Heavy sigh.. Tornado season.. Warnings again tonight.. hating it!
Will I EVER get used to this???
Heavy sigh.. Tornado season.. Warnings again tonight.. hating it!
Will I EVER get used to this???
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
El Reno's getting the blunt of it right now.
Short answer: Yes, yes you will. In fact, many of us that have grown up here have come to look forward to it Okies are crazy, it's a fact.
I have been fascinated with tornadoes since I was a kid, and a supercell turned the sky completely dark green. It was rotating very low and passed right over my house. My mom was telling me to get in the house,but I was completely paralized by the sight.Now I see on CNN all of these people that pay thosands of dollars to come to Oklahoma to chase tornadoes......who knows karried maybe you can turn your fear into profit.
I've been an OKCer almost all of my life, save a few post-college years when I deemed it time to travel and world and explore other places to live, which I did.
I grew up "around" tornadoes, or at least, around the possibility of tornadoes. I've been pulled out of bed by parents and thrown hastily in the sunken bathtub to be covered by mattesses (c. 1974). I've been pulled out of a dance recital because "the big one" was getting ready to take a direct hit at McGuinness High School (c. 1981) - that tornado never touched down). I watched from the 21st floor of "The Tower" on NW Expressway when the rain-wrapped May 3rd tornado laid siege to south OKC, west Moore and MWC. I bunkered down in a cold storage room in an Edmond Sonic one week before my wedding date with my now-husband and 8 1/2-months pregnant matron of honor, and listened to the radio as the weather announcer described the 2003 tornado passing right over the condo where I was then living. (long, but very very funny story).
I've succumbed to the "thrill of the moment" more times than I can count - daring to run outside just to see if I could sneak a peek at impending doom when the weathermen said, "take shelter now!"
But, never, never in my life had I ever felt as scared as I did last night when, after being awakened by sirens, did we hear the tv announcer say "I see a lowering at 178th and Penn."
Some would say a measly 3/4-mile is still okay (it struck two neighborhoods down from us). I call that "spittin' distance," and during tornado season, "spittin' distance" does not sit well with this (almost) lifelong Okie!
So, while it passed overhead, in the closet I sat, bunkered down with two dogs, two cats, and other important sundry items. While there, I watched from the corner of the closet through the bathroom window the big blue "flash" that was immediately followed by our electricity going out. Guess whatever "it" was struck a power line about a mile north.
While we weathered things just fine (husband kept an eye on the tv while I wrangled critters and important papers into the closet), I have to admit, this one was just a bit too close for comfort. Even this morning I still feel a bit on the shaken AND stirred side. Maybe I need to take Doug's advice and grab some green beans. Better yet, I might just try a martini next time.
I know, .... and now it's heading my way.. and I'm sort of scared. I really hate tornadoes especially at night .. I don't think I'll ever get used to this.
The lightning is crazy right now....
I'm sure it will be fine but you never know.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Karrie, when I was a little kid living at my grandmother's house in Clinton (she had a cobweb filled "storm shelter" outside her back door), I used to dream of Oklahoma storms ... I think sometimes (in my dreams) that I could control them with some pre-digital-age-device.
Tonight, but for the TV being on in the next room, I wouldn't even be noticing ... but it's good to have the TV on in case harm comes this way ... but there's no emotional factor involved at all.
HOWEVER, Since you were NOT a kid growing up with this, you are probably doomed with emotional Oklahoma storm issues for the rest of your life!
Just kidding, girl! You'll be fine!
lol.. I am doomed!
I love this guy, but Rick Mitchell just freaks me out. It's like a car wreck, I can't stop watching!
Honestly, I am glad for the coverage but I wonder about it really freaking me out more than necessary... because, frankly, about now, I'm pretty freaked out!
Seriously, looking at this weather map.. it is heading right towards my house, with my sleeping kids upstairs....
I've just seen so much destruction in the media from tornados so I know they can do serious damage.
I actually worry about all of my friends here too!
The sirens just get my heart pounding like you'd never believe.
