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Thread: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

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  1. #1

    Default Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    I found this most interesting:

    Last week I wrote about the 2nd annual fund-raiser for the Council of American Islamic Relations of Oklahoma and the whitewashed job the Oklahoman did in covering this event.

    The keynote speaker was Dr. Don Betz. And as predicted it was covered by Dubai-based Islamonline

    ---After doing some followup, I found that he is the new President at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma! From the NSU we learn more about Don Betz:

    ...In 1982, he began his association with the United Nations as a consultant, and subsequently liaison officer, at the International Conference on the Question of Palestine. Two years later, he served as political affairs and liaison officer, at the UN conference on the Division for Palestinian Rights.

    ---The Oklahoman (Oklahoma City newspaper) didn't mention Betz was NSU's new president. They reported he was the cancellor at the University of Wisconsin. Did they simply not do their homework? Oops, I forgot - they did a fluff piece for CAIR. CAIR didn't mention it either on their website. Why?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Met him in what now seems another life, long ago. Interesting man.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    I interviewed him a couple of times when I was with UCO's TV station. He's a good guy. Very deserving of the post at NSU.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Quote Originally Posted by Major View Post
    I found this most interesting:

    Last week I wrote about the 2nd annual fund-raiser for the Council of American Islamic Relations of Oklahoma and the whitewashed job the Oklahoman did in covering this event.

    The keynote speaker was Dr. Don Betz. And as predicted it was covered by Dubai-based Islamonline

    ---After doing some followup, I found that he is the new President at Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma! From the NSU we learn more about Don Betz:

    ...In 1982, he began his association with the United Nations as a consultant, and subsequently liaison officer, at the International Conference on the Question of Palestine. Two years later, he served as political affairs and liaison officer, at the UN conference on the Division for Palestinian Rights.

    ---The Oklahoman (Oklahoma City newspaper) didn't mention Betz was NSU's new president. They reported he was the cancellor at the University of Wisconsin. Did they simply not do their homework? Oops, I forgot - they did a fluff piece for CAIR. CAIR didn't mention it either on their website. Why?
    I don't understand. Did you write another post on this gentleman? I cannot find it if you did. Outside of the Oklahoman omitting information in a story about him, what point are you trying to make?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Quote Originally Posted by FritterGirl View Post
    I don't understand. Did you write another post on this gentleman? I cannot find it if you did. Outside of the Oklahoman omitting information in a story about him, what point are you trying to make?
    I think it's that the guy DARES to associate himself with CAIR and may not be --- (OMG!) --- a Christian.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Sorry, I left off the link to the whole story. Hope this will help:

    zTruth : Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

  7. #7

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Looks like I was pretty much right. Personally, I think organized religion based on "faith" is a little strange; so Islam no more so than Christianity. Major, by looking at his blog, is a tad far to the right of right. He makes David Duke look like a liberal. This picture on his blog is despicable. A picture of Senator Obama with an Islamic flag and the World Trade Center being hit? Disgusting! Shame on you "Major!"

  8. #8

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Ah, diverting from the subject of the thread. That's a tactic CAIR and their supporters use all the time but everyone sees right throught it.

    But let's do divert for a moment: Barack Obama, on the surface, is a very likeable person. He is a brillant speaker but under the surface there are problems.

    The picture: Rev. Jeremiah Wright blamed America for 9/11---the hijackers who flew planes into buildings did it for Islam---Wright is anti-white like Louis Farrakhan---the flag is Farrakhan's Nations of Islam flag---Barack Obama's church gave Farrakhan an honor last December---Barack Obama has been sitting in Wright's church for 20 years having accepted a form Christianity that is not mainstream which is premised on blacks as victims of white supremacy as the foundation of their beliefs. That's Black Liberation Theology. I guess you haven't studied it. I could have also added the Hamas flag to the picture since Obama's pastor and personal friend (there is a video of Obama saying this) published an article by Hamas in the church bulletin on the Pastor's Page.

    Many would consider this a seriously false Christian doctrine. Barack Obama's decision to believe in this form of Christianity is the far, far bigger issue here.

