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Thread: An American Carol

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  1. #1

    Default An American Carol

    An American Carol was released in selected theaters yesterday. The main character in the movie is Kevin Farley (Chris Farley's brother from SNL). The character Michael Malone is a parody of Michael Moore. It's hilarious and no doubt will put a tingle up the leg of all conservatives who watch it. Liburuls will no doubt find themselves sneering and gnashing their teeth when they see a movie that mocks their beloved hero, Michael Moore. If you want some good laughs go watch this movie.

    You can see movie trailers at the website AN AMERICAN CAROL: A David Zucker Film or here
    An American Carol trailers and video clips on Yahoo! Movies.

  2. Default Re: An American Carol

    I don't know ANYBODY who likes Michael Moore...And I know some screaming liberal hippies.

  3. #3
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: An American Carol

    I hadn't heard much about this one until just the other day when I first saw the trailer. It looked like a Naked Gun or Hot Shots type of movie. Should be good for some laughs.

    "I'm the angel of freakin' death, you turdhead!"

  4. #4

    Default Re: An American Carol

    All I need to know about this movie is that it features Bill O'Reilly as himself.

    As for Moore, he was one of the first liberal populists to stand up to the right wing noise machine and give as good as he got... better, in fact. He's a quantum leap ahead of the rank and file right-wing pontificators.

    I'm suppose people would like him better if he looked more like a standard-issue TV personality.

  5. Default Re: An American Carol

    All I need to know about this movie is that it features Bill O'Reilly as himself.
    ugh, now I can't go.
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  6. #6

    Default Re: An American Carol

    Love Michael Moore! And I'm no screaming liberal hippie. More conservative Shaun H garbage!!!

  7. #7

    Default Re: An American Carol

    I'm sorry, but this movie looks about as dumb an "Ernest goes to camp" movie. It's directed by David Zucker. The same guy who did Airplane and The Naked Gun Movies. He hasn't done a decent comedy since the sequel to Naked Gun.

  8. #8

    Default Re: An American Carol

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy's Big Toe View Post
    I'm sorry, but this movie looks about as dumb an "Ernest goes to camp" movie. It's directed by David Zucker. The same guy who did Airplane and The Naked Gun Movies. He hasn't done a decent comedy since the sequel to Naked Gun.
    I'm with ya...If the trailer contains the best clips of the flick a big no thanks from me...Trailer is beyond lame

  9. #9

    Default Re: An American Carol

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimmy's Big Toe View Post
    I'm sorry, but this movie looks about as dumb an "Ernest goes to camp" movie. It's directed by David Zucker. The same guy who did Airplane and The Naked Gun Movies. He hasn't done a decent comedy since the sequel to Naked Gun.
    On the thread about the movie "W" you said that looked like it could be a great movie. Gee, I wonder who you're voting for. And don't tell me it's because Oliver Stone is a far better director than Zucker. Most people would rather watch Naked Gun 33 1/3 than Alexander.

    You thought you could fool us with your pretend objectiveness. Silly rabbit.

  10. #10

    Default Re: An American Carol

    I'm sorry but this movie just looks dumb...it has nothing to do with my political leanings...and what I said about "W" was the following:

    "This movie looks like it could be great. Although Oliver Stone has a tendency to take comedy to very strange dark places. He regards Natural Born Killers as a comedy..."

    BTW...you can be a republican and still think that George W. Bush is a bafoon...that's allowed. It doesn't mean that I won't be voting for McCain...

    ...now please go back to dinking the Kool-Aid...

  11. #11

    Default Re: An American Carol

    The only kool-aid I'm drinking is Crimson colored.

    Can you still be a republican and think you're a bafoon? Is that allowed?

  12. #12

    Default Re: An American Carol

    Wow, we can't even go to the movies anymore without fighting about the right and left sides of politics. I don't think David Zucker is the greatest director. His movies don't move me, but I don't think they're meant to really move anyone. They are made for cheap laughs. This movie is a big joke and yes, it might offend some people, but if you're offended by something so silly then you should check yourself. On the other hand, if you're sticking your tongue out at the 'liberals' saying nah nah nah nah over this then you are sadly misinformed. It's just slapstick. Relax.

  13. Default Re: An American Carol

    Has anybody here even seen the movie? :P

    I saw it when I was in Texas this weekend. It was silly, but there were some good laughs, which was the whole point. And Bill O'Reilly is barely in it at all. Seriously, I think he only has about five minutes of screen time.

  14. #14

    Default Re: An American Carol

    Five minutes of Bill O'Reilly is more than enough.

  15. #15

    Default Re: An American Carol

    Nah, anyone surviving 8 years of W oughta be able to survive 5 minutes of O'Reilly

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