kevinpate, this is how I interpreted it as well, as a board member of Urban Neighbors. We will be posting a link to the recorded meeting with Mayor Cornett soon on the
Home | Urban Neighbors website. I will notify when it is up. Yes, Mayor Cornett is supportive of light rail, he stated something similar to what kevinpate mentioned, he's not supporting OKC front all the costs. He hinted at a countywide system in which if other suburbs wanted to be a part of it, they would have to split the costs. I don't blame OKC for that. He also stated light rail would probably be a part of MAPS 3 and start with inner city lines from OUHSC and State Capitol into downtown.
As far as the Chamber employees living in Edmond, Choctaw, etc. I have heard no factual evidence from Blazersfan and others, however it wouldn't surprise me if many of them did live in suburbs.