    Distancing himself from Wright is just politcal pandering. That's a bait and switch tactic that's is as dishonest has I've ever seen. Wright is merely preaching what Obama's "church" stands for. This doesn't solve the problem of the type of Christianity Obama believes in.

    Black Theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified totally with the goals of the Black community." If God is not for us and AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE... James Cone

    James Cone is the person who created Black Liberation Theology adopted by Barak Obama's church of choice.

    Cone also said: My theology brings together Martin Luther King Jr., the Civil Rights movement together with the Black Power Movement, this symbol of being black in a white racist society---Christianity did not address my blackness---Malcolm X was a Muslim who rejected Christianity because it didn't address his blackness.

    ---The blackness comes from Malcolm X------America is defined by White supremacy------There are nine Supreme Court justices - all of them white as far as I'm concerned although one may look black but he is white.

    So, to me, you are saying the truth is to the right of David Duke, which doesn't make any sense.

    Read more here: Are Barack Obama's Christian beliefs based on a false doctrine?

    Now to get this thread back on track:

    The Council of American Islamic Relations of Oklahoma had as their keynote speaker the new President of Northeaster State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma, Dr. Don Betz.. A fact the Oklahoman and CAIR left out of both their articles. CAIR's article was even published on the Dubai-based Islamonline website.

    First, review a brief flow chart of the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR and maybe you will understand this a little better.

    By all means, if I'm inaccurate kindly provide proof sources other than just saying so. Because if I have made an error, I will stand corrected. But to fire-back with names calling or other tactics is useless. Just prove me wrong, please.

  9. Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Quote Originally Posted by Major View Post
    The picture: Rev. Jeremiah Wright blamed America for 9/11---the hijackers who flew planes into buildings did it for Islam---

    I just wanted to point out to you that when Wright said those things...He was quoting Edward Peck, a US Ambassador to Iraq and Deputy Director of Ronald Reagan's terrorism task force.

    Anderson Cooper 360: Blog Archive - The full story behind Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s 9/11 sermon « - Blogs from CNN.com

  10. #10

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Quote Originally Posted by Major
    The picture: Rev. Jeremiah Wright blamed America for 9/11
    So did Jerry Falwell.

  11. Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    At least the new president is not an emo that would be horrible!!!! LOL

  12. #12

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    I'm still waiting for someone to prove my flowchart wrong. I suspect this can't be done because it should be accurate but I'm open to see what you have to prove it wrong.

    This flowchart is just a small piece of the puzzle about what has been uncovered by the FBI and the pentration into America by the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters. This should concern you greatly.

    The more you know - the better we all can work together to keep America's freedom safeguarded for you children and their children.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Quote Originally Posted by Major View Post
    I'm still waiting for someone to prove my flowchart wrong. I suspect this can't be done because it should be accurate but I'm open to see what you have to prove it wrong.

    This flowchart is just a small piece of the puzzle about what has been uncovered by the FBI and the pentration into America by the Muslim Brotherhood and their supporters. This should concern you greatly.

    The more you know - the better we all can work together to keep America's freedom safeguarded for you children and their children.
    I won't even bother looking at your flowchart after your putting Senator Obama's picture in front of the burning World Trade Center towers - that's shameful. What does he have to do with that? You are a disgrace.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Quote Originally Posted by solitude View Post
    I won't even bother looking at your flowchart after your putting Senator Obama's picture in front of the burning World Trade Center towers - that's shameful. What does he have to do with that? You are a disgrace.
    It is a disgrace. And what is it doing on Metro Talk?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Quote Originally Posted by okiebadger View Post
    It is a disgrace. And what is it doing on Metro Talk?
    Yeah.....what it's doing in Metro Talk?

  16. #16

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    I'm still waiting for someone to prove my flowchart wrong. I suspect this can't be done because it should be accurate but I'm open to see what you have to prove it wrong.
    This is a favorite conspiracy buff tactic – 'Here's my accusation. Now prove to me I'm wrong.'

