get ready for THE summer exhibit/party of the year!
the studio is set for Saturday, August 2nd starting at noon and running until everyone is down and out!
"Heavy Metal 8two8" will feature 22 (at least!) Oklahoma artists working in metal combined with glass, wood, acrylic, paints and various other materials...
22 artists! count 'em, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, twenty-one, twenty-two...
t-w-e-n-t-y t-w-o a-r-t-i-s-t-s...holy mig welder batman!
asia, don, ron, joe, matt, kenny, kelley, klint, stan, clinton, randy, paul, dan, eric, chad, fitz, jim, rick, tracey, ru, skip, and me...
please come on out...drive, pedal, walk or fly in for this show!
31Deuce Studio, 312 ne 37th street in WayFab OKC!
heavy metal 8two8...
22 artists, welder-fu, gratuitous-dark-goggle-dancing, welding-helmet-anonymous-socializing, grinder-fu, hot heavy metal, hotter women....hot men welding, gratuitous finger food and cold beverage bonanza...dj-on-the-roof-fu...
four stars. joe bob sez, "check it out"...