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
Take a deep breath and eat some green beans. That's what I'M doing!
You really do come to love it... Or maybe it's something you have to be raised with your whole life in order to ever love it. I just think it's a great adrenaline rush to watch the emergency weather broadcasts during tornado season.
For a humorous spin, check out the Gary England Drinking Game. People who appreciate Gary and Val's storm coverage will find these instructions hilarious:
Ryan McGhee - Gary England Drinking Game
I never really was afraid until May 3rd, it really impacted my families life. We lost two great grandparents in midwest city, and my mother and I were seperated from the rest of the family which were huddled together in the path of the tornado. Thankfully no one was hurt, but still, i'll never forget that day, especially losing great grandparents.
For the most part larger cities are less likely to be hit by a tornado, but it does happen.
You can tell the weather guys really love this time of year. You can get pulled into their hypnotic web. I remember, as a kid I hated it when they always break in just when a show was getting good. Now they just stay on, everyone is wall to wall coverage.
What I thought was great was tonight while watching Rick and Gary and the guy on 4, Cox kept interrupting the weather/severe storm reports with NWS warnings. I have never seen that before. Breaking into severe storm coverage to report severe storm coverage. Only in Oklahoma.
The TV stations spend more on their weather division than all the others put together. It is crazy.
But Karried...once you have been here for a while...it becomes almost a non-event. Tonight...they kept blowing the sirens here in my neighborhood. We turned on the TV just to make sure it wasn't coming our way..(and it wasn't) and we just went about our business. In fact...they just went off, and I'm going to bed. I just doesn't bother me anymore. I turn on the TV just to see where it is...and if it isn't about to hit my house...then I just don't worry. Been through too many of them to worry anymore. Never had my house hit...but I have been pretty close.
I worry more about the hail than I do tornados.
You know, I wish they wouldn't "test" the sirens on Saturdays...those sirens went off last night and I was asleep, and immediately started dreaming that it was Saturday at noon.
Not until my husband came bursting through the door (he hadn't been watching but had stayed up just in case) did I wake up. I turned on the tv, saw it was more in my sister's hood, called her, he called his Edmond-dwelling parents, and I went to bed, knowing there was nothing I could do.
Not saying I slept much after that, but there was no immediate reason for me to freak out.
Still corrupting young minds
No posts after 11:30 pm. The tornado must have ate her...
lol.... I unplugged my computer... lightening strikes.
Okay, this one was toooo close for comfort. I live pretty close to area that a tornado touched down and destroyed some roofs..... I actually slept through the Hail ( which my husband said was really loud!) but woke up to the sirens and TV coverage and hubby saying ' it's headed right this direction' talk about a wake up call!
But, we didn't panic ( like I used to) ...
I listened to Rick, put on my helmet, sat in the closet and ate some green beans (based on Doug's recommendation).
He was right, I am fine!
lol.. I think I am getting a little more jaded.. it's taking more than an impending tornado to get me out of bed at 2:00am!
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
I hear Ambien can silence a tornado siren
The thing that I dont understand is it appears that if they need to sound one siren, then all of OKC siren must be sounded too. I live around OCU and the storm that they were sounding the sirens for was 10 miles to the north. I dont need to be awaken for that. Cant they locate a group of sirens in the vicinity of the tornado activity.
That's an easy one... I use bubble wrap!But where did you get your special tornado hat?
I have the visual of our family sitting in the closet eating green beans and happily popping the bubbles on our hats...
ahhhh, making memories ! lol
" You've Been Thunder Struck ! "
I went outside and watched the power flashes and saw all of Edmond lose power. Thought about you Karrie, and I actually envisioned you sitting in your closet with a mattress over your head. But you weren't eating green beans in my image. If that one didn't freak you out you will be okay. That was the closest one has been to your house since 1986.
I went to sleep with the tv on though because while watching the weather earlier that night, I already decided with the weather behavior and patterns there was no way it was going to stay moving in an Eastern direction. I knew it would be headed towards Guthrie. That makes night number 3 of no sleep for me.
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