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Thread: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

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  1. #1

    Default Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    There are some apartments that broke ground about three years ago on the east side of Penn around 37th. I used to drive by them everyday and I have not seen any progress in at least the last six months. Anyone know anything about this area? Any insite would be helpful.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    I don't know, but I'm as curious as you are.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    This is a photo from the county assessor's site from last November:

  4. #4

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete Brzycki View Post
    This is a photo from the county assessor's site from last November:

    What is the address for the property? I believe the picture you posted is from the east side of the property so it is hard to tell what kind of progress has been made.

    I am wondering if the property has been sold off several times or if the financing just wasn't there. Also over the last couple of months I have noticed that several windows facing the penn have gone missing.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    3720 N. Penn.

    According the assessor's site, the property hasn't changed hands since 1993.

    It's owned by a guy that owns several Family Dollar locations around town. Not sure what has stalled completion.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Yeah, I drove by it a few weeks ago and it's still not finished, as poster said above, these broke ground several years ago. It's a small complex as you can see, but will be much nicer housing in the "Gay District", as much of the area is run down.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Yeah it would be nice, if an investor would show the "Gay District" some love. That could be a happening area of town with some work. Look at Cedar Springs in Dallas, very hip.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    Yeah, I drove by it a few weeks ago and it's still not finished, as poster said above, these broke ground several years ago. It's a small complex as you can see, but will be much nicer housing in the "Gay District", as much of the area is run down.
    I don't think of that area as "run down." It's older, smaller homes, but I wouldn't describe it as run down. Aren't we talking about north of Rococo's a few blocks on N. Penn? Actually, many gays have bought a lot of those homes in through there and have done a lot of nice things with many of them. In fact, a lot of those homes have wood floors underneath decades of old carpet, they're solid structures and make nice urban homes. In my opinion anyway.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    That's an interesting thought as the only thing there right now are a bunch of bars and clubs.

    Most cities have whole districts of restaurants and retail stores that cater to largely gay populations.

  10. Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Those apartments have been sitting unfinished for more than a decade actually.

  11. #11
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    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Yeah it would be nice, if an investor would show the "Gay District" some love. That could be a happening area of town with some work. Look at Cedar Springs in Dallas, very hip.
    yeah, usually the gay district is one of the nicest in town, or at least one of the nicest rental districts in town. However, in OKC... not so much.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    Those apartments have been sitting unfinished for more than a decade actually.
    the property itself has been unfinished for about the last three to four years now. I know the property has been vacant but they haven't been working on the apartments for 10 years.

  13. Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Good timing. I was just getting on to start a thread about this very property. I wish I had something to add!

  14. #14

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    This is from 2005:

  15. Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    I remember them being at least partially constructed for that long.

  16. Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    True Solitude. But if you've ever seen Cedar Springs/Oak Lawn in Dallas, you would recognize how far behind OKC's gayborhood is.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Quote Originally Posted by jbrown84 View Post
    True Solitude. But if you've ever seen Cedar Springs/Oak Lawn in Dallas, you would recognize how far behind OKC's gayborhood is.
    No question about that (your comparision with Dallas). I was only responding to Metro calling much of the area as "run down."

  18. #18

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    I tried to buy those apartments just last week. The owner is asking 1.2 million for 20 units that are not even half finished. There is no gas, plumbing, electric, water. parking lot, etc. At that price I think they'll be vacant for quite a while.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Quote Originally Posted by SOONER44EVER View Post
    I tried to buy those apartments just last week. The owner is asking 1.2 million for 20 units that are not even half finished. There is no gas, plumbing, electric, water. parking lot, etc. At that price I think they'll be vacant for quite a while.
    Oh, great. Because they have held onto it for so long, they are obviously able to afford the holding costs and now it will sit there without any work.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    Must be a union Job!
    Just kidding.
    Or the owner is a homophobe and found out where it is located.

  21. #21

    Default Re: Any word on the apartments on 37th and Penn?

    The City should step in and either make them finish it or sell it -- especially if it's in a state of disrepair on a main thoroughfare.

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