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Thread: Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

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  1. #1
    Patrick Guest

    Default Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

    I was just curious how many people here try to include religion in the lives of their children.

    I, for one, think it's extremely important. Ever since we've taken God out of our schools and out of our families, society has crumbled. As our nation continues to move away from God, society will continue to go off the deep end.

    Hopefully the last election was the start of a revival in this nation, for the religious people.

    That's my 2 cents.

  2. Default Re: Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

    Although I support a person's right to chosen religion, if I had kids, I would allow them to choose for themselves which one, if any, they wanted. It is their life. Not mine. I would only be a guide.

  3. #3
    SoundMind Guest

    Default Re: Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

    I agree with both Patrick and Mr. Anderson. We need to encourage parents to include ethics and religion in their parenting. But, later in life, we need to allow our children the right to make their own decisions. Far too often, parents are unwilling to cut the apron strings. This can lead to a whole other round of problems.

  4. #4
    ~~*DarlingDiva*~~ Guest

    Post Re: Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

    Hey Patrick,

    I have done the Santa thing with my kids My youngest Jesse is 11 so he knows about Santa not being real.But yes I let both of my boys experience that.I grew up that way and I wanted them to have that same magical wonder of Christmas that I did.But I also went to a Private Christian school as a child so I also knew from a very young age what Christmas was really about.So Basically my boys grew up with both sides Santa and knowing about the Birth of Jesus.


  5. Default Re: Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

    Diva: I am curious about something. As a parent, have you ever told your children about St. Nicholas, the Patron Saint of Giving? He was the insperation for what we grew to know as Santa Claus.

  6. Default Re: Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

    Yes, I do think that religion is a very important part of my child's life. I don't really care for the word religion- I think in my beliefs it's more of a relationship you have with your Maker!

    "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it".

  7. Default Re: Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

    I agree fully with Relax...not much I can add on to it really...good parenting goes a long way and it should start somewhere...

  8. #8
    Keith Guest

    Default Re: Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

    I'm with relaxationstation, on the word "religion." To me, that's a very general word. In my house, Christianity is taught. It was taught to my kids as soon as they were born, and it continues on today.

    Once they get older, then they will have to make their own decisions, however, if their foundation is planted on the Word of God, chances are they will stay with what they were taught.

    "Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it", Proverbs 22:6

  9. #9
    Patrick Guest

    Default Re: Do you make religion a part of your child's life?

    I suppose I should've said religious beliefs! Lol!

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