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Some memories of JAB.
I don't remember it having an entrance on Main Street. The various buildings were indeed disjointed. I remember having to exit the main building in the alley between Park and Main, and re-entering another building on an escalator which was outside in the alley. I have never seen another escalator on the outside of a building like that.
The Men's department was on the West end at Harvey and Park. It featured a life-size stuffed Tiger. On the right shoulder of the tiger was a little wire hook, that when pulled would emit a loud "roar." Whenever we went to Brown's I had to find the Tiger and my mom would lift me up so I could "moo the tiger." I continued this event until Brown's closed its downtown location. I guess the tiger was quite old (as was all of JAB's fixtures) by then, and I was a grown man. The commotion "mooing the tiger" brought was great fun as JAB's customers and employees were totally unaware of my discovery.
I do remember the pneumatic tubes, and also the little metal "JAB charge card" my mother cherished. JAB issued the metal cards, which looked like military dog tags, with a small leather cover. All of the pertinent data was on raised letters that printed on receipts with carbon paper. Totally mechanical.