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Thread: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

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  1. #1

    Default Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    Attention to whomever keeps the stats on holes & chunks of concrete falling out of the Crosstown on Wikipedia:

    At I-40 & Classen, apparently Classen is closed as well to fix the highway above. This is something like 3 chunks now since November. At this rate we're looking at give or take 10 lookie throughs (holes) before the new route is built!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    I have alarmist tendencies at times... but I've got a baaaaaaaaaaaad feeling about this...

  3. Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    The NewsOK story said it was a one foot hole.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    Haha you make that should small.

  5. Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    I drove by today about 2:30pm on Reno when I crossed Classen and saw that they had the road blocked by three cops. I didn't see any debris on the ground underneath but I figured another piece had fallen through again.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    I no longer use the Crosstown. I don't miss it, I don't mind the slight inconvenience from time to time, and it's one less worry for my own safety. I've enjoyed watching my kiddos grow up, and I prefer it stays that way.

  7. Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    "Big League City" with roads not fit for college ball...HA!

  8. Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    Quote Originally Posted by gnomeok View Post
    "Big League City" with roads not fit for college ball...HA!
    I assume your implication is that we spent the money on the wrong thing. Are you not aware that we are building a new crosstown right now??

  9. Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    Just like the bond issue for the repair of roads in the more upscale areas while leaving the bumpy roads in and around downtown untouched. Things need to be done more quickly about these thoroughfares...and should have been done before we even considered a major sports team. I'd hate to see us with the reputation of the ghetto of the NBA.

  10. Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    Quote Originally Posted by gnomeok View Post
    Just like the bond issue for the repair of roads in the more upscale areas while leaving the bumpy roads in and around downtown untouched. Things need to be done more quickly about these thoroughfares...and should have been done before we even considered a major sports team. I'd hate to see us with the reputation of the ghetto of the NBA.
    The list of "things we need to do first" is endless. If you think other NBA cities have perfect, shiny new roads, then you are mistaken. I was in Los Angeles a couple weeks ago, and their inner city roads are just as bad as ours, plus they have no dedicated turn lanes or green arrows.

    And your assertion that no inner-city roads are part of the bond issue is completely untrue.

    2 Meridian Avenue, Portland Avenue, NW 50th Street, NW 36th Street $5,199,000
    3 Meridian Avenue, Portland Avenue, NW 36th Street, NW 23rd Street $6,823,000
    6 May Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, NW 50th Street, NW 36th Street $7,816,000
    8 Pennsylvania Avenue, Western Avenue , SW 44th Street, SW 59th Street $7,675,000
    9 MacArthur Boulevard, Meridian Avenue, NW 23rd Street, NW 10th Street $4,601,000
    10 Meridian Avenue, Portland Avenue, SW 15th Street, SW 29th Street $2,783,000
    12 Rockwell Avenue, MacArthur Boulevard, NW 23rd Street, NW 10th Street $2,852,000
    16 Western Avenue , Santa Fe Avenue, SW 44th Street, SW 59th Street $6,595,000
    19 Western Avenue , I-235, NW 23rd Street, NW 10th Street $8,767,000
    20 Portland Avenue, May Avenue, Reno Avenue, SW 15th Street $2,370,000
    21 May Avenue, Pennsylvania Avenue, SW 15th Street, SW 29th Street $5,986,000
    22 Pennsylvania Avenue, Western Avenue , SW 15th Street, SW 29th Street $6,446,000
    26 Kelley Avenue, ML KING, NE 23rd Street, NE 10TH $8,830,000

