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Thread: Envy Clothing - downtown

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  1. #1

    Default Envy Clothing - downtown

    I believe Envy Clothing in the Sante Fe train depot shops is now open. I drove by yesterday and it appeared to look open. I wish the media would quit abusing the word Bricktown. This is not in Bricktown folks, it's before you get to Bricktown. If anything it will feed off the NBA and convention foot traffic. Also here is a neat video of the finished interior on newsok:

    Article Player | NewsOK

    Here is a pic I took awhile back:

    For those of you not aware of this retail project, here is the thread:


  2. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Let me guess, Affliction and Ed Hardy shirts for everyone.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Good grief - the location is probably a few yards from Bricktown. What's wrong with labeling as such. Just gives the Bricktown area more ammo when touting the benefits.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by Tex View Post
    Let me guess, Affliction and Ed Hardy shirts for everyone.
    Don't forget Team Tapout!

  5. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    If it matters, the "warehouse district" originally extended across the ATSF RR to encompass buildings west of the tracks, I think ... Steve Lackmeyer's upcoming book addresses that, I think. But, yes, today, we do think of "Bricktown" as beginning on the east side of the RR, even if it may have been a bit different in times gone by.

  6. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    I cannot view the video. It won't work.

    I can't find it on NewsOK either.

  7. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Metro, I agree too many people apply Bricktown to areas that are no where near the district. I've even seen one case of reporting the Colcord was in Bricktown. But in this case, the depot is in Bricktown.
    - Steve Lackmeyer

  8. #8

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Metro, I agree too many people apply Bricktown to areas that are no where near the district. I've even seen one case of reporting the Colcord was in Bricktown. But in this case, the depot is in Bricktown.
    - Steve Lackmeyer

  9. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Luke, I wasn't meaning to be rude to Metro or anyone else - I was just typing in a quick comment and sometimes my brevity is misunderstood.
    Sorry about that, Metro.
    Some quick history without giving away all the contents of my next book:
    What we call Bricktown today was originally the city's wholesale district. As with any area, boundaries naturally expand and retract over time. But in its heyday, the district extended one block west of the Santa Fe tracks (including the station), south to what we now know as the Producers Co-Op, and east to Byers. The north boundary was at NE 1 east of the tracks and NE 3 west of the tracks.
    Even as the west fringe of the district was eliminated by Urban Renewal, the station was always the gateway to the district, whether it was the wholesale district or Bricktown. And until a few months ago, the station was part of the Bricktown Urban Design District (I've been told by city folks the boundary was changed at the request of the Brewer family).
    Anyway, I hopes this helps.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve View Post
    Luke, I wasn't meaning to be rude to Metro or anyone else - I was just typing in a quick comment and sometimes my brevity is misunderstood.
    I know, that's why I put the wink.

    Just tryin' to be funny.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Good points Steve, but no one I know, really associates the Sante Fe train depot with being in Bricktown. Definitely no one I know says hey let's hit up the Sante Fe depot while were in Bricktown. I'd say it's fairly safe to assume no one really associates it with Bricktown in modern times other than being the gateway leading into Bricktown. I think of it more of the CBD and convention area. I think Envy will pull shoppers from conventions and NBA games more than from Bricktown traffic.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Great points all,

    Everyone I know, and some people I don't know, and even some others that kind of know -kind of don't know, all associate the train station with Bricktown.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

  14. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Looks good. How much of that space are they taking? Is there an open one on the left?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Good for them. The locally owned businesses are what give the city it's flavor. I know it is a huge risk and a lot of work but this couple is truly doing something for this city instead of just talking about it (like a lot of us do). And we can help by seeking out these stores and spending our money at locally owned places. Remember a lot of the stores we are coveting (eg Whole Foods) started as a locally owned store somewhere. Good luck to you and every small business owner in town.

  16. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Stopped in there today. They are open. Very nice set up in a great, unique space.

    Hours are:
    Mon-Fri 10am-6pm
    Sat 10am-7pm
    Sun 1pm-5pm

    Also I asked her about the space next door, and she said THAT is where Boulevard Steak House had planned to open a restaurant, but that has fallen through. She said that the owners of Buddha Tao are looking at it. It is a very large space--plenty big for a restaurant.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Budda Tao or a similar concept would be nice as Chinese/Asian food is lacking downtown, especially near the Bricktown/Convention area. Most places downtown are closed or delivery only after the lunch crowd.

  18. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Yeah, Happy House and Thai Kitchen on the NW side of the CBD are the only ones I'm aware of that are open at night.

  19. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Well i think this is a great addition to bricktown/downtown (depends if your metro or not) however envy collections is a high end trendy boutique.......no ed hardy no affliction and no tapout.....for all you haters!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you talk **** come in and see (mr. Brown did) Envy is open 7 days a week...............

  20. #20

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    I think the awning adds a lot. Glad the old ones are not going to be sticking around when a store open.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by johnnyboyokc View Post
    Well i think this is a great addition to bricktown/downtown (depends if your metro or not) however envy collections is a high end trendy boutique.......no ed hardy no affliction and no tapout.....for all you haters!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you talk **** come in and see (mr. Brown did) Envy is open 7 days a week...............
    Great way to promote your business. Talk down on your potential customers.

  22. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    Quote Originally Posted by johnnyboyokc View Post
    Well i think this is a great addition to bricktown/downtown (depends if your metro or not) however envy collections is a high end trendy boutique.......no ed hardy no affliction and no tapout.....for all you haters!!!!!!!!!!!! Before you talk **** come in and see (mr. Brown did) Envy is open 7 days a week...............
    Let's not get riled up johnny boy. I wasn't hating on Envy and didn't mean my comments to come across as me talking crap. I was poking fun at the proliferation of Ed Hardy & Co. shirts and my message was a subconscious way of hoping Envy didn't cater to the Ed Hardy & Co. crowd. And now I'm glad to hear that it is a high end trendy boutique.

    However, I do hope this is not your business as you have already talked down to a potential customer.

  23. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    We need to start a "when will they go out of business" pot - closest to closing date wins the pot!

    Yeah, yeah, I'm a hater, but look through my history and I don't think I've pegged a single loser business in Bricktown yet.

    I give them a year - not accounting for spite. Throw in spite and I give them 2 years.

  24. Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    The owner is a Brewer...

  25. #25

    Default Re: Envy Clothing - downtown

    yeah, and johnnyboy is probably related to the owner.

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