the Oklahoma Gazette reported, the station's management felt that Halloran did not fit in to the direction and chemistry that management wanted to take. Right or wrong, Halloran didn't fit behind KWTV's news desk.

  18. #18
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    News anchors come, news anchors go....some stay a long time, some go in a few months. That's just the nature of the game. If ratings aren't up, your job is axed.

  19. #19
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    It makes me wonder if very many of these TV personalities actually buy a house when they get a job here. I know people like the Ogle's, Gary England, Dean Blevins, Linda Cavanaugh, and Bob Barry, Jr (just to name a few) are probably going to be around for a long time.......but what about these reporters that come and go through the great broadcasting revolving door? I wonder if they rent apartments or something in case their new jobs don't work out?

  20. Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Mnay do rent apartments. There was a reporter for KWTV in the early 80's named Jan Costello. I knew Jan very well and to this day can tell you where her apartment was. Some do buy houses. A house, even if you are only around a year or two, still can be a good investment. Most sell fast.

    By the way. Jan went from here to CNN. I lost contact with her shortly after that.

  21. #21
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    It just depends on the person. I know Chuck Bell and his significant other lied in a house in Glenbrook (my dad elivered his mail) and they sold their house.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    I'm a former news anchor -- KCSU, Channel 22 in Edmond, OK.

    Yeah, that probably doesn't count

  23. #23
    Joe Schmoe Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    So are you looking for broadcast work now or was Broncho TV enough for you?

  24. #24

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    Everyone tells me I was pretty good at it and could have probably made a career out of it -- still could probably. I was more interested in corporate communication -- specifically in the area of video training (I'm also a pretty decent video editor if someone else can make the CG's).

    Things have changed since then. I'm now in the legal field and am hoping to start on my JD next year. Broncho TV was fun though and very educational. Many of the folks from there go on to get pretty good jobs. One that comes to mind that graduated recently is Amy McCree (sp?).

  25. #25
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Where are all the former news anchors?

    That's interesting to know...I don't realize Amy McCree was from UCO. Boy, guess I'm not such a dedicated Broncho alum!!! Anyways, that's really cool to learn.

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