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Thread: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

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  1. Default Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    Ha, Pete, how did you like the earthquake? Is this your first good sized one?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  2. #2

    Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    .oO(probably liked it as much as your next F4)Oo.

  3. Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    lol.. yeah, I'll bet ... even still, I'll take an earthquake, thank you very much.

    Even the 7.2 wasn't as scary or devastating as some of the damage I've seen tornados do.

    I think it all depends on what you're used to... any damage Pete?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  4. #4

    Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake killed 225,000 people compared to the 36 people killed by the May 3rd tornado we all remember.

    I'll take a tornado.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    When it hit, I was driving on a freeway and never felt a thing.

    I was listening to news radio and they immediately started screaming about a quake but even though I was near their broadcasting studio, I was completely unaware.

    Other people in stationery cars said if felt like someone was jumping up and down on their bumper. But I guess when you're moving, the car just absorbs all the shakes.

    It was big enough that most people were really rattled. But I'm happy to say that I missed out on it completely.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    I'd take a tornado any day....at least you have fair warning (most of the time) to get out of the way.

    I was in an earthquake in 1990 while living in Monterey, CA. We were about 40 miles from the epicenter, and as I recall, it was about on the same scale as todays....high 5's. It hit in the dead middle of the night. The bed started moving and shaking - almost scooting itself across the room. I completely freaked out. My California roommate slept through the quake, but not my panic attack.

    We vacation in San Francisco frequently, and though I've never experienced one there, I'm always ready to duck and dash in the nearest doorway.

  7. Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    ahhh, Pete, you got lucky, you can't feel much when driving.. although in the Loma Prieta, I honestly felt like I had a blowout.... in all four tires!

    It was so strange, all these cars pulled over to check the tires, literally got out and looked around and it didn't compute at first.. why were all these people having flat tires at once..lol.. then someone started yelling earthquake and we all looked at each other and knew it had to be a big one. Then everyone freaked trying to get to loved ones.. it was chaos.

    FritterGirl, we were neighbors in 1990!
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  8. Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    We had an earthquake today? It was major? I'll see whats on the news tonight.

    Are we getting more frequent earthquakes lately? I wonder if the BIG ONE is coming soon?

  9. #9

    Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    WE didn't have an earthquake here in Oklahoma today. Pete did. He lives in Malibu, California, where they experienced a quake.

    We have had some this past year, though. Really rather odd.

  10. Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    OMG I thought Pete was an Okie.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    Quote Originally Posted by Thunder View Post
    OMG I thought Pete was an Okie.
    He is, technically, in that he was born and raised here (as I recall). He NOW lives in sunny, and apparently shaky, Cal-i-for-ni-a.

    Until he bought the site, his former online nickname was MalibuSooner.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    Lol.. Google rocks.

    define: okie - Google Search

    "someone displaced from Oklahoma during the Great Depression of the 1920s; more generally, a poor white person"

  13. #13

    Default Re: Pete- Rocking and Rollin?

    I was driving thru LA yesterday when it hit. I thought I had a flat tire.
    Then the radio said we just had a quake.
    I miss the tornados.
    I remember going outside to watch them.
    That is how you spot a native okie.
    After all we know we are safe until Gary England calls our street to TAKE COVER NOW!

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