    1 Broadway Avenue, NW 6th Street to Sheridan Avenue Avenue $1,550,000
    3 Classen Boulevard, NW 23rd Street to NW 30th Street $5,000,000
    4 Classen Drive, in the vicinity of NW 10th Street to Harvey Avenue and NW 8th Street $2,500,000
    6 Dewey, California to Main Street $425,000
    7 EK Gaylord/Sheilds Boulevard, Reno Avenue to SW 4th Street $2,200,000
    8 Harrison Street, NE 4th Street to Interstate 235 $680,000
    9 Harvey Avenue, Reno Avenue south to approximately currently existing Interstate 40 $1,000,000
    10 Harvey Avenue, Park Avenue to Sheridan Avenue $2,000,000
    11 Hudson Avenue, NW 5th Street to Reno Avenue $1,800,000
    12 Hudson Avenue, Reno Avenue to Relocated Interstate 40 $2,500,000
    13 Kelley Avenue, NE 23rd Street to NE 50th Street $4,500,000
    14 Lee, California to Main Street $475,000
    15 Lottie Street, NE 4th Street to NE 8th Street $260,000
    16 Martin Luther King Boulevard, NE 4th Street to NE 10th Street $198,000
    17 May Avenue, NW 10th Street to Reno Avenue $3,000,000
    18 NE 13th Street, Lincoln Boulevard to Lottie Street $2,000,000
    19 NE 4th Street, Lincoln Boulevard to Martin Luther King Boulevard $755,000
    20 NE 8th Street, Lottie Street to Martin Luther King Boulevard $625,000
    21 NW 10th Street Broadway Avenue to Interstate 235 $500,000
    23 NW 10th Street MacArthur Boulevard to Rockwell Avenue $2,000,000
    24 NW 10th Street Meridian Avenue to MacArthur Boulevard $2,000,000
    25 NW 10th Street Pennsylvania Avenue to May Avenue $3,000,000
    26 NW 10th Street Portland Avenue to Meridian Avenue $2,000,000
    28 NW 10th Street, Walker Avenue to Western Avenue $1,000,000
    29 NW 11th, Shartel to Walker Avenue $505,000
    30 NW 23rd Street and adjacent right of way, Blackwelder Avenue to Kentuck Avenue and NW 25th Street from Blackwelder Avenue east to Classen Boulevard $2,000,000
    31 NW 23rd Street, Ann Arbor to Peniel $4,000,000
    32 NW 23rd Street Interstate 44 to Tulsa $4,200,000
    33 NW 23rd Street, Tulsa to Ann Arbor $4,200,000
    34 NW 8th Street, Shartel Avenue to Walker Avenue $505,000
    35 Oklahoma, Reno Avenue to approximately currently existing Interstate 40 $2,500,000
    36 Park Avenue, Hudson Avenue to Broadway Avenue $687,000
    37 Pedestrian curb ramps for ADA compliant bus stops, citywide $1,312,500
    39 Reno Avenue, Lincoln Boulevard to Martin Luther King Boulevard $3,125,000
    40 Reno Avenue, Western Avenue to BNSF Railroad $3,000,000
    41 Robinson Avenue, NW 10th Street to Reno Avenue $2,000,000
    42 Robinson Avenue, Reno Avenue to SW 15th Street $3,700,000
    43 Shartel Avenue, California to Main Street $450,000
    44 Shartel Avenue, NW 8th Street to NW 13th Street $850,000
    45 Sheridan Avenue, Shartel to Dewey $1,012,500
    46 Sheridan Avenue, Western Avenue east to BNSF Railroad $3,000,000
    47 SW 44th Street Blackwelder Avenue to Walker Avenue $3,300,000
    51 Walker Avenue, Reno Avenue Boulevard to Relocated Interstate 40 $3,000,000
    52 Western Avenue , NW 18th Street to NW 23rd Street $2,000,000
    53 Western Avenue , NW 36th Street to NW 63rd Street $3,300,000
    54 Within an area bounded by Classen Boulevard, EK Gaylord, NW 13th Street and Reno Avenue Avenue, which may include boundary streets $5,000,000
    55 Within an area bounded by NE 8th Street, NE 6th Street and Lincoln Bouldevard, Kelley Avenue, which may include boundary streets $5,000,000
    56 Within an area bounded by Villa Avenue, Pershing, NW 1st and Pennsylvania Avenue $3,000,000
    57 Within an area bounded by Sheridan Avenue, Oklahoma River, Western and Lincoln

    2007 Bond Issue

  11. #11

    Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    I think once the crosstown move is complete, and the Blvd. is completed as well, OKC will have a GREAT reputation, and if we can keep the national eye on what will be as opposed to what has been/ is then we will be no different than say...Chicago or Phoenix!

    Heres to the new crosstown...heres to the NBA and heres to Devon for their new tower.... but most of all HERES TO YOU OKLAHOMA CITY!

  12. #12

    Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    Quote Originally Posted by sethsrott View Post
    I think once the crosstown move is complete, and the Blvd. is completed as well, OKC will have a GREAT reputation, and if we can keep the national eye on what will be as opposed to what has been/ is then we will be no different than say...Chicago or Phoenix!

    Heres to the new crosstown...heres to the NBA and heres to Devon for their new tower.... but most of all HERES TO YOU OKLAHOMA CITY!
    Yeah, we'll be just like those cities... except about 1/10 as big.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Another Hole in the Crosstown!

    OKC won't be the ghetto of the NBA .. OKC won't even be the cow pasture of the NBA ... sheesh, I barely even pay attention to b-ball and even I can figure that one out. Go back and read in just the last few weeks. If more folks locally would start seeing OKC as outsiders are already seeing it, we'd probably see a tad more swagger in their steps as they are out and about.

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