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Thread: Wine for a newbie

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  1. #1

    Default Wine for a newbie

    I've been reading about the benefits of drinking a glass of wine once a day. Its something I'm interested in checking out.

    Here's a little info about me: I'm not a drinker at all. I never go to bars. I don't like the taste of the beers or champagnes I have tried (which isn't many at all). I don't remember ever trying wine. So, maybe I'm just not an alcohol drinker in any form... but I figure wine is worth a try.

    I'm guessing a light sweet wine would be a good starting point for me, seeing as I don't like the bitter flavor of alcohol and I enjoy sweets.

    Any recommendations for an utter newbie? Types to begin with? Where to even buy it? A web site? Anything? Thanks!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    I'm the same way. I never drink; at my wedding I drank grape juice. Having so little experience with alcohol, I can't act as a connoisseur. However, I would recommend going with a blush at first. That's about as far as I can suggest. Someone else will have to recommend a brand, year, etc.

    I think most of the benefits of wine come from the antioxidants, which you can obtain in pill form. I take a Red Wine Extract pill daily. Best of luck in finding a wine to suit your tastes.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  3. #3

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    Try some wine tasting events. They are around the city all the time. That way you can get a small sample of all the different types, brands, tastes, etc. without wasting an entire glass/bottle and money. Wine isn't a cheap choice in alcohol. Well, I guess it can be...but I'm thinking with your preferences it's not going to be. Unless you go for wine coolers.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke View Post
    I've been reading about the benefits of drinking a glass of wine once a day. Its something I'm interested in checking out.

    Here's a little info about me: I'm not a drinker at all. I never go to bars. I don't like the taste of the beers or champagnes I have tried (which isn't many at all). I don't remember ever trying wine. So, maybe I'm just not an alcohol drinker in any form... but I figure wine is worth a try.

    I'm guessing a light sweet wine would be a good starting point for me, seeing as I don't like the bitter flavor of alcohol and I enjoy sweets.

    Any recommendations for an utter newbie? Types to begin with? Where to even buy it? A web site? Anything? Thanks!
    Here's an article at this link that might interest you related to this subject:
    Red Wine - Heart Health Benefits?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    So maybe grapes and a vitamin will do. Who knows?

  6. #6

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke View Post
    So maybe grapes and a vitamin will do. Who knows?

    Don't forget the fish oils. Omega 3's, particularly EPA and DHA, are the best things I've added to my dietary supplements. In the future, I wouldn't be surprised to find out they reduce the effects of global warming. They're that beneficial! At least do yourself a favor and google their effects.

    Oh, and if you're looking for another great antioxidant, try some Alpha-Lipoic Acid.
    ...this shortest straw has been pulled for you

  7. #7

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by Luke View Post
    So maybe grapes and a vitamin will do. Who knows?

    Unless you are looking for something to give you a little buzz, yeah, it appears that grapes and vitamins will do the trick. Of course, if it's the buzz you are wanting, then you'll have to go with the wine to get that effect along with the health benefits. Just depends on what you are looking for.

  8. #8
    MadMonk Guest

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    I'm no expert, but just experiment and drink what you like. Not all good wines are expensive and not all expensive ones are good.

    For a little wine education with a comedic twist see if you can locate a DVD of "John Cleese's Wine for the Confused". It's very informative without being boring.
    Wine for the Confused (2004) (TV)

  9. Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    I would pass on the wine if you are just doing it for health reasons. The damage is does to your liver and increased chances of various cancers outweigh the health benefits in my personal opinion. Plus, you run the risk of alcoholism creeping up on you.

    But, having said all that, I love a good glass of wine .. but I'm not really drinking it just for the health reasons either.

    My doctor says one glass of red wine a day is fine ... but more than that becomes unhealthy and erases the benefits, but again, if you're not a drinker, why start now?
    " You've Been Thunder Struck ! "

  10. Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    Eh, if you do decide to drink the wine, I would recommend Yellow Tail, it's Australian, and go with a merlot. It's cheap, yet refined.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    Okay, well I have a suggestion or two. First, white wines are usually a lot easier for folks to start on. They are usually more flavorful. Reds are more intense usually and the really dry ones might require that you really enjoy the taste of alcohol. There are also "blushes" which are kind of a cross between a white and red and are often sweet.

    A very good starter blush wine that is sweet but not too sweet and very inexpensive is Barringer White Zinfindel. It costs about $6 but is great. Start with that.

    If you like sweet wines you might try some German white wines. For a tamer white that is a good quality wine maybe try a Robert Mondavi.

    If you want to see if you like really 'dry' red wines a good starter one of these might be a Forrest Glen Merlot.

    That might be a bit too much for you though. A really good type of red to start out on is a cabernet sauvignon. It is dry but not as dry as a merlot and still has some flavor to it. There are lots of good cabs out there, just try one.

    Most of the studies I have read say that it is red wine that you get the health benefits from.

    Hope that helps some.

  12. Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    MMM.. Cabernet Sauvignon, I didn't think of that... i've much preferred Merlot with my meals.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    I would recommend going to a wine bar and experimenting. A place like Bin 73 is a good example. Most of the time the staff of a wine bar is pretty well-informed about the wines they serve. Bin (and others) have "flights" where you can sample several wines side-by-side. The wine shop next door carries the wine they serve as well (you'll find that oftentimes you find a wine you like in a bar / restaurant only to never be able to locate it in a liquor store). If you find one you like, don't be shy about writing down the name and vintage so you can find it later. Many times I just plug the name into my Blackberry for future reference.

    You'll also find that the same wine can vary in taste depending on whether it is served properly (temparature, etc.). That being said, don't get too hung up on the rules. You don't have to be a "wine snob" to enjoy a nice bottle of wine.


  14. #14

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    just grab a box of franzia and go to work

  15. #15

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    if you are going to go for a "box wine" go for Black Box Wine. its the best when it comes to boxed wines...

  16. #16

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    get a cheap box of mexican wine.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Wine for a newbie

    Quote Originally Posted by metro View Post
    get a cheap box of mexican wine.
    You drink?

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