    But that's not the way it works. You have to prove your allegation. And by 'prove,' I don't mean pull quotes from some other conspiracy buff web site.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Major's favorite tactic is to come on these boards spewing some sort of xenophobic cr@p, then puffs his chest daring the rest of us to refute him.

    He's contributed nothing positive to these forums, and is best left ignored, IMO.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Solitude, shame on you for putting that dispicable picture here. This board is just for fluff talk. didn't you know?

    Sorry, for wanting to have a honest discussion about the truth regarding an organization that has come to Oklahoma and partnered with all the Islamic Societies in our state. Sorry for raising a concern that a possible Islamist or Islamist sympathizer is now the President of Northeaster State University.

    Sorry for being worried about the Islamist inflitration in our state.

    Instead the best you all can do is blast the messenger.


  19. #19

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Quote Originally Posted by Major View Post
    Solitude, shame on you for putting that dispicable picture here. This board is just for fluff talk. didn't you know?

    Sorry, for wanting to have a honest discussion about the truth regarding an organization that has come to Oklahoma and partnered with all the Islamic Societies in our state. Sorry for raising a concern that a possible Islamist or Islamist sympathizer is now the President of Northeaster State University.

    Sorry for being worried about the Islamist inflitration in our state.

    Instead the best you all can do is blast the messenger.

    The burden of proof is on you, and a list of unsupported allegation doesn't even come close.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!


    perhaps a more productive use of your time would be the approach the regents, the faculty senate, student senate and student body of NSU with your concerns.

    These folks, the ones most impacted by his presence, may take up your concern and rally, rise up and float him off down the river.

    Of course, they may also laugh themselves silly over your perspective of the man.

    Either way, by golly, your voice will have been heard and the will of the people will prevail. God bless America, NSU, and these United States of America

  21. Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    it's common knowledge that CAIR is a terrorist organization.

  22. #22

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Quote Originally Posted by edcrunk View Post
    it's common knowledge that CAIR is a terrorist organization.
    Common knowledge is more often wrong than right. There was a time, not so long ago in the sweep of history, when it was common knowledge that witches cause disease in animals and even humans. Therefore witches were hunted and executed.

  23. #23

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    Excellent post Major! It may not be under the appropriate topic but its true. Glenn Beck has done some extensive and interesting research on this subject.

  24. Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    okay then...
    many credible persons have provided evidence that CAIR donates a lot of money to terrorist organizations.

    plus their own words expose them for who they are.

  25. #25

    Default Re: Dr. Don Betz, keynote speaker at CAIR-OK fund-raiser is new president of NSU!

    There is a lot of documentation about Islamist infiltration into the U.S. including CAIR's own Nihad Awad who was captured on FBI survelliance attending a HAMAS meeting in the U.S. in 1993. This tape also proved he lied when asked about this meeting in a deposition in a lawsuit. At the time, Hamas was not official labeled a terrorist group - this didn't happen until 1995 but Hamas was on the radar of the federal government as harmful to the U.S. the time of the meeting and well before.

    This is the same man who was at the CAIR-OK dinner speaking along side Dr. Donald Betz, the new president of NSU in Talequah, OK. This event was published on Dubai-based Islamonline See, the Islamic world is following the advance of Islam in Oklahoma.

    Anyway, it would probably take a small book to present all the documentation about CAIR and stuff but here's one thing that might interest you:

    The U.S. government conducted a major 3-day raid on a Muslim computer company in Texas a few days before 9/11. This company, Infocom, hosted about 500 mostly Arab websites, including Al Jazeera. All Infocom employees, I believe, are now in prison.

    InfoCom began to be seriously investigated by the FBI in late 1998 when the name of an employee was discovered in the address book of bin Laden’s former personal secretary, according to cooperativeresearch. One employee, Ghassan Elashi founded the CAIR chapter in Texas. There is more info about this here.

    CAIR called the raid an "ANTI-MUSLIM WITCH HUNT" as documented by the U.S. government on their Minerva project that took snapshots of websites that could pertain to the 9/11 attack.here.

    Wow, what an amazing coincidence.

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